More Radio Station Files?


I'm in the process of creating my own version of AM/FM radio station files from the data at I'm doing individual files of each state of interest to me and I was wondering if there was any interest in this type file as opposed to one huge file?

Grayson, GA

Radio Stations by State

I am one of "The Radio Guys". First, I wish we had been aware of "" before we started the project of the stations and genres....would have saved a lot of time.
Anyway, I have all of the stations in a Filemaker Database and can easily output any file you might need by state: i.e. AM and FM stations, AM, FM, or by the genres we have already produced.
If you have a specific need, I can provide the .csv file very quickly or, if you use Filemaker, I can provide the database.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource


I came to the conclusion I'm reinventing the wheel and decided not to pursue this,



I had never heard of

I had never heard of Roadnotes before either, but thanks for the URL and thanks to the Radio Guys for their files!