iN 2007 I purchased a SD for the western US,to use off road hiking. In 2008 when vacationing it would just flash the topo info momentarily then not show the actual topo. Is this due to not updating? Like others on this forum I spent 70$ plus for the disc which I only need to use when vacationing in the west. Was I "Garmined" like everyone else who purchased specialty software or am I using it incorrectly?

Do you have two active maps?

patrick51 wrote:

iN 2007 I purchased a SD for the western US,to use off road hiking. In 2008 when vacationing it would just flash the topo info momentarily then not show the actual topo. Is this due to not updating? Like others on this forum I spent 70$ plus for the disc which I only need to use when vacationing in the west. Was I "Garmined" like everyone else who purchased specialty software or am I using it incorrectly?

I'm not sure with a Zumo, but with the nuvi that has it's built-in City Navigator base map, when you insert a SD card with a different map (Topo, in your case), you need to go to the GPS' map selection page and turn off the base map to allow the topo to be seen. Then, when wanting to go back to the base map, go back to the map page on the GPS and reactivate the base map and maybe unselect the topo.

Does this resolve things for you? Fingers are crossed here...

Thanks, In the Map Info page

Thanks, In the Map Info page I do have 2 different maps listed but see no way to turn one off or on with the GPS unit.

Check box?

patrick51 wrote:

Thanks, In the Map Info page I do have 2 different maps listed but see no way to turn one off or on with the GPS unit.

On the nuvi, before each map, there's a little box with or without a check in it. Touching the box will change the contents, either adding or removing the check. Do zumos work like this? To see the Topo map on your SD card, you need to uncheck the main map, hopefully just by touching the screen at the box.

Ah, I found your Zumo Owners Manual and it should work as I describe above. Check page 41 in your Owners Manual and look for "Map Info."

Topo Sd

Thanks again; I am able to uncheck the Topo US box, but not the City Navigator NA, but then the City Navigator has a (1) below it which has the Topo US detailed info, ie: the western states on the Topo US SD.
It is possible that when trying to use the Topo this map info was unchecked.
I will try it again. Thanks