Making CSV Files into TourGuides – And Their Many Different Uses
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Making CSV Files into TourGuides – And Their Many Different Uses
TourGuides don’t have to be just .GPX files as stated in the help files for PoiLoader. They also can be made using .CSV files. The only difference there is between the two types of TourGuides is that the ones made from .CSV files can’t and won’t have .JPG pictures associated with them while the .GPX ones can have JPG pictures. If you don’t need pictures to be associated with your TourGuides then it may be simpler to use .CSV files.
Making these CSV files as TourGuides also gives you access the the MP3 Recording, allowing you to start and stop it any time you want. The controls are located at Where To >> Extra >> Custom POIs >> POIname >> WAYPOINTname. It is the little grey box with a green arrow in it. Tapping on this icon will allow you to start and stop the MP3 recording. Also there will be a ICON (Same icon as when MP3 music is playing)on the Map screen when the recording is playing. When tapped,it will allow you to go to the WAYPOINTname screen where the controls are. Thus letting you start the recording over if you want because you may have missed something.
Also the MORE button at the WAYPOINTname screen works fine if you have a lot of text to describe the POI, it allows you to scroll through many pages. The text limit is 2599 characters which includes spaces.
I will give you a few reasons for making TourGuides and two of which are not really going to be used as a TourGuides, but as Directional POIs and Non-Directional POIs.
Used as an actual TourGuide you might want to create one for a very interesting place with a few or lot of scattered sites within walking distance. There you might want to walk around and as you enter an area (selected by you - PROXIMITY) it will trigger a voice message describing what’s there. Here you might set the proximity to 50 to 100 feet, depending on whether there are walking paths or just walking any where like a park. The demographics will determine the distance. These will trigger an alert for all directions approaching the waypoint. N, S, E, W, NE, NW etc...
Another used as an actual TourGuide would be an area which has roads connecting all the interesting places such as the monuments in Washington DC where you could use the TourGuide POIs to route you to the Monument you wanted and as you arrive in the area trigger a voice message describing what is there. Here you might set the proximity to about 1/4- mile so you know the site is coming up very soon.
The next use is the Directional POI TourGuide where it is not really being used as a TourGuide. The ones I use it for the most is for a 1-mile voice alert as I approach a Rest Areas along the Interstates. These are directional POIs. They only trigger an alert on my side of the divided highway. I will not receive an alert for the Rest Areas on the opposite side of the road. With this Rest Areas use, I place the waypoint on the road itself 1-mile from the entrance to the rest area and set the proximity to 50 –52 feet. This Directional POIs will only work effectively with divided roadways, one that shows up on the NUVI map as two separate roads. Such as I-65 N or I-65 S, US-31w N or US-31w S, etc….
The next use is for the Non-Directional TourGuide POI. Being I love to ride Amtrak and VIA around, across, up and down, and almost every where in the USA and Canada I use this method to alert me as I approach the 1-mile mark from the train stations. I place the waypoint track-side at the station location and set the proximity to 1-mile. Because this is a radial alert and the tracks don’t always run close the road this make sure it fires all the time at approximately 1-mile. I say approximately 1-mile because the tracks are not always straight as you approach the station.
I sometimes use Google Earth to look at the station and get the coordinates for the actual location. I started recording my trips using a IQUE3600 and set the waypoints of the stations when I pulled into the station. These waypoints are my database for my Amtrak/Via TourGuide.
I use the TourGuide method so there is not a problem with the proximity alert. With TourGuide if you set the proximity for 1-mile that’s what you get, or very close too it. When not using TourGuide and you set the proximity to 1-mile, the alert distance is determined also by speed “Prompt Distance = 36 seconds * Speed” Now the actual alert is really set for time. “36 Seconds” from the alert to the waypoint. No matter what the distance is. And is restricted to the road your on.
Now comes the FUN and EASY part:
You can take any custom CSV poi file you have and change the coordinates (if necessary) and change the name to include the word TourGuide. And make the accompanying MP3 file the same identical name. You can add a icon to the POIs also, by naming the BMP file exactly the same as the TourGuide POI.
The word TourGuide has to be spelled exactly like this “ TourGuide “ (with caps included) as I learned the hard way after several failures in making TourGuides.
Such as:
TourGuide Ky Rest Areas.csv
TourGuide Ky Rest Areas.mp3
TourGuide Ky Rest Areas.bmp
Place your TourGuide POI files into a directory by themselves. (I will explain why later)
Then you use PoiLoader to install the TourGuide to your NUVI Use the MANUAL mode and set the proximity to the appropriate distance. With rest areas I use 50 ft.
I would suggest that you build and load these TourGuides one at a time. Once you have one loaded, go to the NUVI drive, and under Garmin >> POI change the name of the file called poi.gpi. Change the name to something like “TourGuide Ky Rest Areas.gpi”.
Thus you might end up with several .GPI files on you NUVI
Such as:
TourGuide Ky Rest Areas.gpi
TourGuide Washington Dc.gpi
In doing the loading of one TourGuide at a time you won’t have to re-enter the TourGuide in the MANUAL mode every time you want to add new POIs. They will stay in your NUVI until you manually delete them from the NUVI drive. After you have all the TourGuides loaded you might be able to change back to EXPRESS mode to load all the other POIs you have where proximity is not and issue.
I hope this makes sense to you. It does to me, but then I’ve been working with this for a while.
All it takes is a little playing around with it to get it to work the way you want. You can't really hurt anything trying this out, if it doesn't work the first time try again. You will catch on and be a whiz in no time.
As a caveat I will say this will only work for those who have NUVIs that will accept TourGuides.
This is an excellent
This is an excellent tutorial. Thank you.
Question for H Hannah
I have not had any luck in loading .csv files to Mapsource. I've had to change them to .gpx to have Mapsource load them.
I guess my question is, do you change them back to .csv files after saving? If so, what is the advantage rather than leaving as a .gpx or .gpi?
I will give this a try. Do
I will give this a try. Do you have any sample tour guides to work with.
.gpx format
I guess my question is, do you change them back to .csv files after saving? If so, what is the advantage rather than leaving as a .gpx or .gpi?
Absolutely not. POI Loader is more than capable of reading .gpx files.
The advantage of .gpx over .csv input, is that it allows access to another 13 or 14 fields within the .gpi file, thus making your POIs a whole lot more interesting...
Try copying this sample file to the \Garmin\POI directory on your Nüvi 750, to see what I mean.
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Answer For RangerRod
I have not had any luck in loading .csv files to Mapsource. I've had to change them to .gpx to have Mapsource load them.
I guess my question is, do you change them back to .csv files after saving? If so, what is the advantage rather than leaving as a .gpx or .gpi?
My above post does not even mention changing the CSV file to GPX.
Just make the TourGuide POI out of the CSV file by changing the file name to include the CASE SENSITIVE word "TourGuide" then attach a MP3 file with the exact same name.
Remember to use PoiLoader in the manual mode to set the appropriate proximity distance.
Walla you have it!!!!
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
Proximity distance...
Remember to use PoiLoader in the manual mode to set the appropriate proximity distance.
You can also use digits in the file name to alter the distance in Automatic mode..
See the 6th post in this thread:-
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Thanks Hannah
Lots of information to digest. Going to give a try will probably have questions later, But thanks. Looking forward to building a POI file.
Glad to be here!
Test CVS TourGuide
I will give this a try. Do you have any sample tour guides to work with.
Yes try this one of the Gold Depository at Fort Knox.
There is a zip file containing a folder with 4 files in it. Just unzip the folder into your POI folder. Use PoiLoader in the manual mode to load the folder "TourGuide Fort Knox" into your Nuvi. Use 50 Ft as the Proximity. You will be asked twice for this file. Put 50 ft in both times. This will be for 2 separate CSV files, one for northbound and one for southbound.
This is a Directional TourGuide when you drive north the recording says ON YOUR RIGHT............. When you drive south the recording says ON YOUR LEFT........
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
photo aided tour guide
Thanks Hannah for the this guide.
By the way, does any one know how to make a photo aided tour guide .gpx file? I appreciate it if you can point me towards that.
I'm aware of GPicSync software, but wondering if there is something else can accomplish the task.
Thanks Hannah for the this guide.
By the way, does any one know how to make a photo aided tour guide .gpx file? I appreciate it if you can point me towards that.
I'm aware of GPicSync software, but wondering if there is something else can accomplish the task.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Site for making TourGuides
Thanks Hannah for the this guide.
