Garmin free map update policy
Sat, 03/31/2007 - 10:37pm
17 years
While waiting for my nuvu 350 to arrive, I was checking their website about free map update. Can someone translate this into plain English?
If you ORIGINALLY & NEWLY unlocked a NEW locked MapSource CD-ROM/DVD-ROM product ON or AFTER the release date of an update for that same product, you are eligible to unlock on that specific update what you unlocked on the original for no charge. In other words, you can update to the latest data for free!
I'll Try & Translate
What it means is, say they ship version 9 of the map on July 15th, and you buy a brand new GPS on July 30th and if it has the Version 8 map, you get a free upgrade to version 9.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
What it means is, say they ship version 9 of the map on July 15th, and you buy a brand new GPS on July 30th and if it has the Version 8 map, you get a free upgrade to version 9.
That's right, now how do you prove you bought it on July 30th? What's stopping someone who bought it July 10th to call up and say they bought it July 30th?
So if I buy a new GPS with
So if I buy a new GPS with v8 today, I won't get the free update if the v9 is release in July?
Map Updates
You will need to provide some sort of proof of date of purchase to get the free upgrade otherwise need to purchase the new maps when they come out if you want them or at least is how it worked when I got my 276 with the old maps installed...
Garmin 276c, Nuvi 360
For the purpose of updating
For the purpose of updating the map, my understanding was that Garmin deemed the date you bought the GPS unit as the date you registered the unit with garmin. This is typically done at You would order the update over the web at and no proof would be needed since they have the date you registered the unit.
I thought that when you
I thought that when you register the product it will allow you to download the latest version free, one time. So, you want to check the gps to make sure that you aren't wasting your free download if your unit already has the latest.
too late for me, I already
too late for me, I already registered and already have v.8
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Not sure how it all works
Not sure how it all works but I requested the DVDs for MapSource to go with my nuvi 660 purchased at the end of Febraury. Installed MapSource just the other day and got an update to that program. You may be however taking about the maps built into the nuvi and for that I am not sure how the updates work.
Mark E
we'll all know...soon hopefully
Maybe soon we'll have V9 available, and since we all bought/registered our units at different'll be interesting to finally put this question to a definitive end.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
Old map
How do they know when I bought it?
is it registered? or stolen?
How do they know when I bought it?
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
They don't. They go by when
They don't. They go by when you register it. If you wait until v9 of the maps come out in August and register it then, you will get the update for free.
Let me rephrase that. Anyone can get the update DVD for free, what I mean is that you will get an unlock code for the new version for free.
See my website for some free Garmin compatable maps:
While I Don't Mind getting Something For Nothing
When the time comes, I will gladly pay the $75 to update my mapset. In the short time I've had my unit, it has saved me more than $75 in time and aggravation and for me, that cost will be well worth every last penny.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Free Upgrade applies to DVD only?
If your unit comes with only pre-loaded maps, this does not apply? This is how I read the Garmin website.
CJC of Memphis & Nuvi 360
Thanks for the tip, I will
Thanks for the tip, I will register after v9 comes out.
Waiting to register
Thanks for the tip, I will register after v9 comes out.
While waiting to register, what happens if your gps unit breaks and you need Garmin to fix or replace and you have not registered?
Alan-Garmin c340
I agree
When the time comes, I will gladly pay the $75 to update my mapset. In the short time I've had my unit, it has saved me more than $75 in time and aggravation and for me, that cost will be well worth every last penny.
I agree with kch
As far as waiting to register or not register until near a release date.....Hope it doesn't need service.
When you do register, it will ask for the purchase date. *Date Purchased notice the * (required field)
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
X2 on that
When the time comes, I will gladly pay the $75 to update my mapset. In the short time I've had my unit, it has saved me more than $75 in time and aggravation and for me, that cost will be well worth every last penny.
