Have you ever noticed... - tech support


Ok, for radar detectors...Bels are some of the top of the line models. however, their customer support stinks. It seems that Garmin is the leading manufacturer of GPS, but their Customer Service stinks too. I wonder why that is.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
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Garmin support is great

asianfire wrote:

It seems that Garmin is the leading manufacturer of GPS, but their Customer Service stinks too. I wonder why that is.

I don't know what bad experiences you have experienced, but I have never had any problems with Garmin. I think they have the best support operation and policies among any company, regardless of the product.
1. They have supplied the Mapsource product free of charge (including shipping) when it wasn't included in the original purchase (c530).
2. Their support technicians are friendly and knowledgeable.
3. They stand behind the product.

Most of the comments I have seen on this site have been very favorable towards Garmin for support.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

Garmin Support is dependent on which agent you get

Garmin's customer support agents are usually friendly and helpful, but I have found that some things, such as getting the Mapsource for free are dependent on which representative you speak to. Some are willing to give you Mapsource because they know you need it to use the product the best. Others will only sell it to you for the $15 fee. They seem inconsistent in this area.

But their email notifications on product updates totally suck. Most people on here have never gotten a notification for updates.

I plan to live forever. So far, so good.

I was just going by some of

I was just going by some of the issues that ppl have had on here. I personally haven't had to call them. So perhaps I made an incorrect assumption.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

i have found garmin support

i have found garmin support outstanding, but as with other companies it is something that can change in a min. with a group like poi factory, we would find out quick

Great support of Zumos!!

Garmin's customer support of Zumo's has been outstanding! They have been extremely responsive to people have trouble with their units. And have already incorporated user requests into the firmware updates.

I have never had any problem

I have never had any problem with Garmin and there Customer Service, Always Awesome to deal with.

" I want to live in the Land where the poor have Cable TV " *Some Russian man*

I have had nothing but

I have had nothing but positive experiences from customer service at Garmin and Bel. I emailed Garmin concerning the Mapsource and got a very quick response requesting my address. I have also called them a number of times. The only issue is sometimes the hold time can be a long wait, but the music is good. During my last call, it must have been "Best of the 70s" day.

Garmin nuvi 265WT - Garmin c330 (RIP)- Garmin eMap - Valentine 1 - Beltronics Vector 995 - Kenwood TM-V7A - Icom 706 - Outbacker Perth Plus

Good Experience

I have had nothing but good experience with Garmin Support.

When we were in Texas I called in for MapSource and they sent it to my home address in Iowa as that was the address with my unit registration. I called them to make sure that's what happened so I could have it sent down. No way, Garmin insisted on sending a second copy to me in Texas ...... all free of any charge. Can't beat that!!

"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

Garmin Supprt

If you do a search for "Garmin Support" on some of the GPS web sites like "gpspassion" or "gpsinformation" you will see an overwhelming chorus of great things being said about Garmin Support and Customer support.

The only complaint I see is that they don't respond to emails very well at all concerning any questions or problems, and the wait on the phone for someone to answer is rather lengthy... BUT... everyone says that once you get them on the phone they are Top Notch.

Garmin Support

I e-mailed them asking for a free copy of Mapsource and all i did was copy and paste the line from jack yeazel's review in my e-mail. It came in the mail yerterday...all for free..and not just in a cheap envelope...it was in a box with lots of package protection. I was very inpressed. No questions asked.

new but wanting to learn...Thanks, David K.

OK OK OK People!!!!!!! I

OK OK OK People!!!!!!! I get the point, Garmin has great customer service....lol. I guess I just happen to read the rare complaints.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Customer service

Yeah Garmin does have a few faults with their customer service - but not many. I just received my DVD with the City Navigator software via UPS free of charge. Overall they are better than most, in my opinion.

On the down side I see they updated their web site and browsing the accessories is not quite as good as the old web page but it could be worse.


Officer I'm sorry I was going the wrong way on that one-way street but my GPS told me to turn left ... Oh, I'm still getting a ticket, okay then the GPS will see ya in court!

I hate to break up the

I hate to break up the party, but I have sent messages on their tech support page


twice for different issues and never got a response. This second time was last week and I've been monitoring my bulk mail folder to make sure it didn't get sent there accidentally. It didn't. They just didn't respond.

