Lost sound on NUVI 200W


My sister has the Nuvi 200W, just bought it a few weeks ago, downloaded new software and lost sound, any suggestions or similar experiences?

Bob G. Nuvi 750

In my experience.....

everytime my father reports the same problem to me I find the volume muted, turned down too low, or a non-TTS voice selected.

Safest things to check first are the most obvious


Don't know what you mean by "Lost Sound", but if you merely lost navigational voice, re-select a voice. Updates often deselect the chosen voice for some reason.

Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.


Have done all the above! still no sound!

Bob G. Nuvi 750

have you tried reset?

My 250 lost voice. Still had the beep sound for working through menus. I had to do a reset, pressing the tiny reset button hidden under the label. Actually, I had to do that twice, the first time didn't seem to work but I did it again and it started using voice when routing me to some location again.