SameCell Cell Capture for phone GPS service?


I have run across
and wonder if anyone on here has any knowledge of how well it works? They seem to offer a GPS service with a combination of cell tower and satellite reception. This is regardless of what your service provider includes in your package.

I think it only works with Blackberry models but before I left that website I was not sure which models.

Anyone with an opinion about it?

"Making tracks..." {:)-<=| Nuvi 880

I *think ALL cell-phones now

I *think ALL cell-phones now days have GPS built in, however most are only used for E-911 (enhanced) therefore the provider tracks you via tower but that only puts you within a X radius (I think is 50m)

Wireless Enhanced 911

jstutman wrote:

I *think ALL cell-phones now days have GPS built in, however most are only used for E-911 (enhanced) therefore the provider tracks you via tower but that only puts you within a X radius (I think is 50m)

See the section titled "Wireless Enhanced 911" for how the location of a mobile telephone is determined for 911 purposes.

It appears that SameCell is offering a service that permits this location information to be used for purposes other than public safety. It's not of much interest to me but I can see how it might be to others.