Wed, 08/19/2009 - 12:57pm
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![]() ![]() 16 years
This is a place holder for Johnm405 and his Spam project.
To get started. The manufactureing sites for Spam!
Austin, Minnesota, (also known as Spam Town USA) and in Fremont, Nebraska. Spam for the UK market is produced in Denmark by Tulip under license from Hormel.[3] Spam is also made in the Philippines and in South Korea.
Austin, MN
Home to Hormel Foods, and the SPAM museum.
43.676167, -92.975200
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Right On
Thanks but no thanks I will just stay with my recipes, and the can in the frig, and backups in the cupboard and wally world.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
Favorite Food
Spam is a favorite food in Hawaii. You can even get it in some of the "better" restaurants.
Whooda thunk it?
In this economy, Spam is a food staple of mine!
Spam in HI & AK
Spam is a favorite food in Hawaii. You can even get it in some of the "better" restaurants.
Whooda thunk it?
Definitely a staple in Hawai'i. I've seen in in nearly every restaurant I've visited; especially as one of the meat offerings for breakfast.
I prefer Portuguese sausage but a friend has to get his Spam musubi fix whenever we're in Hawai'i.
I think I heard somewhere that Spam is also big in parts of Alaska.
Spam in the pantry
In this economy, Spam is a food staple of mine!
Looks like it's becoming a staple for many.
Isn't it sad that the first
Isn't it sad that the first thing I thought of upon reading the thread title was the electronic variety?? - red light cameras do not work
Same Here
Isn't it sad that the first thing I thought of upon reading the thread title was the electronic variety??
I'll have the Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Eggs and Spam.

The Moose Is Loose! nuvi 760
I have to think
if the first thing you thought of upon reading the thread title was the electronic variety, your probably still wet behind he ears.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
I do have a spam question though
why on the good earth does Hormel pack spam in cosmoline, will it rust in the can if they don't?
Cosmoline: A yellowish or light-amber colored ointment like mass, having a slight fluorescence, petroleum like odor and taste (do not taste it please). Similar to Vaseline in properties, appearance, and thickness. It is the residue obtained in the distillation of petroleum oils and then purified. Cosmoline is a homogenous mixture of oily and waxy long-chain, non-polar hydrocarbons. It can range in color from white to yellow and differ from one another in consistency and shear strength. Cosmoline melts at 113°-125° F
and has a flashpoint of 365° F.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
Cosmoline and cars...
It has been used by many automotive manufacturers as a spray on rust and corrosion preventative when shipping their cars overseas for sale. It is generally found on imports and cars in the snow/ice areas.
I have dealt with cosmoline and its good and bad side effects for 30 years. It protects the underside of cars, causes brake squeals when oversprayed on brake pads/rotors, melts and has an overheating/burning smell that causes customers to think their cars are overheating, and is generally messy until "burned in" and it becomes a harder substance after about the first year.
I couldnt think of a food related use, unless the OUTSIDE of the cans are coated to keep them from rusting when shipped or stored on a ship or other water vessel.
why on the good earth does Hormel pack spam in cosmoline, will it rust in the can if they don't?
Cosmoline, that's funny!
Aside from automotive use and Spam-packing
, it's also used for firearms storage. I've had to clean more than one cosmoline-packed rifle.
The Spamoline is probably the same stuff as the gel in a canned ham - here's why it's there:
dry gelatin (about 1/4 oz) is added to a can before the ham is sealed into it. The tin is then sealed, and cooked by steam. During cooking, juices from the ham mix with the gelatin and upon cooling form a salty opaque jelly. The purpose of the jelly is to provide a cushion for the ham from shipping and handling. As the tin cools, the contracting heat vacuum-seals the can.
taken from here:
ok so...
Now, to the crux of the issue, the great mystery of life
Has anyone ever been able to answer this question:
What IS that stuff on the top?
so cosmoline.....
thats what that stuff is?
good god!
Anti-Spam : I sure hope that ...
