Creating New York POI files


I'm spending a week in New York in June and am trying to add a list of 81 possible locations into my nuvi 205. Using turboccc's marvelous Extra_POI_Editor, the creation went without a hitch. But, when I go to upload them into the nuvi, only about half of them make it in.

The editor has all of them in the file. POI Loader says that all 81 of them have been uploaded, but only about 45 of them show up in the Custom POI file when I select it.

I figure I'm missing something basic, but this is not the first .gpx file I've created and uploaded to it. It is the first time I've used turbo's program, but other files I created today worked just fine.

One hint might be that the ones missing are the ones sorted to the end of the listing by distance from my current location.

Can anyone give me a hint about what would cause the some of the entries in the file to fail to appear?



It only shows about 50

If you are doing a search on the file, the Nuvi only displays about the 50 closest locations.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

My Face is Offically Red

Thanks for the quick response, a_user. I thought it might be something like that, but my Google-fu wasn't up to the task of finding an answer.

This went so well, I think I'll try creating a POI for Nashville attractions.
