POIs Save to Garmin or to SD card?
Wed, 03/26/2008 - 12:28pm
16 years
Hi People,
I am new to this so please bare with me. I have a question reguarding saving my POIs to my Garmin Nuvi 660 or to the SD card I have installed. My POI data base is about 10 meg. I was wondering if there is any advantage to saving it directly to the unit or to the SD card?
The only advantage to the card, I think, is if you are close to running out of space in the unit's memory. I've read that some people think that access to the information on the card is slower than to the unit's memory, but can't say if that is true.
nuvi 200 | lifetime maps
There is an advantage because if you save it to a Sd card with a lot of memory you can hold a lot and i mean a lot of poiS Although i am not completely sure that the Nuvi 660 reads pois off of a SD card
Mine dontbecause it is a c330. In turms of speed I ahve no idea
Nicpfeif12 Garmin Nuvi 5000 =)/ Winnebago 24f Minnie/ PHILLIES 07 NL east champps/ Philidelphia PHILLIES 2008 World Champss/ PHILLIES 09 NL CHAMPS/ 2010 NL EAST CHAMPIONS
I save mine directly to my
I save mine directly to my 200. I deleted a bunch of unneeded voices on my unit since I don't speak those languages and that freed up plenty of space for my needs.
I do have a 1G SD card in my 200 but so far haven't had much of a use for it (the 200 doesn't support stuff like MP3 files so less need for expansion than other units like yours).
Have fun,
Garmin nüvi 200 (my first GPS), 780, & 3700 Series. And a Mac user.
I see one other big reason
for using a card. If you incur any kind of interruption during a write to the internal drive, the drive may need to be reformatted and your backup re-installed (you did backup didn't you). Until then, you have a paperweight instead of a GPS. If my card needs reformatting, big deal. Similar logic -- if I accidently delete a wrong file from my card, there is nothing on it that is critical.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Save to SD Card
I use a 660 and save all custom POI's, and MP3;s file on my card I use a 4gb card and this way if I mess up it is easy to redue the file wiht out haveing to hook up the gps and usb cord. I just have mine set to ask each time if I want to load custom POI to athe nuvi or not.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
I'm not qualified to comment on the NUVI 660, but
it doesn't matter for the NUVI 350. Whe you turn on the NUVI it will let you know if "new" POIs have been detected on the SD card and asks if you want them copied to the GARMIN. It doesn't ask that question if you load them direct to the GARMIN, so I'm guessing they have to be transfered from the SD card to work on the GARMON NUVI 350.
I have seen the future and it is now!
Where to put the POI
Hi People,
I am new to this so please bare with me. I have a question reguarding saving my POIs to my Garmin Nuvi 660 or to the SD card I have installed. My POI data base is about 10 meg. I was wondering if there is any advantage to saving it directly to the unit or to the SD card?
I have a 680 and a 2gb SD card. I use the card for music and pictures. I deleted all the languages, help files, manuals on the GPS (backed them up to my PC) which freed up much space. I now have close to 200,000 pois loaded to the GPS with no problems. I figure memory is quicker than a disk drive. I can always reload any poi I have with POILoader since I keep all my poi's on my PC.
Larry - Nuvi 680, Nuvi 1690, Nuvi 2797LMT
SD data
The 660 does the same thing when you firs turn it on it shows new data found on the card do you want to save is to the garmin. I just say no and work off the card. my preference only,
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
I never save it on the Garmin
I never save the data on the Garmin itself. I always save it on the SD Card. I do not want to clutter the drive of the Garmin. This allows me to more easier control on what is on the SD Card.
Garmin DriveSmart 61
SD card vs unit memory
I use the internal memory for POIs because then they are always there, the SD card for books & mp3s, so that when I change cards for a different set of music/books, my POIs are still there.
How much internal memory is free? My 750 has about 500MB free on the internal memory so everything goes there.
SD card
I had a 350 freeze up on me twice after loading a POI file directly on the unit, and had to send the units back both times. I'm in a habit of loading it on the SD card now.
Yes, it asks if you want to load it from SD card to the internal memory. I check "don't ask me again" and tap "skip."