Try Calling

rzerr wrote:

I hate to break up the party, but I have sent messages on their tech support page


twice for different issues and never got a response. This second time was last week and I've been monitoring my bulk mail folder to make sure it didn't get sent there accidentally. It didn't. They just didn't respond.

I've always gotten a response within 24 hrs. Try calling...it may take 10 minutes or so, but I'm sure they would want to know that you haven't been getting any response.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

Slow response

I waited for 3 weeks for a response from them by using the tech support page. In this day and age anything more than 24hrs response is not acceptable. Fortunately it wasn't anything urgent.

Magellan Maestro 4250, T-Mobile G1 with Google Maps, iPaq with TomTom, and a Tapwave Zodiac with TomTom and Mapopolis

Garmin Support

As I sais earlier, email seems to be a low priority for Garmin.

I've had occasion very recently to call them for some Tech support and I got through to a real live Tech within minutes.... AND... I got all the info I needed for my question/problem quickly.

As a bonus, the Tech people are here in the States and not in India where it is sometimes so difficult to understand them, I give up without a resolution.

Garmin Telephone Tech support = A+.


Give it a try

Bad phone support experiences with other companies put me off from even giving Garmin a chance. I will definately try phone support next time!

Magellan Maestro 4250, T-Mobile G1 with Google Maps, iPaq with TomTom, and a Tapwave Zodiac with TomTom and Mapopolis

WOW! That is good to know

pratzert wrote:

As a bonus, the Tech people are here in the States and not in India where it is sometimes so difficult to understand them, I give up without a resolution.

Not that have anything against Indians, but the ones with the heavy accent are really hard to understand. My next door neighbor is Indian and I ALWAYS have her to repeat things for me and she is very fluent in English and a sweet person. Just can't understand her.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -


I go along with what prismt said. Of a few phone calls to Garmin, one tech just couldn't seem to let me finish a sentence, I thought of him as a cell phone that fills in the rest of the words for you, but he was usually wrong. So the conversation took much longer than it should have. He also said Mapsource was $15 and he could send it to me. I said I'll hold off since I just paid about $800 for the Nuvi 660, I was not about to spend more on my Garmin GPS.
The second call I made to them(a few days later) went much better as the tech lady I reached seemed MUCH more friendly and informative. She also said she'd send out Mapsouce at no charge and if I had any more questions, to please call back. She was a charm to deal with. Lets hope we all get her and not guy I was abused by next time we call Garmin:))

You can walk a horse to water, but a pencil has to be led.

This is my first ...

This is my first Garmin non-aviation GPS and things may be different over on the Av side but I've always found Garmin customer service to be first class. It is one reason I went with the Nuvi -- it is a Garmin and I've been a happy Garmin customer.

Also, I've never owned one of their units I've talked to the folks at Lowrance, recommend their products and also think they are wonderful people. However I've not used their customer service personally.

Garmin Nuvi 350

Customer Service

I don't know about anyone else but I reported a problem to Garmin back in Feb 2006, Same problem in June 2006 when I got no reply again in Nov 2006 no reply and many times in 2007. The problem still exist in the turn ratio and the speech on the C330. It tells you to turn at the wrong time about 400 feet before the street. Originally when I brought the unit it made the announcment when you reached the turning point.So I'm not real happy with Garmins Tech Support or Customer Service as its been over a year and the problem still exist

Larry Meyer

I have had excellent results with email support.

So far, so good.
I have had four occasions to email tech support. Within 24 hours of each email, I received a friendly, personalized answer to my request or question. They also invited me to contact them again by replying to their email should I have any further questions.

One of my requests was for a hard copy of the 39 page Owner's manual. I received it within two days of my request.

I haven't yet tried their 800 number.

Their email address is simply:

Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member. http://kitchentoysmakecookingfun.blogspot.com/

No issues with email support

No issues with email support for me either. All is good. Guess my issues aren't that technical so easy emails get responses..lol

On your mark, Get set.....wait a minute......D-A-N-I-E-L..........now we can GO.... (Garmin c340)

Use The Phone

I have found that Garmin's support is much better when you call as compared to email. I have called three times, always get right through, and have been adequately helped each time.

RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot

On hold now with them.

On hold now with them. Recording said 30 to 35 minute wait. That is rediculous for Number 1 GPS Company.

My experience has been that

My experience has been that they provide better support than any other company I have delt with.

See my website for some free Garmin compatable maps: http://rwsmaps.griffel.se


Never call any Tech or Customer Support on a Monday. Typically this is a very busy day.

Call early

mashryock wrote:

I waited for 3 weeks for a response from them by using the tech support page. In this day and age anything more than 24hrs response is not acceptable. Fortunately it wasn't anything urgent.

I have come to learn with all tech support that it pays to call them early. If they open at 8:00 I call at 8:01. Their is not wait to get someone on the line and they usually do not rush you because they are still fresh.

Garmin Nuvi 750 & c530 with RT's vol. mod., Vulcan Nomad

Tech support

Garmin has several busy times each year. After Father's Day until school starts when folks are buying for vacation, and during Christmas...for obvious reasons.

Garmin has aprox. 250+ techs answering the phone. It is difficult to hire, train and get someone up to speed on so many different units, and still maintain a polite and friendly call pattern to the customer.

Keep in mind, the techs answer between 80 and 100 calls a day, not all of them from people who understand GPS, and not all from people who are friendly. Often times people forget that the person on the other side of the phone is trying to help, and yelling, cursing and demanding is not going to resolve a problem. I know that most people on here would not do that, but occasionally we all get frustrated and take it out on the first person we talk to.

Garmin is focused on providing excellent support, but we all have bad days. I've had doctors, lawyers, mechanics and waitresses provide poor customer service, but it is not usually the norm. If you have a bad experience, try again, it is more than likely the next person will help.

If you get a helpful person, remember to thank them, talk to their supervisor and let them know they did a good job, or talk to their supervisor and let them know they did a horrible job. This is the only way to change things.

The employees take ownership in the company, they listen, respond and act according to how you handle the call. I've lost my temper at techs, but I have apologized and explained the situation. Generally that puts everyone back to square one and we can start over.

Tech support is a difficult job. The tech talks to someone who is a difficult customer, cusring, name calling and yelling, then you call. The tech has had 10 seconds to collect their thoughts, and respond to you, that last call carries over. Try to be patient...if you can.

Yes, wait times are horrible. Email comes in at over 1000/day, and the call volume is upward of 4500 calls/day. The techs do all they can, do the best they can and have to follow guidelines on free updates, free accesories, and such, but I doubt that anyone will ever find another company as willing as Garmin to assist. Try calling Dell, Gateway or another tech company for free tech support. Ask Microsoft for free tech support on a package that is 2 years old, and do it for no charge. Many companies are going offshore for support, others are charging $39 or more for support. Garmin will never do this, but if you want faster answering, you may get it with another company, you won't get "support", but you will have some one who doesn't care, doesn't have any ownership in the product and tells you anything to get you off the phone. If that is what you want, don't buy Garmin. Yes, you may have to wait, but you'll get someone willing to take the time to help, to listen and to resolve...at least 95% of the time.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest, but from where I stand, it's a difficult job to be happy 9 hours a day, have a demanding customer question my relationship with my mother and this all in the first 5 seconds of the conversation, before the issue comes out that the GPS unit was dropped in a lake and it should be covered under warrnty.

Just wanted to give you a peek at the man behind the curtain...



hey Garmintech

I appreciate what you do!
Thank you!

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

It's sort of like helping here...

...but this is much easier...

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

Garmin is the Best GPS and the Best Tech Support too

Before I bought my first GPS 3 months ago (Streetpilot 2720), I called the tech support number for all the brands I thought I was interested in buying. It did not take me very long to decide on Garmin. Easy decision. The tech was so nice.
My 2720 was awesome, and I sprung for the 680, cause I just had to have it, and gave the 2720 to my little brother. He loves it.
The recent communication policy on the V2008 maps is a little confusing, but all in all, Garmin is the best. The alternative to Garmin would be what? Yeah.

Frank (Nuvi 2497LMT, 2455LMT, 765LMT,680,StreetPilot 2720)

Kudos Garmintech...

