Need a new GPS which one?


I have 200w want to upgrade to one with street names.

Garmin-Nuvi 855, 200W, etrex vista
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The one...

With the highest model number at a price you're willing to pay.

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

Try the 7xx

The 700 series of Nuvi's which have since been replaced by the 7x5 and now the 1xxx are probably the best units of the whole Garmin Nuvi line. If you can still find them, the price will be great and they are still fully supported by Garmin.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

I have the 660

but I assume the 850 is even better (higher number = better, that's how marketing seems to work nowadays)'s only $199 so doesn't seem like there's much risk at that price.

Nuvi 780

at for ~$200. It comes with 3 months of MSN so you can try that feature out.

"It's not where you start, but where you end up." Where am I and what am I doing in this hand basket?

higher model number = better?

johnnatash4 wrote:

...(higher number = better, that's how marketing seems to work nowadays)...

You might want to spend some time reading user comments in this and other forums before making that assumption. You won't find universal agreement with your statement.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

I agree, I have had the 660,

I agree, I have had the 660, 680, and now 880 and I feel that I got ripped on the 880 since some of the features on 700 series was better than the 800 series and now my unit has been discontinued, would you believe in less than a year it was released..

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

Pretty much the same

That's the same for the 7xx models as well, discontinued within about a year of their first release. Both the 8xx and 7xx were replaced with the XX5 models.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

CostCo has 285T for$199

Thay is a pretty good deal!

so times newer is not better

i hanve a nuvi 200w was my first GPS and the i got a nuvi 5000 the only real diffenrts is the screen and now i get street names other ways 200w and the 5000 not much different if you are not doing a lot of driving why pay for all the bells you may never use

nuvi 5000 & nuvi 200w

Just Street Names

Is it just the street names you are looking to add? The 200W is a pretty basic unit, so there are many units that would add spoken street names. I have a 760, which I really like and it is available on Amazon for about $200. But, it has traffic, MP3, multiple destination autosort, bluetooth, speed limit indicator, "Where Am I", FM transmitter, and a headphone jack.

All these are things the 200W does not have. Many of these may go unused and would simply increase the price if all you want is spoken street names.

Just doing a quick comparison on Garmin, it looks like the most economical unit with a wide screen and spoken street names would be the 255W. Maybe someone out there has the 255W and can tell you if they like it.

Of course, there may be less economical units that are on sale somewhere cheaper than the 255W.

=== Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Compare Features and Prices

I recommend looking at all models and prices and picking the one with the features you want for the price you want to pay. That's what I did when I upgraded from a 350 to a 765T. I listed them all on a spreadsheet, side-by-side. Unfortunately, one of the features on the 765T doesn't work as advertised (Bluetooth fuction). Therefore, after you select a model, ask users on this website who own that unit to tell you about any issues they've had.


I'm looking at getting an 855 at Thanksgiving when I expect to see specials. I really use route planning a lot and don't want to give it up, so it limits my Gamin choices to 2 at this time.

___________________ Garmin 2455, 855, Oregon 550t


spullis wrote:

I recommend looking at all models and prices and picking the one with the features you want for the price you want to pay. That's what I did when I upgraded from a 350 to a 765T. I listed them all on a spreadsheet, side-by-side. Unfortunately, one of the features on the 765T doesn't work as advertised (Bluetooth fuction). Therefore, after you select a model, ask users on this website who own that unit to tell you about any issues they've had.

I have always steered away from Bluetooth due to the comments that I have heard from other users, especially if they have Verizon. From what I understand, Verizon does not work well with the Bluetooth capabilities of some GPS units. The ones I have most of the complaints from have been Garmin units. With that being said, you will absolutely love the "speaks street name" feature.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

I have a 255W

I bought a 255W as my first GPS and really love it -But now that I know more about GPSr units (thanks to all the great folks here at POI factory!), I do wish I had route planning. And I am also considering adding a traffic receiver.

I think you really need to consider what features are most important for your needs. Do you mean spoken street names?

Jan ~ Nuvi 255W

I hope people don't actually

kch50428 wrote:

With the highest model number at a price you're willing to pay.

I hope people don't actually follow that with Garmin. You have to decide what features you want along with how much to spend. Garmin does not always have features found on "lower" models still found on newer models. If you don't need voice command, I would be looking at the 765T. Among other things it allows for changing what info shows on the map screen, a big feature for me.
If Bluetooth is most important, maybe even an older model where bluetooth seems to work a little better.


I have a 855 and love it. Like you I was looking at 2 gps the 755T and the 855. Printed the spec sheet form garmin and compare the two. I chose the 855. It doesn't have the 3D building in it. But it does have voice. The 765T has the 3D but not voice. I figured I didn't need the 3D building.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD


I have a 765T and it does have voice, unless you mean voice commands.

nuvi 2597LMT

255w refurbished from

255w refurbished from tigerdirect is a good deal I think around 131.00 shipped and no tax unless in florida or something like that.

