Man gets 6 to 7 years for stealing GPS

Paul..... Nuvi 765T

good story

One more reason why you should remove all signs of having a gps where ever you go. Great ending that the guy was caught, arrested and jailed but now they have a smashed window.

I agree with that!

It's best to remove any signs if at all possible. I know someone at work that had his car window smashed for a GPS that he had sitting there. The irony is that he said it was broken and didn't work anyway. So he lost a broken GPS unit, and gained a broken window.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled forum - already in progress . . .

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My friend had his car broken into to get at his GPS. Silly fool left it on display in a rather dodgy area ... But then that area of town is known for that, and if it wasn't the GPS it would have been something else. It goes to show that it's good not to leave ANYTHING of value in display in the car.

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