Chit Chat Thread for the week of April 27th 2009


This is the place to talk about things that are not gps related.

Have fun...

This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.

Miss POI

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Very Happy for you

aophiuchus wrote:

I have a brand new grand-daughter, 8#'s worth!!! shock

I am so Happy for you and your family!
A brand new Grand baby makes for an awfully happy Granddaddy I would bet.
Congratulations my friend.

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

# 52

that’s okay that i am 52nd this week... cough, cough. i had a great time this past weekend in Cozumel Mexico. cough, cough, cough. fantastic weekend, fantastic scandley clad women. cough, sneeze, cough. got back last night. i have a (sneeze, cough, phlegm, cough) small fever today. my coworkers are enjoying hearing my stories of that little slice of heaven called... COZUMEL, MEXICO. cough, cough, cough...

Thanasi---Magellan RoadMate 1700LM , & Magellan RoadMate 5045LM "Speed is just a question of money. How fast do you want to go!!!!" Movie: Mad Max - 1979



"If there's a new way I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time!"

Tuesday and we are already on page 2.

Just stating the obvious.

I plan to live forever. So far, so good.

Just dropping by....

Just dropping by....

Garmin Nüvi 650, 255WT

Building an Ark

If it doesnt stop raining here in Chicago....I am going to start building an Ark.

FtDad....Garmin nuvi 750



I must be getting old, picked up a cold with Bronchitis, went to the quack and was treated like a swine suspect!! twisted mask and all...

Garmin Nuvi360, Nuvi760, eTrex Vista HCx, Oregon 300

Killing brands

Gary A wrote:
BobDee wrote:


and this morning I read also Hummer, Saab and Saturn.

Those three don't have the history, legend, and the following like Pontiac. Or the way Oldsmobile did to a lesser extent.

I saw a Hummer H3 the other day, thinking GM could've competed against the Jeep mystique if they played the cards right. But of course, they didn't.

nüvi 750 & 760

Ark supplies

FTdad wrote:

If it doesnt stop raining here in Chicago....I am going to start building an Ark.

Have you found a steady supply of gopherwood? That's what Noah used.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet


Swine flu alerts all over the place here in southern Arizona........stay awqy from indoor crowds means NO casino for this slot freak........sigh again

Golf,whenever and wherever you can ... Always swing hard, just in case you hit it ..... If you can reach it,you can hole it, SEE IT FEEL IT DO IT !


Hope everyone are safe from SWine.
Spend more time online. It is safer.

Already Wednesday!

Go Cavs! Hopefully they'll be at the top of the NBA when mid-June finally rolls around. Exciting play-offss and championship, but it's too damn long a process.

Garmin 765T...Is it about the destination, or is it about the journey?

As jkaplan said


Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

Lakers are totally going to

Lakers are totally going to take it this year unfortantly


Went to Atlanta yesterday for grandaughters confirmation. Loved the ceremony - hated the traffic. No wonder companies are shying away from that city! Left at 10 p.m., and traffic was still heavy around I-285!

"Sometimes, when I look at my children, I wish I had remained a virgin". Lillian Carter (Mother of Jimmy Carter)


Why does Obama's first 100 days seem longer?

"Sometimes, when I look at my children, I wish I had remained a virgin". Lillian Carter (Mother of Jimmy Carter)


If you think it been long so far, wait till the bills come due.

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

Go Ducks!




"Sometimes, when I look at my children, I wish I had remained a virgin". Lillian Carter (Mother of Jimmy Carter)


New here. This is better than twitter. You to use more than 140 characters. I guess I'm the 141st.

You all have come up with some great POIs, thanks.



Zapca, welcome to the community, get comfy and read read read, ten ask away. Looking forward to your input as well.

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

Congratulations on the new grand-daughter.

aophiuchus wrote:

I have a brand new grand-daughter, 8#'s worth!!! shock

Congratulations. Just remember as grandparents our role is to SPOIL SPOIL SPOIL and enjoy! That's my grandson in the car with me.


Garmin Nüvi 855 & 760, iPhone, Magellan RM860T

Made it back to VA

Made it back to VA safetly.Lots of work going on on I95.Lots of delays.Must be the stimulus money at work.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Just wondered if it would be a "good thing" (a la Martha Stewart) for someone to have a POI Factory Fan Club on Facebook. It would be another source of awareness about this lovely place.

Meanwhile, the weather is beautiful and I'm feeling a Jimmy Buffett Moment coming on!!!

Have a great week, you all.

"Making tracks..." {:)-<=| Nuvi 880



Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

Have a great weekend everyone

Hope everyone has a great weekend, We are headed to the ocean for some camping.


charlesd45 wrote:

Made it back to VA safetly.Lots of work going on on I95.Lots of delays.Must be the stimulus money at work.

Glad you made it back safely, Charlie. "See you" next fall.

My wife's parents winter in Bonita Springs. In another couple of weeks we'll be driving their car north to Indiana for the summer. Then we fly back to Tampa.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

What part of Indiana Gary ???

I'll be driving thru Indiana on the 17th/18th . Don't want to get in your way. 2 Floridians crash into each other in Indiana in their hurry to get to Rest
Area !