X2, two weeks of ownership and I would have paid $75 for all the 'saves' (time, aggrevation, etc) that I have already have had and I haven't travelled with it yet. That will be next week.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
I agree
When the time comes, I will gladly pay the $75 to update my mapset. In the short time I've had my unit, it has saved me more than $75 in time and aggravation and for me, that cost will be well worth every last penny.
Me too.
The only caveat is that I will check to see that the new roads in my area are on the update. They have just opened up a number of toll roads that are not on the maps. Also, a lot of new side streets in new developments. If not, I may pass for a year and catch the next update.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
When I registered...
I read the statement that the one FREE unlock of a new map would be available to use whenever the new map came out, so I do not believe you have to wait to register... I may be wrong though
Registering Your Garmin I will tell my story. I bought a Nuvi 350 and registered it. During the 30 day return period with the vendor, I upgraded it to the Nuvi 660. During all this swapping out of Nuvi's I called Garmin about the windshield mount that would not stay on the window,(they replaced it) and I told the Tech. Support that I had just bought the 660, and did he want to register it now. He told me NOT to register the 660, and wait for ver.9 maps to come out, then register it so I would get the free update. But, on the other hand if I had a warranty problem, register it, and wait a few days, then send it it. This was all information from Garmin, so I don't feel bad about doing either one...... End of story.
Garmin 660
Can you guys check this?
aready come out v9
at Jan 01, 2007 Feb 19, 2007
Most of us use the US
Most of us use the US version - City Navigator North America NT DVD which is still Version 8
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Those Are Bluechart Products
Can you guys check this?
aready come out v9
at Jan 01, 2007 Feb 19, 2007
Those are Bluechart cartography products for users of marine units, or other compatible units.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Does anybody know for sure
Does anybody know for sure when they are coming out with version 9? Is there a way to "preview" the data to make sure the newer roads are there?
To Preview
Click here and in the upper right and use the Map Viewer.
As for availaility, I just keep an eye on this page - and plan to order when available.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Updating Maps
I have a Garmin nuvi 360 and i have been quit a few places and i have been noticing with all the new developments being put up that their are more and more streets that are locatable...
Is there a way for me to update this or help get it done?
You can report map updates
You can report map updates and errors to Navteq via this form.
You can't change or update the maps/roads individually on your unit, though.
New policy
Garmin is changing their free update policy and getting rid of the free 2nd unlock code. The details of the new policy aren't very clear right now though.
See my website for some free Garmin compatable maps:
Map Updates
When the time comes, I will gladly pay the $75 to update my mapset. In the short time I've had my unit, it has saved me more than $75 in time and aggravation and for me, that cost will be well worth every last penny.
Well put. I totally agree.
75 DOLLARS huh? Not much,
75 DOLLARS huh? Not much, but if like me you make $75/month that is a lot. I used to photograph for the university yearbook, so that is what I make. I am going to wait to register.
-Mask667**Nuvi 350**
Used the unlock code came
Used the unlock code came with c330 to register the Mapsource software. Haven't registered with My Garmin yet. But don't know whether I can re-use the unlock code for v9.
Unlock code
Used the unlock code came with c330 to register the Mapsource software. Haven't registered with My Garmin yet. But don't know whether I can re-use the unlock code for v9.
I believe that counts as your usage. You unlocked v8 so it will not be available for v9.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Tell me this please: I just
Tell me this please:
I just bought the Nuvi 350--on 05/21. Do you think I should register now or wait? Should ask for a free Mapsource DVD or wait till the v9 comes out? Or is there any other option?
Thank you,
-Mask667**Nuvi 350**
Garmin will probably ask for a proof of purchase date which would need to be after the release date of the newer version for you to be entitled to the free update.
-Mask667**Nuvi 350**
update from Garmin on map update policy
I mailed Garmin this weekend:
"I purchased my nuvi 350, North America on 02/11/2007 (I have the receipt for proof). I read today that a Garmin has stated that Garmin will be announcing a policy change within the next couple of weeks to warranty customers that the new City Navigator North America NT 2008 map update will be provided free of charge to those whose registered device is under a year old. Can you confirm or deny this statement?"