I also have multiple SD cards with different custom alerts. One has lots of foul language, appropriate for a solo drive or with a few of my close friends. Another has G-rated alerts for when I have my kids or business associates.
nüvi 750 & 760
How do you delete voices on
How do you delete voices on a garmin
Nicpfeif12 Garmin Nuvi 5000 =)/ Winnebago 24f Minnie/ PHILLIES 07 NL east champps/ Philidelphia PHILLIES 2008 World Champss/ PHILLIES 09 NL CHAMPS/ 2010 NL EAST CHAMPIONS
You can't do it on a c330.
For unit that show up to the computer as a USB Mass Storage Device (which the c330 does not), you connect the unit to the computer with the USB cable and navigate to the voices folder on the Garmin drive and delete the voice files you do not need on the unit.
poi's on sd card
I have used only 1/4 of the internal memory on my 660 but have decided to load any additional info such as mp3s or pois on my 4 gig card. This minimizes cluttering up the gps memory. Or as mentioned previously this helps when I mess up while loading info. For what its worth, I purchased a cassette adapter for my unit and can now use the 6 speakers in my vehicle. This made a great improvement in broadcast quality.
augie billitier I2,c330,660
Can you completely backup the 660? Seems like I can copy everything except the Garmin folder. Is there a backup utility somewhere?
You should be able to copy
You should be able to copy everything just by dragging the drive to the computer.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
so how do i get to save the
so how do i get to save the files on a sd card?
for Vcoppola3 (backup)
I'm using winXP
I copied the entire "Garmin" folder to a desktop folder I named C550 backup files.
1.25 GB worth, it will take awhile.
Drag/Drop or right click ► copy then paste into desired folder.
Follow the same procedure to drag/drop to a SD card, the same way you would drag/drop any other file to the SD card. I would do this by using a card reader/writer.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
How to Save to the SD Card
Use POI Loader to load POIs to your SD card or to the Nuvi. You can select where you want the POIs stored. Just select the SD Card. After loading, reboot the Nuvi. You'll get a pop up stating new data was found then you'll be asked if you want to transfer the data to your GPS device. Check the "Don't ask me this again" box then say "No". The POIs will then be on your SD card. I have nearly 12 Megs of POIs on my SD card and I cannot notice any difference in speed.
I load my poi's in the
I load my poi's in the garmin and use the sd card for mp3's. That way I can change sd cards with additional mp3's and the poi's will always be available on the internal memory no matter which sd card I insert.
i never thought of deleting
i never thought of deleting the voice files, thats a good idea
I save my POIs on an SD card
Hi People,
I am new to this so please bare with me. I have a question reguarding saving my POIs to my Garmin Nuvi 660 or to the SD card I have installed. My POI data base is about 10 meg. I was wondering if there is any advantage to saving it directly to the unit or to the SD card?
I also prefer to add my
I also prefer to add my files to the sd card. I would rather not put anything on the unit itself. It is a pain to have to select between the internal memory and the sd card when the unit boots up however.
If you want the "pop up"
You'll get a pop up stating new data was found then you'll be asked if you want to transfer the data to your GPS device. Check the "Don't ask me this again" box then say "No". The POIs will then be on your SD card. I have nearly 12 Megs of POIs on my SD card and I cannot notice any difference in speed.
back, how do you do it? I do use a SD card for my POIs but I may want the 650 to show the pop up sometimes.
Garmin Nuvi 650, Garmin eTrexLegend, Magellan 360
Pop up message
I have a Nuvi 760 and don't seem to have the option to turn OFF the message. I get the pop up asking if I want to move stuff from the card to the unit but I don't have a check box to make it stop asking me every time I turn the unit on.
If I want to put stuff on the unit then I'll put it there. If I put it on the card then it's there for a reason and I hate being asked all the time if I want to move it to the card.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
Try this
I have a Nuvi 760 and don't seem to have the option to turn OFF the message. I get the pop up asking if I want to move stuff from the card to the unit but I don't have a check box to make it stop asking me every time I turn the unit on.
If I want to put stuff on the unit then I'll put it there. If I put it on the card then it's there for a reason and I hate being asked all the time if I want to move it to the card.
