Which Wich

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Last updated 07/26/2012

Raw file: WhichWich1207.gpx (24.52 KB)

Which Wich was started by Jeff Sinelli, founder and former CEO of Genghis Grill. They have gone from 96 locations in the last update (2009) to 186, with more listed as coming soon (I did not include these as sometimes they never open).

This GPX file contains all Which Wich locations based on the Which Wich locations page (http://www.whichwich.com/storelocations.php) as of July 2012. All GPS data is based on the address using GPSvisualizer.com's Geocoder tool.

You may have to drive around a shopping center to find it; if it's obviously inside a mall I added (M) to the name. Those that appear to be on college campuses I included the school in the name. After all, what traveller wants to deal with navigating a campus? Not me.

If you'd like to update the coordinates to the exact spot, send those to me (be specific with the address so I know which one it is). New locations should be formatted as such:

longitude, latitude, Which Wich, "address"

Change History

  • David King - Jul 20, 2012
    added bmp icon