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Farm Country

We should be OK, Ken. wink I'll be driving up the 10th & 11th. I'll be about 40 miles west of Indy, down Hwy US-40. Then from the 14th thru the 21st, we'll be meeting friends in Michigan, near Traverse City. We fly out of Indy on the 23rd.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

If you are near Indianapolis

MrKenFL wrote:

I'll be driving thru Indiana on the 17th/18th . Don't want to get in your way. 2 Floridians crash into each other in Indiana in their hurry to get to Rest
Area !

The truck stop (Flying J?) at Exit 4 I-465 (Indiana 37 & Thompson Rd.) usually has the lowest fuel prices in the area (-86.18820, 39.69254). Its been that way for years.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

Thanks for the tip

Will actually be staying in Greenfield.
Have all the Truck Gas Plaza's TourGuide file loaded into Jack.
ALMOST ready to head out - will leave the 3rd.
About 4000 miles to drive before I hit Indianapolis area ! Lots of Gas Plazas and Rest Areas to go !

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Where Abouts?

charlesd45 wrote:

Made it back to VA safetly.Lots of work going on on I95.Lots of delays.Must be the stimulus money at work.

Where abouts in VA? 95 is my least favorite route above South Carolina.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Truck Stop

a_user wrote:

The truck stop (Flying J?) at Exit 4 I-465 (Indiana 37 & Thompson Rd.) usually has the lowest fuel prices in the area (-86.18820, 39.69254). Its been that way for years.

We notice that too, every time we cut off I-65 on the beltway heading to I-70 West. Its in kind of a truck/industrial area.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold


I need my badges back .. lol.. Na, Just having fun. Got to love this site!

Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"

about the ark

FTdad wrote:

If it doesnt stop raining here in Chicago....I am going to start building an Ark.

Count me in wink


I insist, I gotta be last!

Hi, everyone!


nice works

I saw some bonsai icons beside Motorcycle Mama, they are sooo nice. Whoever came up with that for COY is really have a creative mind idea

Nuvi 2595LMT

Chrysler Bailout???

OK, so we spend all that money to supposedly bail out Chrysler, then they go ahead and declare bankruptcy anyway . . . Does this make sense to anyone? . . . and the government is going to give them more bail out money??? Whose in charge of this plan???????

dja24 - garmin nuvi 200W, etrex vista, etrex vista Cx

site has not changed

it's been over a year since I been to this site...
hello ya'll...

Hey Sanger

Welcome Home!

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

Watch Your Credit Cards

I just checked my Credit card today and found an bad billing against it. Went the the Credit Union and filed a dispute claim. They found 3 more charges for the same place pending. Had to change both my credid card and debit card. Now I can't spend any money until I get the new cards. Will have to go get some cash out. What is cash?. or write a check. Anyone remember how to write a check? Oh well got it fixed fast before worse things happened. Good Day and week to all.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

American Express

johnm405 wrote:

I just checked my Credit card today and found an bad billing against it. Went the the Credit Union and filed a dispute claim. They found 3 more charges for the same place pending. Had to change both my credid card and debit card. Now I can't spend any money until I get the new cards. Will have to go get some cash out. What is cash?. or write a check. Anyone remember how to write a check? Oh well got it fixed fast before worse things happened. Good Day and week to all.

I feel your pain. I just went through that last month with my American Express card. Somebody was making online purchases in the Netherlands with it.

AmEx took care of it. Didn't cost me anything. I would suggest opening a fraud alert with the 3 major credit bureaus. I did. You can request a 90 day fraud alert and it costs nothing. Within the last 30 days, you can extend it another 90 days if you want.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

Go Cubbies

Go Cubbies

Go Blackhawks


phranc wrote:
charlesd45 wrote:

Made it back to VA safetly.Lots of work going on on I95.Lots of delays.Must be the stimulus money at work.

Where abouts in VA? 95 is my least favorite route above South Carolina.

Chesapeake VA close to Va Beach,Norfolk and Suffolk.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Thanks to all who congratulated me on my new grand-daughter...

It's a real bundle of joy, (My 7th) but most of the rest are boys... I'll be bringing my nine year old grand-son and 22 year old grand-daughter to Florida for the IATSE convention at Disney World.. I should really get some spoiling in then... grin

It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ

Credit Check

Thanks GaryA that was my next thought. Just shows you never know when it can happen to you.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Back in VA

Gary A wrote:
charlesd45 wrote:

Made it back to VA safetly.Lots of work going on on I95.Lots of delays.Must be the stimulus money at work.

Glad you made it back safely, Charlie. "See you" next fall.

My wife's parents winter in Bonita Springs. In another couple of weeks we'll be driving their car north to Indiana for the summer. Then we fly back to Tampa.

Nice weather here but not like Fl.Have a nice trip.Pretty country out that way.We are thinking about heading out to Utah again in June.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Chrysler Bailout???

dja24 wrote:

OK, so we spend all that money to supposedly bail out Chrysler, then they go ahead and declare bankruptcy anyway . . . Does this make sense to anyone? . . . and the government is going to give them more bail out money??? Whose in charge of this plan???????

Well, I didn't vote for him!

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

New to POI Factory

So far, what I have seen and learned about POI's is exciting and will be a great addition to our summer travels. We like to find all the railroad - prototype running and dead, and model - locations as we travel mostly in the Western States. I will not be surprised to find a file of Railroad POI's and maybe I can add to them. I need a little learning first. I am a retired mining engineer so if there is need for locating some interesting mining locations, just ask.

George W Model Railraoder and NP Fan

radio check.

radio check.

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