By the way, does any one know how to make a photo aided tour guide .gpx file? I appreciate it if you can point me towards that.
I'm aware of GPicSync software, but wondering if there is something else can accomplish the task.
Check out this site:
You can make your TourGuides there for free. You have to register first but then that is free.
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
Adding numbers?
You can also use digits in the file name to alter the distance in Automatic mode..
See the 6th post in this thread:-
Not familiar with your statement about adding numbers to set the proximity. Could you explain please.
H Hannah
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
Not familiar with your statement about adding numbers to set the proximity. Could you explain please.
It's another of POILoader's daft little tricks
Normally, when you put digits in the filename, it uses them to set speed alerts. At the same time, it computes the distance at which they should be considered active. As you know, TourGuides aren't speed-related, but it still goes through the motions of computing and setting the Proximity distance.
It uses its formula of 36 seconds warning or 402m(1319'), whichever is the greater. Using this method, the minimum 'speed' that will have an effect is 26 - and the maximum value is 124. This equates to a range of 1372' to 6547' or thereabouts.
(I discovered this with POILoader 2.4.2 - I've not re-checked POILoader 2.5.2, to see if it behaves the same. I just considered it an interesting curiousity, that someone might have a use for).
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Numbers in file name
Thanks for the info.
It just would not work with TourGuides.
I just thought you meant that being it was a TourGuide the numbers maybe treated differently. Such as 50 meant 50 ft.
If you use express mode with the CSV TourGuide and no numbers in the file name, it defaults to 1/4 mile proximity. Normally 1/4 mile would be the very max distance for the alert. Most of the time it would be only a couple hundred or less.
I use very small proximity distances so you only trigger the alert when you are very close by. Also the ones I use as directional POIs need to be very limited so they only trigger in one direction.
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
In Mapsource when you make a waypoint, there is a field in the waypoint properties screen for links to attach files or url. Click browse and locate the picture on your computer you want to put in the POI.
You can also set the proximity in the same screen. Just make sure you have all the pictures and .gpx in the same folder when you use POI loader.
Geovative is a little easier to see all the pictures and sound files, prox alerts and text organised. It also allows for simple transfer where you can download the POI's already as a .gpi file with everything embedded so you just do a drag and drop and you do not need POI loader. You only need the POI loader if you want to add your own custom map icons (then you have to download from geovative as .gpx) The below link is one of the tourguide files I made on geovative.
It just would not work with TourGuides.
? Did you mean to use those words, in that order?
Normally 1/4 mile would be the very max distance for the alert. Most of the time it would be only a couple hundred or less.
That depends, very much, on the application. I have a commercially produced TourGuide loaded at the moment, that uses a 5 mile radius, to great effect.
Also the ones I use as directional POIs need to be very limited so they only trigger in one direction.
For the benefit of other readers, bear in mind that these units support true Directional POIs, but currently, Garmin provide no means of accessing the functionality. These will presumably work at the architectural limit of 41 miles...(if you so desired).
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
? Did you mean to use those words, in that order?
I was talking about using numbers in the TourGuide Name. They wouldn't work for me. It seems they can't get closer than 1/4 mile. And I use less distance.
That depends, very much, on the application. I have a commercially produced TourGuide loaded at the moment, that uses a 5 mile radius, to great effect.
I still say that that is not normal for TourGuides. If you noticed I used the word NORMALLY.
For the benefit of other readers, bear in mind that these units support true Directional POIs, but currently, Garmin provide no means of accessing the functionality. These will presumably work at the architectural limit of 41 miles...(if you so desired).
If Garmin provides no means to use this function, you might as well say that there is no function.
I also don't think that they will give use the use of this function with upgrades. They might introduce it in a new upgraded NUVI at some future date.
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
I have a... TourGuide loaded...that uses a 5 mile radius
I still say that that is not normal for TourGuides. If you noticed I used the word NORMALLY.
Well people are obviously free to make use of the features, in any way they see fit. Personally, I would have thought that Alerts making use of very small distances (of the same order of magnitude as the GPSr accuracy), would be in danger of being missed. Of course, if you are travelling along a road, then the "Snap-to-road" function effectively increases the GPSr accuracy in this respect. But a POI on a beach, in a field or in the middle of a Theme Park wouldn't benefit from that.
