Dunkin Donuts for GeePeeEx Editor


I downloaded the Dunkin Donuts POI file from here http://www.poi-factory.com/node/5193 and did some extensive editing on it. It is now in the .CSV format used by GeePeeEx Editor ( http://GeePeeEx.com ). In other words, I split it out by street address, state , zip, phone number etc... So now it can be sorted on any of these fields. (I sorted it by state, the city, then street address).

Once I sorted it, I went through and deleted dozens of duplicate entries. Last week I uploaded the file and a .GPX file to match. I haven't seen it posted, and I'm not sure if I did it right. As a matter of fact, since I uploaded it, I sorted it a couple more times (once by lat. long.) and removed even more duplicate entries. If you ask me, this is a much better format for editing the file than the original .CSV file was. It certainly makes it easier to catch duplicates.

EDIT: I also went through the entries that were missing the address data, and added whatever I could find. For some, I did reverse phone number searches and for others, I viewed the location on Google Map (using GeePeeEx Editor).

Is there any interest in this?

If I understand correctly ...

ScrugneysGundogs wrote:

.... I split it out by street address, state , zip, phone number etc... So now it can be sorted on any of these fields. (I sorted it by state, the city, then street address).

If I understand you correctly, you split the original csv file into street address, state, zip, phone numbers, and more columns. If so, you have 7 or more fields, which does not conform to Garmin's csv Custom POI format. Garmin's csv format only accepts 4 fields maximum .... any fields over 4 are removed when loaded and will not show on the GPS. POI Verifier II may help you out in this regard.


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

ScrugneysGundogs wrote:It

ScrugneysGundogs wrote:

It is now in the .CSV format used by GeePeeEx Editor.

You misunderstand. If you use GeePeeEx Editor to edit say, the original Dunkin Donuts .CSV file, and you EXPORT it from GeePeeEx Editor as a .CSV file - this is the format you get. It can be read back in by GeePeeEx editor AS IS (with all the extra columns) and then SAVEd as a .GPX file. The resulting .GPX file can be used by any Garmin GPS that reads .GPX files.

Several things ....

1. Whether it's ScrugneysGundogs' 10 field csv file, or John's 20 field csv file, or Sam's 30 field csv file ... mixing csv files with non-standard field count in with all of the standard csv files is "an accident waiting to happen". What changes from Garmin's csv Custom POI format requirements are we going to allow next??

2. Taking some elses work, modifying it, and uploading as yours just isn't prudent. If there are problems with the original file, be it errors or duplicates, the correct procedure is to either contact Miss POI or the author with the corrections.

3. It may make it easier to find duplicates, but there are ways to do it easier without messing with the field count. There are programs available for this, POI Verifier II being one.


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

retiredtechnician, you just

retiredtechnician, you just don't get it.

1. The GPX file IS standard. Actually MORE standard than anything I downloaded from here.
2. I'm not taking credit for anyone's work. If you read the 1st post, I distinctly said I downloaded the file from here.
3. You are simply wrong. IEBeyeball catches errors that automation will never find.

Since nobody else chimed in on the subject, I take it there is no interest, so I'll drop it.

I get it, YOU don't?

ScrugneysGundogs wrote:

retiredtechnician, you just don't get it.

1. The GPX file IS standard. Actually MORE standard than anything I downloaded from here.
2. I'm not taking credit for anyone's work. If you read the 1st post, I distinctly said I downloaded the file from here.
3. You are simply wrong. IEBeyeball catches errors that automation will never find.

Since nobody else chimed in on the subject, I take it there is no interest, so I'll drop it.

I get it, you uploaded a csv file (along with the gpx file) that contains 7 or more fields, wanting it to be posted along with the standard csv files. You said so yourself; and I quote:
Last week I uploaded the file and a .GPX file to match. I haven't seen it posted,
YOU're simply wrong! POI Verifier found as many, or more, duplicates than your eyeballing. By the way, did you notify the original author of the duplicates you found, or should I.


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

You can take it from here.

You can take it from here. I'm done.