Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase
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Every year in February, Tucson, Arizona hosts the largest Gem & Mineral show in the entire world. These shows, more than 40 of them in total, are located over town. More than just gems and minerals can be found at these shows. Collectors, dealers and traders can find great prices on just about anything from small beads to actual Tyrannosaurus Rex fossils to meteorites from the Moon & Mars!
Some of these shows are small, occupying a few large tents in lots that remain empty the rest of the year. Others take up entire hotel and resort complexes, where dealers fill their rooms from top to bottom with their products. Wandering from room to room is encouraged and it can often take more than a day to see everything at just one show!
These shows don’t all occur all at once, but instead start and end during the two-week period. This Tucson event culminates with “The Main Show” at the Tucson Convention Center. While this show is the one that gets the most attention, there is also an entrance fee. Nearly every other show in town is free for all, often including the parking.
This version of the file contains the locations of all of the 2011 shows that I am aware of. While some show activity begins as early as January 1st, the shows really kick off around January 27th and most have ended by February 12th.
This year's update sees a few smaller shows removed as they are no longer operating, but some new, larger shows are taking their place! Some names have changed so the file reflects that. A few locations have been corrected but the biggest change in the file is the inclusion of hotel names. To make it easier to find where you want to go, each location is now listed with both the show name and the hotel or venue name. I've also includes the dates for each show.
The free GemRide shuttle service has been canceled and will no longer operate.
For more information about the Gem & Mineral shows, see:
As always, please alert me to any name or location mistakes so I can correct them. If you know of any shows I am missing, certainly let me know!
I have uploaded a number of other files that visitors to Tucson for the shows or any time of the year may find helpful. Check my files for the full list.
Corrected one location on January 10, 2011