Anyone from Orange (Sabine) or Victoria TX?


Hi all,
Not sure if POI Factory will mind that I have placed this in here but here goes.

I work at a company up here that also has a chemical manufacturing site in each of the cities of Victoria and Orange Texas.

Due to the damages that was caused too those two sites and their projected clean up and eventual start-up, we will soon be experiencing an interruption to our work hours and some layoffs are planned.

We were shown a couple pictures of the height of the water on the Orange Site as of last Sunday which was at about 4 – 5 feet above ground level. Which in my mind would create a toxic soup for the area and the site as this water would have flowed into the bowels of the sites and thus caused any chemical residue to float to the surface from every nook and cranny. When the water finally recedes it will leave a toxic sludge on the ground and toxic pools in any low area on the sites which would need to be pumped out and cleaned. Then there is the clean-up and inspection of every wire, valve, pipe, controllers, conduits and wiring… etc.

We are being told that it would take a couple months to get the sites up and running. However upon some questions to management on the issue of environmental impact we were given only blank stares.

I’m asking if there is anyone in the POI Factory Family from this area if they could relay some information on the state of the area, site clean-up or any other news/information. Not sure if we are getting the full story of what is going on down there and Google searches are not very helpful.

Forgive the lack of company name or other specific identifying information but if you’re an employee of this LARGE privately owned company you’ll fully understand the need to be as vague in public print as possible.

Thanks for any information