...these units support true Directional POIs, but currently, Garmin provide no means of accessing the functionality.
By which, what I meant was: Support for Directional POIs is present in units from the StreetPilot C5xx onwards. Garmin make use of it in their own Safety Camera databases. They just don't provide any means for end users to define their own Directional POIs.
If Garmin provides no means to use this function, you might as well say that there is no function.
I also don't think that they will give use the use of this function with upgrades. They might introduce it in a new upgraded NUVI at some future date.
Whether or not they include it in a future release of POILoader or GPI_Creator, is anyone's guess. Who knows, maybe they have already introduced it and didn't document it, along with the other undocumented functionality improvements in POILoader 2.5.2)
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Thanks for the tourguide link
Check out this site:
You can make your TourGuides there for free. You have to register first but then that is free.
Thanks for the link to this wonderful site. Now when I take the kids to NY city in summer the tour guide will be invaluable.
For nuvi 350 Owners: Slight loading difference
Making CSV Files into TourGuides – And Their Many Different Uses
TourGuides don’t have to be just .GPX files as stated in the help files for PoiLoader. . .
Now comes the FUN and EASY part:
You can take any custom CSV poi file you have and change the coordinates (if necessary) and change the name to include the word TourGuide. And make the accompanying MP3 file the same identical name. You can add a icon to the POIs also, by naming the BMP file exactly the same as the TourGuide POI.
The word TourGuide has to be spelled exactly like this “ TourGuide “ (with caps included) as I learned the hard way after several failures in making TourGuides.
Such as:
TourGuide Ky Rest Areas.csv
TourGuide Ky Rest Areas.mp3
TourGuide Ky Rest Areas.bmp
Place your TourGuide POI files into a directory by themselves. . .
As a caveat I will say this will only work for those who have NUVIs that will accept TourGuides.
Hanah's instructions as described in her initial post (BTW, Thank you) work well for the 7xx series nuvi, as this unit is able to use multiple files which give one the advantage of setting different alert settings for each; ex rest areas 2500ft vs Starbucks 500ft.
For the 350: All of the files must be placed in a single directory and uploaded using the poiloader utility. I found that the 350 will only display your TourGuide poi's if they are contained in the poi.gpi file. The unit is able to differentiate between them and they display as individual poi listings under Where to? => My Locations => Custom POIs. The limitation is that all the POIs in the upload directory will share the same proximity alert settings.
350 Upload\
TourGuide US Rest Areas.csv
TourGuide US Rest Areas.mp3
TourGuide US Rest Areas.bmp
TourGuide Starbucks.csv
TourGuide Starbucks.mp3
TourGuide Starbucks.bmp
Upon Success - All are combined and saved in the poi.gpi file (same location as in initial post)
Displays on unit as:
All Categories
TourGuide US Rest Areas
TourGuide Starbucks
Hope this help anyone loading using the CSV method with a 350.
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
It's "H Hannah" not "Hannah H"
Hanah's instructions as described in her initial post
Hanah's instructions as described in "HIS" initial post
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
Sorry Man!
Hanah's instructions as described in her initial post
Hanah's instructions as described in "HIS" initial post
Sorry Man! My bad!
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
Tour Guide on Nuvi 760
I am experimenting with Tourguides.
On my Nuvi 760, the TourGuide announces correctly and places a TourGuide icon on the map screen as well as a banner where alert POI's usually show.
The TourGuide icon takes the place of the speaker icon when I would also be using the MP3 player. While the TourGuide icon is on the screen, the only way to get to the MP3 player is to go to the main menu, tools, media player. I suppose there is no way to change this behavior.
A dissapointment is that if I touch the TourGuide icon, it calls up the Info and Go screen for the TourGuide but does not give the distance or direction. If I click Map, it shows the map centered around the TourGuide location but does not show MY location so I could judge distance or direction from that.
Since TourGuides trigger on a radius, how would I know if a Rest Area was on the right or left or located a significant distance from the road without some form of direction/distance indication?
TourGuide Info
I am experimenting with Tourguides.
On my Nuvi 760, the TourGuide announces correctly and places a TourGuide icon on the map screen as well as a banner where alert POI's usually show.
The TourGuide icon takes the place of the speaker icon when I would also be using the MP3 player. While the TourGuide icon is on the screen, the only way to get to the MP3 player is to go to the main menu, tools, media player. I suppose there is no way to change this behavior.
