Road trip - Massachustts to Arizona


First time doing this. Heading from MA to AZ with hubby, two dogs, towing an enclosed motorcycle trailer with our BMW X5 4.4. Making a stop in Katy, TX for a few days.

The plan is to drive 8 hrs (stopping for the necessary pit stop and a bite to eat). We did a AAA trip tix and are doing Streets & Trips to download to the 2720.

We'd like to find pet friendly hotels, or hotels that we can park outside of our room and just take the little critters in. They will be crated so won't cause any trouble. Is there a particular chain that has these types of outdoor units?

Any real time tips on what roads to avoid? Our S & T is an older version, but looking at the reviews of the 2010 version, I don't think I want to upgrade.

Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The car, the bike and the trailer have all been serviced and spare tires checked. The dogs have their Health Certificates.


Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.

Cheryl, Here is a collection

Here is a collection of POI files that might come in handy:

Have a safe trip;)

Miss POI

thank you!

I'll have Internet access so I'll try to keep up with my POI family.

I was just reading the AAA trip tiks thread. We did one for our trip, but like others, found it wasn't as accurate as Mapquest.

Thanks for the POI files.


Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.

It's Still Hot Here

If you plan on visiting the Phoenix area or anywhere south of the rim country (Prescott, Payson, Flagstaff) then I suggest bringing your summer atire. Even though it is fall everywhere else in the country, we are still having 100+ degree days here. Today was 102. Take care not to leave your pets in the car unattended for even a minute. The temps in your car can easily exceed the outside temps by 50+ degrees. Not good for dogs who can't sweat to cool off. Plus it is a felony and our Sheriff prides himself on arresting those who violate animal abuse laws. I'd also recommend obeying the speed limits and stopping for red lights. The Department of Public Safety (read state police) deploy mobile photo speed enforcement vehicles all over the state roadways. You'll get two signs to warn you (1/2 mile and 300 feet) but they are sometimes easy to miss. I you plan on going hiking, take plenty of water and stay hydrated. There are a lot of cool places to visit here in Arizona (Grand Canyon, Sedona etc.) I hope you get to see most of them. As far as the roads go, AAA does a very good job of keeping up with construction and road closures. I would recommend checking the ADOT website frequently as the site has up to date highway closures. Have fun and enjoy your trip.