Info about my Kenwood(garmin) kna-g510 gps, sd slot
Thu, 02/08/2007 - 2:34am
18 years
So I've had my first navigation unit for some time now. It's the garmin made Kenwood KNA-G510, I know the SD card will allow me to load POI files. But can the card do more? The manual says nothing about it.
Is there a certian type of sd card that I should have? I have an old 8mb sd card that fits in there but havn't tried anything yet.
I also haven't found much info about it on the net either; other than the how to's on the forum to load the POI files.
Where can I find answers?
search and contact
Perhaps if you search for KNA-G510 on this site -
You may find some additional info. Although I think it mostly pertains to poi's and loading them. You might even be able to contact other users of that model.
There are also several discussions here about SD cards - what size to use and weather to format or not to format - ultra speed or normal speed -
Search using sd card and there will be about 12 pages of info that contains sd card.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
Well, Garmin replied back to
Well, Garmin replied back to me... They said to make sure its a normal SD card (non-high speed or high capacity) That is no larger than 2 gigs.
So I've been in the market for a cheap SD card & reader.
I ran across this one on ebay: Z50526QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
maybe an easier way to get to it:
Ebay Item #: 180102283377
You can just copy/paste the number into the search box and the item will come up.
Will this one work, for my uses?
A plain ol' SD card
Just go to Best Buy, Office whatever or even Target, or Walmart. They are always on sale. BB just had a three pack of 1gb cards for under 40. I picked up some 2gb cards at Frys for 18.
Just get the plain ol' cards, avoid the HC or Ultra or Supreme or Extreme or HighSpeed or the 60X or 80X etc. Get the Plain Jane SanDisk, PNY, Kingston, they've all worked for me.
If you need a reader/writer any inexpensive one will do.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
X2, from my understanding,
X2, from my understanding, there isn't anything bigger then 2GB SD card. They just format it special to get 4GBs on it.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -