Rest areas in SE US
17 years
I have used Rest area stops some
I have tried to load these stops in SE US.
I down loaded individual states mostly submitted by ADCSUN.
I then modified the files and setup state abbreciations, highway numbers and kept all of the detail of facilities.
I actually made sub-folders for each Interstate Highway and combined all rest areas in several states onto that Highway that was provided.
These locations most often have been the center of the rest stop instead of the entrance which is usually a few hundred yards before the center of the rest area.
I have also identified 3 indicated rest areas that do not exist.
These stops are evidently some planned by the Highway departments but not funded and were never built.
On interstate I-64 MM 29 in Kentucky there is an Eastbound rest area but there is not a Westbound rest stop at this MM.
On intestate I-75 MM 82 in Kentucky does not exist either Nortbound or Southbound.
These files have not been updated since early 2007.
I just looked at the combined 48 states updated as of 5/30/08. Submitted by MrKenFl.
THese files evidently have located coordinates for entrances to Rest Stops.
These stops have a code for facilities and do not have State identification that I would like to use.
I know these people have done a lot of work gathering this information.
I would like to know if it would be possible to get the state information associated with rest areas as shown on the 5/30/2008 report by MrKenFl.
For the Combined Rest Area file
I would like to know if it would be possible to get the state information associated with rest areas as shown on the 5/30/2008 report by MrKenFl.
For the Combined Rest Area file I saw no need to put the State in the data since "the next Rest Area is the next Rest Area" on the highway I am travelling on.
However, you can use Retired Technicians application "POI Verifier" to filter the Rest Areas by State if you wish. Other people in another thread have suggested ways to get this data using Excel !
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !
Kind of like the idea
I kinda like the idea of rest area by region.