You addressed your concerns in one hell of a message there and I applaud you. I do same as you all day but for health insurance and having to deal with all kinds of customers can be very grueling at times. You get one for every ten that you would rather do without. All day I quote benefits, provide claims status to providers and members all over the U.S., locate network providers for customers, educate them about using the health insurance website where a lot of their questions and concerns can be found. The days when I get those calls where someone is cussing me out because they didnt know they had a copay or a service that was provided is not covered for various reasons and many other examples that are too many to name makes me wonder as well how there can be people out there in this world that can be so disgusting on the phone because they feel powerful with voice and still expect great customer service after their verbal abuse before and during the call. I can guarantee you that when I call Bellsouth, Directv or whoever, I am the most pleasant person because I can truly say we all (customer service reps) walk in the same shoes and it makes us appreciate one another due to the profession we have chosen. I am a very attentive listener and make sure I get the name so I can call you by your name in the call and thankyou properly upon ending call so again I applaud your posting.

On your mark, Get set.....wait a minute......D-A-N-I-E-L..........now we can GO.... (Garmin c340)


I never had any problems with their support


Seems ok to me. I've called

Seems ok to me. I've called several times, and have been satisfied with the outcome.

garmin support is top notch.

garmin support is top notch. if you wanna phone try right when they open in the morning. get through right away

nuvi 755t


I just wanted to take time to thank everyone for their comments. It's a difficult job, a lot of technology to keep up with, policy and procedures that need to be "worked around" and difficult customres with difficult situations.

I take my job here very seriously, LOVE what I do and love the technology. There are a lot of good GPS systems on the market, but I honestly beleive we have the best support.

Yes, I am a Garmin tech, really. I will not answre questions posed to me here, but will comment on leis, garbage adn opinoins. I've seen some interesting "stories" on here, people talking to Exec VP's, to mention one. That does NOT happen, but it's okay, the point was made and he/she got their information out.

Anyway, I am the guy behind the curtain, the person that really does care, and the tech thta loves to talk to all of you, and will not hang up on you just because we have pepole waiting, we will listen to you completely.

Also, call early, or call after 5:00PM Central. We are actuallyopen until 7:00, and most people don't know that. We will be here until the last person is handled, but close the switchboard promptly at 7:00. I hate being away from my family more than 12 or 14 hours a day.

No one wants to talk to a rude customer

I read both of your postings. I find that you are very polite and humble. All you want is to be treated respectfully and you would bend your back backwards to assist your customers. Am I right? Respect is everyone's desire. Somehow, in our "busy" and "me first" society, we forget the "Golden Rule".

P.S. I have never call your customer service since I have not encountered any problem yet. If I do, can I request your service? I have owned two c340. First one was stolen. Second one was bought earlier this year. By the way, what is the cut-off date for "free" version of 2008 Map update?

When you say "call early", how early is early? I live on the east coast.

May 1, 2007 is the cutoff

May 1, 2007 is the cutoff date..for the map update

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

Thanks, Nick

Thanks, Nick.

Hey, Garmintech..

I am glad you said all of that.. I also work in a very high demand place.. I for a finance as a IT manager. and the level I get to work with people is when they already had to deal with about 4 or 5 people that couldnt help.. One of our things, is to try to gey the "Customer happy" We love when we get one that is not in a mad mood. When I do get one, I like to help them even more.. you know how it is.

And, no, you shouldnt take questions here.. that is what your job is for.. just hang here and enjoy the ride,, you will find alot of great people here..

Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"

To Garmintech

All I can say is thanks for the good work. As with others on this site, I think Garmin Tech support rates an A+. Best, dedicated, knowledgeable, and helpfuly support group for any product I have owned. I'm glad you are checking this site, hopefully it gives you a heads up. Also, I hope your marketing and product development group check in every once in a while. What better place to view honest opinions.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

Echo Kahn's ideas

I highly urge Garmin's marketing and product development group check in every once in awhile. This is a great place to get development ideas from GPS users, their wants, needs and wishes, good-bad-and -ugly. Garmin can also glean competitive edge from users ideas, suggestions and recommendations.


Can you get the new updates from garmin, i just got mine not to long ago and there is a new update out for $69.00

tech support/mapping/garmin

Okay, here is the "inside scoop" on mapping updates. The "OFFICIAL" party line is 90 days. From what, we have no idea, so each tech is left up to their own devices. We ask to have you send the receipt in so we can cover our collective donkeys (I hate to say asses). Of course, this will depend on who you talk to, the call they just got off of, but generally the techs are being EXTREMELY generous on the updates. Worse case scenerio, you might have to call back or email, but that's better than paying $70 to update your map that you've had a short time.

