POI file? Any takers?
Thu, 03/08/2007 - 12:40pm
17 years
This would be a great file to have excpet I have no experience m aking these files. Check out to see what I mean.
Upload it, I for one will
Upload it, I for one will definitely take a look at it..
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Being new to this I'm not
Being new to this I'm not sure to how to go about making one. If there was a good tutorial I might take a shot at it but there are a lot of places to input and finding the lat. and long. coordinates would be too daunting for me. If anyone knows how to take the data from the information in the maps at the website and make a poi file I'm sure it would get a lot of use.
I'd be will to do my state of Michigan if others would take on the task of doing their state.
all the info is here
Being new to this I'm not sure to how to go about making one. If there was a good tutorial I might take a shot at it but there are a lot of places to input and finding the lat. and long. coordinates would be too daunting for me. If anyone knows how to take the data from the information in the maps at the website and make a poi file I'm sure it would get a lot of use.
I'd be will to do my state of Michigan if others would take on the task of doing their state.
The basic information you need is found in the "faq & help" "csv file format" section of this site, which is as good as a tutorial that you'll find. After you understand the basic csv files and data entry "quirks" of the different programs that can be used to create them, for example notepad, excel, mapsource, easygps, poiedit etc. The remainder is quite simple. My first few were done with notepad, then excel then some of the others as well as google earth. All from the information and education I got at the POI Factory. Use the search feature, ask questions, web search. Before you know it you'll be hooked and creating files like crazy.
I might suggest you start with two or three small csv files, pick out areas in your neighborhood. Make three different categories, like maybe Stores, Gas Stations, Restaurants. Then put a couple of points within each one, you'll have to find the address, latitude/longitude and make your files. You'll also be able to see how you can organize them into categories when loaded to your gps unit, and what you have to do to get them to display as you wish. Then go drive or simulate a drive. Then when you see how they all turn out, jump into the ocean of POI building. It's only daunting if you don't try. Plenty of people here will help if you get stuck. When I first landed here, the only POI I knew of was the stuff at a Hawaiian luau.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........