The reply this morning:
"Thank you for contacting Garmin International, I will be happy to help with this. At this time there is no policy change however if you just bought the unit and it has V8 I will be happy to send you a copy of the update with provided proof of purchase. You can contact me again when the updates for your unit start shipping which should be in around 3 weeks."
3 weeks?
3 weeks? a friend of mine had just purchased his nuvi 350 about 2 weeks ago and called garmin about the update and was sent a copy of the dvd last week...
Seems like Garmin is playing both angles...
After reading several threads and recent posts on this forum, and also on some others, it becomes clear that nothing is clear. Garmin owners who contact support at nearly the same time are getting widely varied answers. For some (like myself) the response was "we'll send it right out", while for others it was "we'll send it in August". At least one owner reported that he was offerred a half-price deal, while several others were apparantly told that full price was their only option. What seems consistant is that there is no consistancy. Nobody has yet reported that anyone at Garmin has announced a formal policy change.
So, it seems to me like Garmin has decided to play softball. What I mean is, if someone calls and complains enough, give it to them. But leave the price in place so that those who don't push the issue will continue to send in their $70. I think they should just announce an official policy change and instruct all of their tech support people to follow it correctly.
Most "intellectual property" products, such as these maps, are distributed with a free-upgrade certificate in the box. That way, no matter how long it sits on the store shelf, the buyer is assured that he is still getting a "fresh" product. The customer just registers the product, including proof of purchase date, and is automatically entitled to the version that is being shipped at that time. I think Garmins "official" policy of charging EVERY user a flat fee for the upgrade must have been the result of some high level committee meetings. (But that committee must be made up of TomTom, Lowrance, and Magellan executives.)
Zumo 450, C530, Quest, Quest, GPS III+
Garmin Update Confusion
I bet that many of the people who have been told that they will be getting the DVD right away rather than in 3 weeks are going to be getting the Regular version and NOT the "NT" version. It seems the "NT" version will not be out for a little while longer (3 weeks?).
There still seems to be a lot of confusion about these two defferent versions.
Yes... they are the same maps, but the "NT" version has a different and more efficient, form of file compression, which allows the same amount of information to take up less disk/memory space.
The newer Garmin units use the NT version, but the older ones do not, or cannot.
On the flip side.... I have read that the Newer Garmin units CAN, in many cases, use the regular version of the maps but will take up more of the units memory. But I cannot say for sure, since I have not done this.
If you call Garmin about getting the update, make sure you know which version you use and which update you want. Regular or NT.
I just got off the phone with the sales department. My Nuvi 660 is about a month old. I had to send them a copy of my invoice and they will give me the new Map Update 2008 City Navigator® North America NT
Good to hear
I just got off the phone with the sales department. My Nuvi 660 is about a month old. I had to send them a copy of my invoice and they will give me the new Map Update 2008 City Navigator® North America NT
Good to hear this as mine is less than a month old..thanks for the heads up!
It's those changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same. With all of our running and all of our cunning, If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.
Me too. Thats what you get
Me too. Thats what you get for playing by the rules.
I don't know where I'm going or remember where I've been...without Garmin.
Any word on When they are releasing v9 to the rest of us?
I just got off the phone with the sales department. My Nuvi 660 is about a month old. I had to send them a copy of my invoice and they will give me the new Map Update 2008 City Navigator® North America NT
Good to hear this as mine is less than a month old..thanks for the heads up!
Anyone hear when Garmin plans to release v9 for purchase?
I don't know where I'm going or remember where I've been...without Garmin.
V9 is NT2008
I just got off the phone with the sales department. My Nuvi 660 is about a month old. I had to send them a copy of my invoice and they will give me the new Map Update 2008 City Navigator® North America NT
Good to hear this as mine is less than a month old..thanks for the heads up!
Anyone hear when Garmin plans to release v9 for purchase?
V9 is NT2008 and some say it's already available, others say August. The discussion seems to revolve around NT or not NT. Check to see what's available for your model...Hope this helps, hard to do what with all the confusion at Garmin....
