E(Audio Books) Places To Obtain?


I know the public library has some e-books, and the net has some places as well for cash. what is your favorite venue for selection and price. I am specifically looking for "The Great Depression" documentary. I heard it on the car radio a long time back, and it was very close to come of today's events. Thanks

E Books

Here is a free site for books in the public domain. They are read by lots of different people, Some good some not so good.

Audio Files

Another place for audio files is itunes (you can get it for PC too). They have many free downloads, Check under Podcasts, and itunes University. They have both audio and video. The audio ones are in mp3 format and work fine. None of the places mentioned are .aa files, all are mp3. So you will have to access them on your gps unit accordingly.

Old Radio Shows

Old radio programs can be found here.

Audio books

Another free download site.


Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

old time radio

For the people that like old time radio shows here's one I just remembered. If you got to the site and enter your address she will send you a free cd with 92 old time radio shows on it.


Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.