Navigon & POI-Warner


Hello, I'm new to GPS and this forum. As a gift my company recently gave me a Navigon 2000s. So far I'm liking it but am interested in adding more POI files. After a LOT of searching/investigting it seems like my options to upload my own POI files are POI-Warner or nothing. Can anyone else with a Navigon confirm? Are there ANY other options (i.e. open source)?

Thanks, Rick

Navigon, Me too!


I too am interested in anything associated with Navigon. I purchased a set of Continental tires yesterday and they were running a promotion for a free Navigon 2000s. It will be a few weeks until I receive my GPSr, but I searched this site and came up with about 12 pages of citations for Navigon. My suggestion is to go to the "more" prompt under the Active Forum Topics column on the right and look under "other" GPSs or run the search at the top of the page as I did.

I currently have a NUVI 200 (since Father's Day) and have been adding POIs without a hitch. If the Navigon works half as well as my Garmin I will be one happy guy.

You will find this forum to be loaded with the most helpful folks a newbie could ask for. Take a look at the new users files and use the search first and then ask away.

I will be reading the responses also in anticipation of receiving my 2000S.

I hope you enjoy your GPS and use it as much as I do mine.


My opinion if you used a

My opinion if you used a nuvi 200 I don't think you will like the navigon 2000. I have a nuvi 680 and a navigon 7200. I use the navigon as a paper weight. You can't load POI unless you buy a special program.

Sometimes you shouldn't make statements you cant back up

Mitch3516 wrote:

My opinion if you used a nuvi 200 I don't think you will like the navigon 2000. I have a nuvi 680 and a navigon 7200. I use the navigon as a paper weight. You can't load POI unless you buy a special program.

I'll buy your paper weight from you. then add POI-Warner to it then resell it, it will run circles around your other Gps. And I mean rather large Circles!


Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.


wish wrote:

Hello, I'm new to GPS and this forum. As a gift my company recently gave me a Navigon 2000s. So far I'm liking it but am interested in adding more POI files. After a LOT of searching/investigting it seems like my options to upload my own POI files are POI-Warner or nothing. Can anyone else with a Navigon confirm? Are there ANY other options (i.e. open source)?

Thanks, Rick

Hi Rick,
I suggest you get a program called POI-Warner.
Since Navigon has a Windows OS, you can load additional programs to run with the navigation software. With POI-Warner you can run several different POI files simultaneously, plus radius alerts and many more poi features.
Here is the link to their site:


Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

POI's for your Navigon.

Please see the post above this one.


Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.


Mitch3516 wrote:

My opinion if you used a nuvi 200 I don't think you will like the navigon 2000. I have a nuvi 680 and a navigon 7200. I use the navigon as a paper weight. You can't load POI unless you buy a special program.

I apologize if this sounds harsh but I didn't ask for opinions of other GPS brands vs Navigon. As I mentioned I received it as a gift, cost was $0 & I'm going to use it. I'm simply looking for options for adding POI files.

BobDee, that's what I suspected. That is that it is POI-Warner or nothing. If it's as good as you say I'll likely purchase and give it a try. Its not like I have other options! wink


Is a microcard necessary for loading POI-Warner? I'm assuming no. That I can just connect via USB and load. Just curious. Thanks


wish wrote:

Is a microcard necessary for loading POI-Warner? I'm assuming no. That I can just connect via USB and load. Just curious. Thanks

POI-Warner uses Microsoft ActiveSync through the USB port. Pay close attention to Kondyke's posts for help setting up POI-Warner.


Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.