Which Garmin car/object gives the best location indication?
Thu, 12/25/2008 - 3:05pm
16 years
Hi everyone! From your experience with the 3D screen, which Garmin car or object gives the best car or object's actual location indication on the Garmin screen as you're driving.
I noticed that Nintendo's Mario is kind of slow moving in that I drove past Norwood Avenue before Mario did the same on the screen. Or should I go to a 2D screen to get a better location indication?
Two Vehicle options
Check this page for a couple of vehicles that clearly indicate the GPX exact location, rather than obstructing the view.
The first is a modified version of Garmin's own triangle, but with the tip exactly at the actual location.
The other is a circle with a little triangle indicating the direction.
GARMIN nuvi 760 sites.google.com/site/lschwabe/
Terrific man! Thanks!