No free lunch here!
Garmin no longer gives a "FREE UPDATE". The reason is because so many people "waited" to register to get something for nothing, and now all updates are a charge. I was told that if I bought my unit today, and maps are released already, and it ws a V8, I would have to pay for the update.
I asked why, and was told that due to the number of people "falsifying" registration, and the cost of the mapping, they had to stop giving free updates. I was told it got so far out of hand with people registering late, that they were not having anyone register until the mapping came out.
So, typically a group of people ruined it for the people who rightfully have a free update coming. At first I was upset, but then I realized that even a decent paper map was expensive, so I didn't gripe too much, after all...we tried to cheat them, not the other way around.
Garmin no longer gives a "FREE UPDATE". The reason is because so many people "waited" to register to get something for nothing, and now all updates are a charge. I was told that if I bought my unit today, and maps are released already, and it ws a V8, I would have to pay for the update.
I asked why, and was told that due to the number of people "falsifying" registration, and the cost of the mapping, they had to stop giving free updates. I was told it got so far out of hand with people registering late, that they were not having anyone register until the mapping came out.
So, typically a group of people ruined it for the people who rightfully have a free update coming. At first I was upset, but then I realized that even a decent paper map was expensive, so I didn't gripe too much, after all...we tried to cheat them, not the other way around.
Really depends on who you talk to at Garmin and how you ask and state your reasons. I received an e-mail from tech support saying I'd have to pay for it. Then I sent an e-mail back stating my case in the kindest terms possible. Result the tech said if I faxed or e-mailed him a copy of my receipt dated after May 1, 2007 he would send me the software free of charge...I haven't received a reply yet as having just e-mailed said receipt. Hopefully he will stay true to his word - I have no reason to doubt this as I got Map Source the same way (which I feel should come with the device anyhow).
I agree that a few do always seem to ruin it for the rest of us, but at least Garmin does listen to common sense and non explosive behavior either on the phone or e-mail. They are after all in business to make a profit and free software to those who DON'T deserve it only makes sense. The cost to the rest is always the result of a few.
Received 2008 NT
I called Garmin on Monday when I saw 2008 NT out there for my nuvi650. The first call I was forwarded to iQue support and got the run-around. I called for two reasons, 1) to get mapsource since the 650 doesn't come with the DVD and 2) to inquire about getting 2008 NT for free since my GPS was only a couple weeks old. I called a 2nd time and got nuvi support this time. She immediately said she could ship me the v8 DVD and that if I would fax her a copy of my receipt she would put in a request for 2008NT for free. Well today is Wed and I just received two copies of the v8 DVD and one copy of the 2008NT DVD. Of course in three different boxes
. But I am happy now. I don't mind paying for an update but not when the GPS is brand new.
3 Cheers for Garmin
Purchased my NUVI 350 several weeks ago, and have e-mailed Garmin twice now. First time was to request my Mapsource DVD which was quickly shipped to me.
Second time was yesterday, when I asked (politely) if I would be eligible for the newest map update.
Got a response tonight...
"I have ordered you a complimentary update for the City Navigator North
America NT 2008 for your Nuvi 350. Your order number is XXXXXXX.
You are not being charged for this DVD and the package is marked
appropriately. However, your country may decide to charge you duty or
customs fees."
I'm so happy I purchased a Garmin product, and if anyone is talking to Amanda from the 2nd Shift Auto Support Team, send her my best.
I called too today to see if
I called too today to see if I could get the free upgrade for the maps as well as mapsource software, which I don't have with my C330. I have been entitled to get the new maps for free since I have purchased my GPS in end of May, less than 90 days ago, at least that is what the tech rep. told me while registering my request.
So, if you have purchased your devices in the last 90 days, it looks like you are automatically entitle for the free update of the maps. More than that, I wouldn't be able to tell.
PS: They gave me an order no, but I can't see anywhere on their web site a place to track it... If anyone is familiar with this, let me know.