Spam is a favorite food in Hawaii. You can even get it in some of the "better" restaurants.
Whooda thunk it?
I sure hope the hell that it is improved - I will NEVER eat that crap again if you paid me.
When I was a kid, my mom made some, as this was a staple in our house growing up. One morning for breakfast, I was about to hunker down on a piece and I noticed a big 1/4" hole right through it.
Upon further observation it was a big vein and I immediately tossed it and got to thinking about what else could be ground up in there and will never eat it again.
So enjoy folks!
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
They use it as. . .
Now, to the crux of the issue, the great mystery of life
Has anyone ever been able to answer this question:
What IS that stuff on the top?
They use it as sterno fuel in Hawaii for all those Spam luaus. Why use a pig when you have Spam!
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
me too
Isn't it sad that the first thing I thought of upon reading the thread title was the electronic variety??
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
uh, no
so cosmoline.....
thats what that stuff is?
good god!
It's not cosmoline, it's (apparently) dry gelatin mixed with juices from cooking. The "Spam-packing" bit was a joke (hence ->
I would imagine Arby's Roast Beef is also mystery meat
The term mystery meat is sometimes applied to Spam and is known as pork for the primary meat (e.g., pork shoulder, ham), but the cuts of meat used as fillers are not mentioned made of waste pig parts. The secret spices are added along with gelatin, then all cooked in its own cans right on the assembly line.
Thus making the comsoline like gelatinous topping.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
Spam is a favorite food in Hawaii. You can even get it in some of the "better" restaurants.
Whooda thunk it?
Yep, McDonald's has a McSpam sandwich and a Spam breakfast platter. Burger King joined the bandwagon with a Spam croissant.
Portuguese sausage!
Definitely a staple in Hawai'i. I've seen in in nearly every restaurant I've visited; especially as one of the meat offerings for breakfast.
I prefer Portuguese sausage but a friend has to get his Spam musubi fix whenever we're in Hawai'i.
I think I heard somewhere that Spam is also big in parts of Alaska.
I prefer Portuguese sausage also. And I like Treet (Hawaiian poor people Spam) in my musubi over Spam.
gelatinous goop...
Now, to the crux of the issue, the great mystery of life
Has anyone ever been able to answer this question:
What IS that stuff on the top?
It's not comsmoline, it's Spam Jello (aspic). Meat contains natural gelatin, so when you make stock from meat, it congeals when cooled. Spam Jello is clarified aspic.
aspic? Spam Jello? Ya think?
Now, to the crux of the issue, the great mystery of life
Has anyone ever been able to answer this question:
What IS that stuff on the top?
It's not comsmoline, it's Spam Jello (aspic). Meat contains natural gelatin, so when you make stock from meat, it congeals when cooled. Spam Jello is clarified aspic.
It's differently cosmoline, they don't want the can to rust from the inside out.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
It's differently cosmoline, they don't want the can to rust from the inside out.
No, Bob, it's not. The correct explanations have been made. You can quit trying to be funny now.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
AMAZING, I haven't had Spam
Some days you're the bug, Some days you're the windshield!!
everyone knows Spam, one way or another
I think they should send a donation for the advertising they're getting here.
They probably get enough advertising from the popular term used to describe unsolicited, unwanted email.
It makes me wonder, how many people wander through a grocery store wondering to themselves why someone named their product after bogus email? 
As a Kid
We used to have this all the time when I was a kid (50 years ago). I don't think I have had it since I moved out about 35 years ago. I think I am going to ask my wife to buy a can. I eat a lot of salads and think it might be good to cut into a salad for a little protein.
We used to have this all the time when I was a kid (50 years ago). I don't think I have had it since I moved out about 35 years ago. I think I am going to ask my wife to buy a can. I eat a lot of salads and think it might be good to cut into a salad for a little protein.
Good idea.
I had a Spam Patty-melt for lunch at Culver's in Austin, MN today. Only Culver's I know of that has Spam on the menu.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*