SP7200 - Poor Jack got lost!


I have a bone to pick with Jack, my SP7200 navigator. He has been so spot on that I trusted him for the first (and last) time yesterday.

I was on a trip in the middle of Los Angeles and I needed to go from 120 South to 110 South with traffic jammed and moving like a fast lava flow. The ramp off of 120 to 110 splits into 110 North and 110 South. Of course at that point 110 is neither North nor South but East and West.

Anyway everything said South when Jack tells me to go North. I freaked but moving in a lava flow with 100 yards to decide I went with Jack. As soon as I did I knew Jack had led me astray.

Then he did it again twice when attempting to navigate me back to 110 South. Each case telling me left instead of right even when the map clearly showed turning right.

He did well in directing my escape from LA, but what the heck happened? The text showed 110 South, the arrow went to 110 South, and Jack said 110 North.
