Traffic reports Nuvi 360
Sat, 02/10/2007 - 2:33am
18 years
Is it worth buying the FM Traffic receiver with subscription for the 360. Thanks
See also
18 years
Is it worth buying the FM Traffic receiver with subscription for the 360. Thanks
See also
Worth it? It depends...
Depends on where you live and do most of your travel - there has to be a radio station that supplies the data. Visit - and check out the coverage map. Closest market to me that offers service is a 2 hour dive, and I don't go there often enough to justify the cost of the receiver or the service.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Area Matters
I have found that the traffic service, in those areas where it is available, is limited to major highways only. For example, indowntown DC, there is no information, but information is available for the major highways and beltways.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
Might be worth it in Houston
Agree with kch50428.
How much time do you spend in traffic in the Houston area?
How much time do you spend outside of the Houston area?
I travel around the DFW area and I like having the traffic receiver. It's not perfect by any means. I have found that it is quicker than the regular radio broadcast. Also, just like the radio, the traffic receiver may display a traffic problem, then when you get there - there is no traffic. The receiver will display what information it receives. If it's not reported the receiver has nothing to receive, therefore will not show anything. Same when the problem is cleared, if it's not reported as cleared - then it will still show as a problem.
I'm still going to renew mine.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
Thanks for reponses
I do a lot of driving in Houston and also to Dallas, Austin & other parts of Texas. Plus planning a trip this summer to Penna. I'm going to go ahead and subscribe.
One thing I've noticed
The one thing I've noticed and don't like, is being routed off of the interstate and then directed back on at the next on ramp.
I believe it is because I have "avoid traffic" selected.
I will uncheck it and see what happens.
Today on the way home from work, it wanted me to exit at almost every exit, I ignored it and went my usual route. Traffic was heavy but moving. I believe I made better time sticking to MY route.
These are some of the things you may have to get used to if you elect to use the traffic subscription service.
However, let your better judgment take over and not the machine. I still plan on renewing my subscription.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
I would still renew my subscription
I have seen traffic alerts mainly on Major Highways in DC/Metro. It is not covered just South of Baltimore where a lot of traffic occurs - but that is a function of the MD traffic reporting system.
I have seen alerts on Montross road in Rockville, MD and on 355 (Rockville Pike/Wisconsin Ave).
Garmin Nuvi 660;Garmin GPS III+ (Biking, Hiking); Toyota Camry Hybrid with Navigation
Traffic reports
Being that I drive all over the place in Southern California, especially in Los Angeles/Hollywood, it has become a valuable tool. I like to know what traffic hazards lie ahead on my route home. For the most part, it's fairly accurate as far as where the traffic/accidents are. Taking alternate routes directed by the nuvi have been OK. I agree with Ismonop though, sometimes YOU have to make the decision over the device at times. I will renew my subscription as well. In my opinion, if the traffic reports are covered in your area, do it.
bombos, Garmin nuvi 1450LMT
I too am trying to decide
I too am trying to decide whether to renew my subscription when it expires. I commute from Akron, OH to Cleveland, OH every day. I notice that on my way into Cleveland, I don't get any reports until I am about 10 miles from the city, while on my way back out of town, I get reports all the way back to Akron. Any body else experience something similar?
I think there is a breaking
I think there is a breaking point where you need to make a judgement call. I don't think my nuvi 660 has enough shades of gray and tends to err on the side of taking you off the freeway and into street traffic which can be equally heavy but no traffic reports exist for them. So the nuvi just assumes that the surface streets are travelling at the speed limit without taking into account traffic signal delays. I've noticed that ETA ALWAYS increases once you hit city streets which implies this.
I'm thinking it might be better to disable the "traffic" avoidance feature and just selecting "detour" if the traffic monitor indicates very heavy traffic.
660 and Alerts
Do you recieve traffic alerts on the main navigation map - I do not on my 660 and find that I have to go to the main menu and see if the exclamation mark is highlighted.
Do I have settings issues?
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
I have the garmin c550 and
I have the garmin c550 and it comes with a free trial for traffic monitoring, i have been using it for almost a month now, and it has never given me any information on traffic. just some fyi.
I think in a well cover
I think in a well cover market it will still require alot of user decisions to be useful
Thanks for everyone's
Thanks for everyone's responses, from the sounds of it I don't think I want to spend the money for this feature yet. You guys just saved me a good chunk of money.
Are you in a covered area?
Are you in an area covered by the Inrix traffic monitoring system? That is, OUGHT you to be getting traffic info that you're not getting, or are you just outside the area?
At the risk of being rude, I assume you know that you must use the c550 with the applicable FM Traffic Receiver. In my case on the 600, I get detailed traffic info, but it does not appear on the main maps.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
with the latest firmware update/which included an update to the traffic receiver. The 550 now displays on the main nav screen the yellow diamond with the number of minutes delay on the current route.
Of course this will only apply if the traffic problem and you are on the same route.
Otherwise, if you select the double cars from the main menu, it will list any traffic problems within a 50 mile radius, one at a time starting with the closest. You will also get a map with the traffic flags and your location.
Dave4jp - As far as not receiving any traffic info, perhaps you are far enough outside of Columbus, Cincinnati, or Cleveland that you don't receive the signal or you are far enough away that there is no traffic to report.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........