A dissapointment is that if I touch the TourGuide icon, it calls up the Info and Go screen for the TourGuide but does not give the distance or direction. If I click Map, it shows the map centered around the TourGuide location but does not show MY location so I could judge distance or direction from that.
Since TourGuides trigger on a radius, how would I know if a Rest Area was on the right or left or located a significant distance from the road without some form of direction/distance indication?
When you bring up the "INFO and GO" screen there will not be any info there if you did not place any info in the WAYPOINT PROPERTIES box's COMMENT field.
In there you can put whether the rest area is North, South East or WestBound. and the facilities that are available.
If you make the Rest Area alert directional then you can make your MP3 voice alert to say it is on your RIGH!
To make the POI directional just place the WAYPOINT on the interstate lane 1 mile ahead of the exit ramp and put a .0075 proximity (40 ft). This will insure you only hear the alerts for the rest areas you have access to.
So make you MP3 Voice Prompt to say: "you are approaching a rest area approximately one mile ahead on your right."
Once you hear the alert TAP the TourGuide icon and it will take you to the Info and GO screen. There if you tap map It will show your location on the map!!
Depending on how far away you made the alert you mat have to zoom out to see both your location and the Rest Area. But at the same time the INFO will be there describing the rest area, providing you placed it in the WAYPOINT PROPERTIES box when building the POI.
This was done on a Nuvi750, and it works just as I have laid it out. So it should work on your Nuvi760
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
Tourguide Gods
This is good info for a newbie like me
Thanks, H
Thanks H.
For my experiment, I set the radius to 4 miles. The default zoom level was not low enough for me to see the POI and my current location when I hit Map. It was further confusing because I use 3D map mode and the show map option was north up. So without seeing your vehicle pointer, it's even harder to tell left/right.
The next difficulty was the 760 bug that causes a lockup if you power on within the range of an alert or TourGuide. Yup - it was within 4 miles of my house, too.
I'm not sure if TourGuides will do what I was thinking of for my use. I think I will just stay with a standard POI alert. At least until Garmin fixes the TourGuide bug.
all of you got me intrested!!
I am intrested in this Tourguide stuff.
Would this work with some of my poi's that I made.. ( offbeat tourest guide, Lancaster pa places to see, and maybe my Best auto repair shops..
Just trying to think how this woulds work.. BTW , I do have photos of some of the places () mostly the Lancaster trip)
Any ideas or help would be great.. this is new to me
Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"
Tourguide Stuff
Would this work with some of my poi's that I made.. ( offbeat tourest guide, Lancaster pa places to see, and maybe my Best auto repair shops..
Just trying to think how this woulds work.. BTW , I do have photos of some of the places () mostly the Lancaster trip)
I would be interested in your Lancaster and local tourist stuff.
There already here...
Would this work with some of my poi's that I made.. ( offbeat tourest guide, Lancaster pa places to see, and maybe my Best auto repair shops..
Just trying to think how this woulds work.. BTW , I do have photos of some of the places () mostly the Lancaster trip)
I would be interested in your Lancaster and local tourist stuff.
Its all here - just look in the poi files and you should find them!
Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"
Concise Instructions
I apologize if this has been mentioned in another thread, but I found a page on the Garmin website with clear, easy instructions for creating POI and TourGuide files. It can be found here
I'm Stupid
I have not had any luck in loading .csv files to Mapsource. I've had to change them to .gpx to have Mapsource load them.
I guess my question is, do you change them back to .csv files after saving? If so, what is the advantage rather than leaving as a .gpx or .gpi?
My above post does not even mention changing the CSV file to GPX.
Just make the TourGuide POI out of the CSV file by changing the file name to include the CASE SENSITIVE word "TourGuide" then attach a MP3 file with the exact same name.
Remember to use PoiLoader in the manual mode to set the appropriate proximity distance.
Walla you have it!!!!
I've been trying and trying with my Nuvi 265wt.
I'm getting rid of the mp3 file because my unit does't support them and a beep is good enough.
Will I have a problem if my home is within range of a location in the list?
Can you think of any reason that when I installed files called "TourGuide" user Poi Loader manual mode at 16000 feet the folder at tools/settings called proximity points disappeared?
When I went to Where To/extras/custom pois all that was there was the list of locations - no icon to set anything else.