755T was $250 at

755T was $250 at going thru (10% off everything on I believe).

755T is just fine...

I own a 755t for about a year and can't complain beside the firmware update bug before my holidays...
700 series looks solid for the price if there is still some. 755 is a major improvement on the 600 series.

multiple via points

janr61 wrote:

I bought a 255W as my first GPS and really love it -But now that I know more about GPSr units (thanks to all the great folks here at POI factory!), I do wish I had route planning.

I drive down to Florida twice a year and have created my own route using multiple via points.

At first it was somewhat time consuming (adding a via point, going into simulation mode to see exactly where the unit will route you, adding another via point in order to force it a certain way, back to the simulation mode etc) but it was fun programming it and I'm happy with the end result.

I made several different routes (from my home to the
border, from the border to a flying j etc) and I'm proud to say that for the entire 1600 + route it takes the itinerary that I created mrgreen

I find by doing the above, "tweaking" the voice files with Turboccc program, creating a customized splash screen etc is part of the fun owning and using my GPS.

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk


maddog67 wrote:

I have always steered away from Bluetooth due to the comments that I have heard from other users, especially if they have Verizon.

The Bluetooth on my 775T pairs easily with my GSM phone. Call quality is very good as well.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Garmin 750

My Garmin 750 works great. I highly recommend it.



Lots of people have their favorites and will tell you this and tha but read the feature files and get the features that you need and go for it. Only you will be satisfied with what you chose. Good luck.


features, price, risk

What features do you want? You mentioned street names.

How much are you willing to spend (life-cycle cost -- some newer ones have lifetime this or that).

What level of risk are you comfortable with in buying? I've had no problems buying refurbished units on eBay, yet that's way too risky for some people.

One thing I'm sure of -- I feel no urge to always get the very latest, particularly when many of the "differences" are in features I don't care about.


Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows

Great thread - very

Great thread - very helpful.

I'm looking at the Nuvi 265WT which seems like it fits my needs.

I'm especially interested in the FM Traffic feature. What exactly defines "Lifetime Traffic"? Is it a paid-subscription similar to MSN?

maybe, maybe not

alandb wrote:
johnnatash4 wrote:

...(higher number = better, that's how marketing seems to work nowadays)...

You might want to spend some time reading user comments in this and other forums before making that assumption. You won't find universal agreement with your statement.

While an 850 may not be perfect, in general, a $199 850 is better than a $299 660.

Sure, there are plenty of examples where "they don't make 'em like they used to" as well.

check costco

i got a 755 and i really like it

only a few days after i got it, the prices dropped - so the 765 was about $5 less than what i paid for mine

no biggee - but the bluetooth woulda been "neato"

i got mine on - but has good prices too

also... ppl are saying to check features -- garmin's site (under products) allows you to check the boxes then "compare" down at the bottom - very nice!

anyway... let us know what you did!

Garmin nuvi 755t

Thanks to all for the info

I think I will be getting a 7X5 I like the routing feature, besides I have tons of SD cards

Garmin-Nuvi 855, 200W, etrex vista

Try this link

Perhaps one of the best web pages I have come across for this question!!!

It's those changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same. With all of our running and all of our cunning, If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.


Have had several brands and I see why majority of people still choose Garmin.

Something missing

Frisbee Golfer wrote:

Perhaps one of the best web pages I have come across for this question!!!

For me the decision graph misses one very important option - do you want to be able to create and use point to point routes?

Add that question and the chart can change dramatically.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.


wjs2 wrote:

Great thread - very helpful.

I'm looking at the Nuvi 265WT which seems like it fits my needs.

I'm especially interested in the FM Traffic feature. What exactly defines "Lifetime Traffic"? Is it a paid-subscription similar to MSN?

The 265 comes with lifetime traffic and it is free.It is add supported but you hardly even noticed them.They may appear when you stop for a light,stop sign etc.See this web page for all the info including coverage area.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

I just bought a new 255W (my

I just bought a new 255W (my second after my sister borrowed my first one). It has the spoken street names is on sale since new models (it's like the 1350)

You won't find universal agreement with your statement.

alandb wrote:
johnnatash4 wrote:

...(higher number = better, that's how marketing seems to work nowadays)...

You might want to spend some time reading user comments in this and other forums before making that assumption. You won't find universal agreement with your statement.

I'll agree with that statement 100%, So read the forums that aren't wearing Garmins rose colored Glasses, and read them completely before buying any model Nuvi, to get the real story.

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

still on my 350.

still on my 350.


I believe they've been replaced by the 8x5's.


wjs2 wrote:

Great thread - very helpful.

I'm looking at the Nuvi 265WT which seems like it fits my needs.

I'm especially interested in the FM Traffic feature. What exactly defines "Lifetime Traffic"? Is it a paid-subscription similar to MSN?

Some models do come with Lifetime traffic. Similar to paid-subscription? What part of Lifetime Traffic included don't you understand? The lifetime fm traffic does serve up ads at times, but that's how it supports itself. Lifetime refers to as long as you own your GPS and as long as the guys who serve it up are still in business.

I haven't heard of any Garmin coming out with Lifetime MSN. Lifetime MSN is currently, last time I checked going for $100.

get a smartphone like a

get a smartphone like a samsung i8510 / omnia and gmobile XT.
everything else sucks.

GPS Models : 60CSX w/2GB Kingston (stolen), 32GB Samsung INNOV8 with Garmin Mobile XT(8GB), NUVI 760 w/16GB PSF16GSDHC6 (DIED in 30 days), V (died), Nokia N8 with Garmin Mobile XT(48GB), Blackberry Torch with Google Maps.

still on my 350

I think that the Garmin GPS 350 was the best that Garmin put out. Never had a problem with it. Infact it had stuff that the new ones doesn't have. It is easy to used. It will get you from point A to point B with no problem. Never had to recharge the battery, even after playing with it.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD


Upgraded from Garmin 250W to 255W. Got it on sale for ~$150 but usually $179 at popular local office and electronic stores. You need to shop carefully and be patient. Love the new features and look over the 250. "Where am I?" is nice, speed limit indicator is helpful and overall function changes improved. Not crazy about the digital voice but this is a minor point on a $150 unit. Wish the address input routine was more helpful but like the qwerty keyboard. Would buy another one.

I have recently upgraded

I have recently upgraded from my old 250W to the 255W for the purpose of getting street names and sat aquisition times.

I really am disappointed in the routing software and/or maps in the 255W, my older 250W was much better at routing and destinations..and in particular knowing what side of the street the address was on. The 255W is poor on the which side of the road the final destination is on, perhaps more to do with the newer maps but in the end it still isn't as good.

What I do like about the 255W however is the time to aquire a fix on the satalites, it is much much better at that and makes the tradeoff bearable.

The voice loudness with TTS files is not quite there with volume levels, but changeing to a non TTS voice it is equivalent. If you do that however you lose street names, so you have to live with a lower quality voice reproduction. I have read it is because of the voice processor they have used, higher models use a better processor and give better voice dynamics.

TTS Voice Editor

Sudz wrote:

The voice loudness with TTS files is not quite there with volume levels, but changeing to a non TTS voice it is equivalent. If you do that however you lose street names, so you have to live with a lower quality voice reproduction. I have read it is because of the voice processor they have used, higher models use a better processor and give better voice dynamics.

Use Turbo's TTS Voice editor to increase the volume on the voices.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

Garmin FM Traffic

jloh wrote:

What part of Lifetime Traffic included don't you understand?

Don't mean to thread crap, but I bought a 265WT online and could not get the Traffic feature to work so phoned Customer Service. They told me I had to buy a subscription and an extra receiver for Lifetime Traffic. (The receiver was included.) After I took a second look, I was sent the 265W. Sent it back and did not order another one from that store.

Went to Amazon and their description showed as "265W/265WT". Last weekend on that same page Amazon posted a note that this Garmin was not available until research was completed since customers were complaining that the Amazon page description did not match the product Amazon shipped. I can't find that page buying directly from Amazon, but the page for a refurbished one is still there although their FM Traffic description is confusing. (edited: it's back - buy directly from Amazon.)

So that's why I asked about Lifetime Traffic.

I was pretty disappointed

I was pretty disappointed with the Bluetooth on my 885T. It was very difficult for me to hear the caller and for them to hear me. I just went back to using my earpiece. Also, it was more difficult to disable on the Garmin, and far easier to do it by touch with me ear unit. I'm still very happy with the unit, it is just one feature that I don't use anymore.


Need a new GPS,

i got a nuvi 750 and i really like it. It has worked well for me

ohwogo nuvi 750

850 or 855 ?

After a quick research I was leaning toward the 755T. While on my last road trip with 200W I realized it was not safe to drive and fiddle with the gps, The voice commands will be safer. I don't need traffic or bluetooth. Which is better 850 or 855?

Garmin-Nuvi 855, 200W, etrex vista

Not Much

Not a great deal of difference as the 855 is really a replacement for the discontinued 850.

You can see the specs at:

850 -

855 -

Can't really compare them side by side on the Garmin site as they they don't appear on the same lists because of the 850 being taken off the active list of products.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Lane assist

Lane assist is one of the notable features you will get in the 855. It is a worthwhile feature if you do much driving on highways where the feature is available; primarily Interstates in urban areas.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

Garmin Features

If someone wanted a full time job, with no pay, they could make a list of features of all Garmin units.

I say a full time job because with Garmin releasing another model every 6 months, it would be a full time job.

And I mean a real list. With columns like Automatic Time Zone update, Custom Multiple Routing, User Changeable Batteries, and Waterproof to name but a few.

If you ain't got pictures, I wasn't there.
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