SD card on nuvi 660
Fri, 02/09/2007 - 1:26am
18 years
does anyone if you can operate off the sd card in a nuvi 660 with out uploading to the unit?
and what wuld be the best siz to buy for the unit?
18 years
does anyone if you can operate off the sd card in a nuvi 660 with out uploading to the unit?
and what wuld be the best siz to buy for the unit?
I am not sure what you mean
I am not sure what you mean by operating of the SD card, I use my SD card for my POI's, and MP3's. I am using a Sandisk 2GB card formatted in Fat 32 and have no problem accessing the data
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
You can run many things off of the SD card...
You can run many things off of the SD card without having to upload or use up any memory in the GPS unit itself. I have mp3's and JPEG's stored on a 1GB SD card. I recommed an SD card + USB for convinient transfer of data.
bombos, Garmin nuvi 1450LMT
SD Cards
SD Cards are very flexible as you have the option to keep POI's or other information on the card, or to download the info into your Nuvi 360 or 660. My units automatially aski if I wish to download info on an SD card that is inserted into the units.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
SD Size
I use a 2G SD card with my Nuvi 360 and 660, so I assume any smaller card would also work.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
Yes, I use an SD card for
Yes, I use an SD card for MP3s and pictures without uploading. Sometimes i have to reboot for the Nuvi 660 to recognize the card, but it works fine...
SD Card Insert & Booting
I have found it best with my Nuvi 360 and 660 to load the SD card while the unit is off, and to remove it after powering the unit down. Like any computer, inserting an sd card while the unit is on causes the unit to react to the card.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
Thank you all, This info
Thank you all, This info has been very helpful
SD Card Size
Hi, everyone! I had a similar question. A phone call yesterday, 15 Feb 2007, to Garmin tech support revealed that my Nuvi 660 will recognize an SD card up to 4.0GB (no larger). That's a TREMENDOUS amount of space. 4.0GB cards are available for around $60.00.
SD Card Size
Really? Very cool! Good to know, thanks for the info Miki.
bombos, Garmin nuvi 1450LMT
The recognition of 4GB SD
The recognition of 4GB SD card came with Firmware upgrade 2.6. You must have 2.6 or higher to use an SD card greater than 2GB.
Garmin Nuvi 2699 with 2017.30 Maps
thanks again I went with the
thanks again I went with the 2gb card
Found today;2/17/2006. has 4 gb PATRIOT sd card 9.00, after rebate. Not the card i usually like (sandisk) but i'll get one and let you know how well it works. Or any problems w/ it.. LONZ
Can you load the Red Light
Can you load the Red Light POI's from these forums onto an SD card? If so, are there instructions on how to do that?
SD Nuvi:660
'Gidday, I have the Australian maps loaded on my 660 and have just purchased the city nav north america on DVD. I've copied the mapping I require for US trips straight onto the SD.
Yes you can load the red light poi from this forum to an sd card. As far as instructions, it's just like loading to your gps internal memory.
You can insert the sd card into your gps unit, then connect to the pc, you should then see the gps unit show up as GARMIN drive (and a letter) you should also see a removable drive show up. Start POI Loader, Select that removable drive and the rest is loading like normal. You can also send the poi to an sd card by using a card writer.
Check the faq & help tab at the top of the page
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
Great advise
Yes, I use an SD card for MP3s and pictures without uploading. Sometimes i have to reboot for the Nuvi 660 to recognize the card, but it works fine...
Thanks to and other posts on this thread. I just signed to the website; it looks like I will find lot of things for my new GPS
Let me start by buying more SD cards.
SD card poi problem
I uploaded some poi's to my nuvi 660's sd card using poi loader and the unit recognises the new data on the card...asks if i'd like to copy it to my nuvi... I said no, but when I go to where to - extras it doesn't show any of the poi's on the card. Am I doing something wrong? Do they have to be copied to nuvi drive to show up? (If they do that kinda defeats the whole point of the sd card)
Nuvi 660 & Etrex Vista
Re: SD card poi problem
You are using it correctly. You can have POIs separately on the SD card and in the unit. I always answer NO so that the data is kept separately.
You said that you aren't seeing any of the POIs that are on the card. You should first check that you are looking in the correct place. When you select Extras, there should be a single item for the Custom POI's. You need to select that menu button and then you should see a listing of all of the POIs that are on your unit and also on the SD card.
If you still don't see any POIs, let us know and we will troubleshoot from there, however it is a common experience to assume that the single entry, Custom POI's, means that there are no POI's loaded.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Micro SDs
These are pretty useful as well. a 2gb is about $45 and includes a full-sized SD adapter. Many new cell phones uses this type of SD card. So does the eTrex Cx series
Ah Yeeees I see... I thought
Ah Yeeees I see... I thought that was the header for the page, not a button that would bring up the custom pois.
Thank you very much.
Nuvi 660 & Etrex Vista
just brought nuvi 660.Thanks for your information.