Do I have to rename poi.gpi in my nuvi265wt if the one and only poi I load or ever intend to load is my "TourGuide".csv and "TourGuide".bmp?
Having your proximity or tourguide alert
near your home inhibits your gps while giving directions.
Icons will show on map not list, zoom in on map will allow them to display.
Having 16,000 ft will drive you and your gps nuts. I use manual mode at 10,000 ft, at times a few POIs alert within this proximity setting. The TourGuides I've set up have pictures and a synopsis of the poi. I only use TourGuide for day trip tours or city walking tours.
I used to rename my poi.gpi file but found it easier to update all my csv files and reload all of them at one time. I feel it requires less time effort this way.
Turn POI list into favorites?
Is there a way to take a csv intended to be a POI and input it into favorites? That way icons show up in the proper location relative to the car and show up from a greater distance. There are 7000 locations on the list so adding them one at a time is not an option.
I know there is a way to do
I know there is a way to do it, but what are the limitations of waypoints on your gps? My Nuvi 760 will only accept 500 I believe. But with POIs, who knows how many you can have. I know I have over 40,000 now and it still works.
Great Thread
This is a most informative thread and I am definitely going to try it out. I wonder how many other jewels like this are hiding further back in the thread list?
John B - Garmin 765T
Unfortunately many of us
Unfortunately many of us have Garmin Nuvi units that are not capable of using "TourGuide". My Nuvi 255 is not compatible. And I suspect the other Nuvi 200 series units aren't either.
Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...
Well, well! I finally got
Well, well! I finally got my Nuvi 255 to use "TourGuide". It works like a charm!!! Gary Hayman was a big help.
The problem (apparently) was that I was using version 14.1.0 sox.exe, not version 14.0.1 I specifically downloaded what was in an image (version 14.1.0) on Gary's website. The instructions on the web page are somewhat confusing because of the image showing version 14.1.0 with the red arrow pointing to it - even though the written instructions say not to use version 14.1.0, but instead version 14.0.1. I would have thought having the wrong version of sox.exe would have only prevented the .wav file from working, but not prevent the "TourGuide" from working. Anyway, as soon as I removed the 14.1.0 sox.exe and replaced it with 14.0.1 and re-loaded - it worked.
This really needs to be hammered home for people... I'm not sure why the image with the red arrow pointing to the wrong sox.exe file is even on Gary's website... (Ooops! I just looked at the website to offer a link or image and the images have been removed...probably because I replied to Gary explaining what my problem was. I suspect Gary is removing the image of the wrong file.)
I'm thrilled I can now use "TourGuide".
Thanks to all, and especially Gary Hayman!
Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...
Repeating TourGuide Voice Message
I created a TourGuide using a CVS, WAV, and BMP file. When I created the GPI file using the manual mode I entered 1,000 feet as my alert distance. I had POILoader create the GPI file on my PC. I then renamed the poi.gpi file to "TourGuide KS Legions" and copy this file into the Garmin 255W folder Garmin/POI.
The file show up when I go to "Where to?/Extras/ on my device. Here is my question. When I get within 1,000 feet of a defined location the alert voice message keeps repeating itself over and over and over and over, until you get outside the range of 1,000 feet. Is this normal? I thought I would get one alert message!
Single Tone
From the main menu select Tools, Settings, Proximity Points, Change, Audio, then select Single Tone and OK.
Deleted jjen beat me to it.
Deleted jjen beat me to it.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
I was set at "Single tone".
It was set at "Single tone". Maybe this option does not apply to "TourGuide" file names, since this a reserved file name...
Do you have the latest
Do you have the latest updates from webupdater?The 265 works with the single tone and would think the 255 would also since not that much difference.Other users have reported the same problem when selecting single and still get the continuous alert then again others work OK selecting single tone.Not sure why it works on some and not others.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Yep!! I have the latest and
Yep!! I have the latest and greatest from Garmin.
Who knows why this happens? I will keep checking and changing things to see what happens.
I would think the 255 works like the 255W
It was set at "Single tone". Maybe this option does not apply to "TourGuide" file names, since this a reserved file name...
I have my My Nuvi 255 Proximity Points Audio set for Single Alert using "TourGuide"...and it gives me only one alert. I would think the 255 works like the 255W.
Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...