Many of you have written wonderful things about the reps at Garmin, and it does make our day to know we have done a good job. The names that have been mentioned in posts on this board are all people I am familiar with, and I am proud to work with them.

No, you can not ask for me for tech support. I'd love to talk to you, but if I was "outted" I could lose my job. I'm sure I am violating some policy by saying anything on this board, especially about the mapping updates. That, my friends, has been crazy!

Each of the wonderful technicians at Garmin have a group of followers. A lot of end users have their favorite techs, and are willing to leave messages and hope for a call back. If you don't get a call back, it's not because we don't care, it's because we don't have a chance. Back to back phone calls make it difficult to find a time to make call backs. I have heard of techs calling from their homes or answering email from their homes. This is, of course, not a Garmin policy, but the techs do want to treat each user with the respect they deserve.

I'll be posting when I have a chance, but I do NOT want to take over the board, and only want to read what you are saying about Garmin, the good, the bad, the funny and the frustrating. I want to learn what YOU want, want to read what YOU are posting, and what I put down is merely an opinion. I don't want to run a board, don't want attention (I love my job and don't want to jeopordize it) and simply want to be like you, just regular users.

I know thre are several techs that post on here, but I wanted to let you know that there is one REAL Garmin employee here...just so you know we are paying attention. Not that I can change anything, but as Bill Clinton said, "I can feel your pain"

Well stated indeed

I for one am glad I went with Garmin. Not only for the product quality, but as suspected and now obviously pointed out in this thread, the human quality of dedicated and loyal employee(s).
I applaud Gtech's stance of not wanting to take over the board...and I hope everyone will acknowledge the request and allow him or her to post comments or reply to posts as a "regular" person and not a Tech person.
None of us would want such a dedicated person to lose their job.

I've only contacted Garmin via email with problems I've had, most recently a broken gtm-20 cable, which one has been ordered to be sent to me.
Every instance, every reply, has been nothing but professional and courteous (no matter how stupid or serious my email question or request was..lol)

Information gathered here as far as the features we like/dislike on our units could be huge. Much better than a typical survey. Maybe we've had some "under-cover" techs posting here - Great! Several topic headings come to mind that could have been seeded - Again, Great!

I for one am glad to know the "company" is paying attention!

That's all I have to say ... for now ... except

Garmintech - welcome to the community!

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

Welcome Garmintech, it is

Welcome Garmintech, it is nice to have you here;)

Miss Poi

garmin tech support hours

is it just me or do the hours keep getting shorter? i could swear that after experiencing my first problem 3 or 4 weeks ago i talked to someone on a saturday, after another problem with the replacement unit i talked to another person well after 5pm cst because it was after i got home from work. i tried to call tonight at about 6:45 to find out the status of the c330 i sent in overnight this past saturday and the recording said the hours were from 8am to 5pm m-f. the website still says 8am to 7pm m-f. any clue why the hours are shrinking?

I beg to differ...

asianfire wrote:

Ok, for radar detectors...Bels are some of the top of the line models. however, their customer support stinks. It seems that Garmin is the leading manufacturer of GPS, but their Customer Service stinks too. I wonder why that is.

On my return trip from Palm Springs this afternoon, my 360 stopped working...no little green bars on the left, I had lost all my satellite reception! Being concerned about the warranty, I checked my receipts, and guess what...I had bought the 360 on 5/22/2007! Quelle chance!

I contacted Garmin and was assisted by a very capable young woman named Vivian who did everything within her power to right the problem. After about 30 minutes of trying, she requested that I return my 360 to them. and they would fast track the process and send me a new 360 ASAP, she even said that if it had been a few days over my warranty, they would have done the same thing. Now, I ask you, where do you find quality service such as this these days? Maybe because we get so little service nowadays, we can’t recognize it. My whole career of 34 years as a financial advisor is based on quality service, so when I get first rate service, I know it, and this was most certainly it! They were very helpful, and treated me as a valued customer. I'll continue buying Garmin products until such time they prove otherwise. By the way, I just bought a 350 too, now my backup.

Just my opinion...

"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."
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