Removed It


You are right. Everybody is happier talking GPS.

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!


Is this a GPS site or a doom-and-gloom site?

America Moves By Truck --- Streetpilot 7200 & OOIDA --- userid= poifactory password= guest; "Don't gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don't go up, don't buy it."

Sorry! I am not trying to

Sorry! I am not trying to be doom and gloom but just aware of what is going on around me.

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!


It is a combination of the normal business cycle, conbined with the abuses of easy credit (Bad loans). It will be painful, but should straighten out in a couple of years. People need to stop living beyond their means, or they will never get out of debt. The housing market needed to decline also, housing prices were getting ridiculous.

Magellan Maestro 4250, T-Mobile G1 with Google Maps, iPaq with TomTom, and a Tapwave Zodiac with TomTom and Mapopolis

When things are bad they tend to get better............

When things are bad they tend to get better and when things are good they tend to get worse. It’s a never ending cycle and vey rarely does anything stay the same.

Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps

As long as .....

bad don't turn to worse.

Bumpded & Edited

EagleOne wrote:

Is this a GPS site or a doom-and-gloom site?

Edited my reply to Eagleone since the original poster withdrew his post do to peer pressure.
I just don't understand shock

bpa5152 Your post was a excellent post, and you should always speak your mind. ALWAYS! especially when it was as well written as yours was.


Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

Thank you for your comments.

Thank you for your comments. I saw that others were talking about the problems with Circuit City and I just wanted to expand the conversation to everything that has me worried. It is hard to find anyone to share this with because most people want to run and hide from these problems instead of talking about them.

However, I do realize this is probably not the best site to share these types of comments especially with the issues everyone is facing. People come to this site to get away and go into a world of fun and GPS and would rather focus on lighter things.

I will use better judgement next time. Anyway, thanks for your support.

I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!