Gluten-free restaurant POI
Fri, 11/07/2008 - 1:46pm
17 years
My family has recently been limited to dining at restaurants that have gluten-free menus and are gluten-free friendly. This could be a useful POI for others.
At this time I do not have a list of restaurants but think this might be a useful projects for this gang to tackle.
Group not POI
My family has recently been limited to dining at restaurants that have gluten-free menus and are gluten-free friendly. This could be a useful POI for others.
At this time I do not have a list of restaurants but think this might be a useful projects for this gang to tackle.
Dear Z,
As there are some restaurants such as Outback that provide such a menu, those restaurants could be put in a group of such establishments. This would be more efficient than combining all the gluten-free friendly restaurants as different people will probably be maintaining the files for them.
I am a gluten-free and casein-free diet (no wheat and no dairy).
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