How do I


set up my traffic for the 265wt, also how do I set up the traffic cams and red light cameras


pennywise19791998 wrote:

... how do I set up the traffic cams and red light cameras

First - get a job with the DOT ....

Just kidding ... for the POI files, download and view the FAQ Section for pointers on how to load and use. Regarding the units traffic - register your unit online and then plug it in your car ... that's it!

You don't have to do

You don't have to do anything to set up the traffic.Just plug the power cord into the lighter.The traffic receiver is built into the power cord and the 265 comes with free traffic.You should see a green icon on the screen if you are in the coverage area.To get the redlight and speed cameras just download from the site.Here is the process I use for subfolders.I included the wav file process because you can use wav files for voice alerts because 265 will not accept mp3s.

How to make subfolders, download files and develop categories.

1.Go to my documents on your computer and make a folder and name it My poi’s.
2.Click on My poi’s folder. Now right click and make subfolders naming them based on type of files you plan to download. Example: Food, Alerts, Parks, Attractions and etc.
3.Go to POI Factory main page and click on poi files. Scroll down until you see View all poi files ( listed alphabetically) .Click on first file you want to download and save it in one of the subfolders you created. Repeat process until you have downloaded and placed all the csv or gpx files into the correct subfolders.
4.Now if you want to add bmp (icons), and wav (sounds) files select icons or sounds from the POI Factory main page. The process is the same for all to download. Click on the title and when you see attachment just right click on it and pick save target as. Save it in the correct subfolder you want the wav or icon for. The Nuvi 2x0 and 2x5 series can use wav files for the alerts.
a. Download the latest PoiLoader file at .
b. Download Sox Exe at .
c. After un-zipping Sox Exe file place it in your Garmin folder where the PoiLoader exe file is located on the computer.
d. The wav file for alerts will be named the same as the CSV or GPX file except for the extensions.
e. You can make your own wav files by going to and typing in what you want it to say or use a program to convert mp3 files to wav. When using the conversion it must be saved as PCM, 44.100 kHZ., 16 bit, Mono. Many wav files available on PoiFactory listed under sounds at top of page.

5.Now go to each subfolder and name the csv, bmp andwav file the same name except for the extensions. The biggest problems with the alerts and icons not working are the files not being named the same except for extensions and having double extensions. Double-check each of them. The best way to prevent double extensions is to go to your folder options in the control panel and click view then find hide extensions for known file types and remove the check mark. Click ok.

This is how it should look.

>My pois=main folder

>>Department stores=subfolder

>>>Cracker Barrel.csv
>>>Cracker Barrel.bmp
>>>Cracker Barrel.wav

>>>Redlight cameras.csv
>>>Redlight cameras.bmp
>>>Redlight cameras.wav
>>>Speed cameras.csv
>>>Speed cameras.bmp
>>>Speed cameras.wav

6.Connect your GPS to your computer using the usb cable.
7.Now run poi loader .
8.When you see screen find device make sure you select the proper one. If using sd card use the pull down window .The arrow located across from device and selects the sd card.
9.Click next and put mark in Install new custom Poi’s onto your device.
10.Click next. Using Browse make sure to select the folder location for My poi’s not the subfolders. Looking below on same screen you will see selection for either express or manual mode. If you plan to set alerts for your custom poi’s select the manual mode . This will allow you to set alert by speed or distance. Click next.
11.Now you should get message so many points of interest has been installed to your device.
12.Based on model. Touch where to, extras and touch custom pois last and you will see the ones you downloaded.
13.Each time you run poiloader it will over write the existing files.

Note a lot of wav files have been just posted that were done by BobDee.Check out the new sounds for redlight and speed cameras.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

WOW, Charlie I think that

WOW, Charlie
I think that should about cover it. Nice instructions. You should be a teacher.

Some days you're the bug, Some days you're the windshield!!

Thanks findlayref .I have

Thanks findlayref .I have learned a lot from the members on this site since starting out into the gps world.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Thank You

Thanks a lot Charlie for the advice.