In the past, the following was true:
Wording to prevent the transfer of POI's from your SD card to the unit differs by model -- If your unit offers no checkbox for "Don't ask me again" on the initial prompt asking whether you want to copy the new data to the Nuvi, you must choose "Yes" (as counter-intuitive as that seems), just to pull up the second prompt that allows you to check a box saying to skip that file for transfer and future prompting. You will be given that option for each new gpi file on the SD card.
If your unit offers the "Don't ask me again" checkbox (and my 660 DOES) on the first prompt, check the box and choose "No" to the question of copying the data. You will get this prompt for each new gpi file on the SD card, but there would usually be only one.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
I have a Nuvi 760 and don't seem to have the option to turn OFF the message. I get the pop up asking if I want to move stuff from the card to the unit but I don't have a check box to make it stop asking me every time I turn the unit on.
If I want to put stuff on the unit then I'll put it there. If I put it on the card then it's there for a reason and I hate being asked all the time if I want to move it to the card.
In the past, the following was true:
Wording to prevent the transfer of POI's from your SD card to the unit differs by model -- If your unit offers no checkbox for "Don't ask me again" on the initial prompt asking whether you want to copy the new data to the Nuvi, you must choose "Yes" (as counter-intuitive as that seems), just to pull up the second prompt that allows you to check a box saying to skip that file for transfer and future prompting. You will be given that option for each new gpi file on the SD card.
If your unit offers the "Don't ask me again" checkbox (and my 660 DOES) on the first prompt, check the box and choose "No" to the question of copying the data. You will get this prompt for each new gpi file on the SD card, but there would usually be only one.
Hey, THANKS! That did the trick. It only asked about the custom POI files and I ticked the box to not ask again. I thought it would do it for all the mp3 files, etc. but it didn't ask about them at all. Thanks for the assist.
Now, just to be arbitrary, I'll ask the same question asked by the poster above. What if I want the prompt back at a later date?
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
Cut and Paste
Now, just to be arbitrary, I'll ask the same question asked by the poster above. What if I want the prompt back at a later date?
If you want to move a POI.gpi file from the card to the Nuvi, just cut it from the card and paste it to the Garmin/POI folder on the Nuvi. Remember, if you have poi.gpi files on both drives, you will need to rename one before the cut and paste or you will replace the one on the Nuvi.
The prompt will reoccur every time the Nuvi sees a new POI file on the SD card.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
How do you set up your 660
How do you set up your 660 so that it will ask you whether to save to memory or SD??
I have installed an SD card in my 660 by it won't give me that option.
Billy V
Not Sure I Understand
How do you set up your 660 so that it will ask you whether to save to memory or SD??
I have installed an SD card in my 660 by it won't give me that option.
POI Loader's first screen gives you a dropdown menu to choose the destination. If you choose to load to your card, the first time you boot the GPS, it will ask whether you want to copy to the unit. If you say no to the prompt, it will ask you every time you boot up unless/until you check the box to quit asking. Once you check that box, I don't know how to get the prompt again. However, while plugged into the computer, all you need to do is cut and paste the POI.gpi file from Garvin/POI on the card to Garvin/POI on the unit.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Downloaded mine to the card
I've got the 200W and once I reached about 100,000 POI then I ran out of internal memory on the unit. I've since switched over to saving all my POI to my SD card and haven't had any problems.
I found that when I deleted
Now, just to be arbitrary, I'll ask the same question asked by the poster above. What if I want the prompt back at a later date?
the poi file and later re-added it I had to repeat the same procedure... That was on my 550 so I assume it will be the same on all...
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ
Deleting voices! I would
Deleting voices! I would have never thought of that.
"If there's a new way I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time!"
I since have found
Now, just to be arbitrary, I'll ask the same question asked by the poster above. What if I want the prompt back at a later date?
the poi file and later re-added it I had to repeat the same procedure... That was on my 550 so I assume it will be the same on all...
I since have found on my 760 that when I alter the name of a poi I have to go through the same procedure...
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ
One problem with saving to
One problem with saving to the SD card is that it can pop out since there is no saftey clip to keep it in. I have found with unplugging it, putting it in my pocket may times the card comes out.
I see Garmin only offers a
I see Garmin only offers a 256, or 512 card for the nuvi 350 on the website. Where would I find a larger one?
"If there's a new way I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time!"
Use of SD card on Garmin vs direct memory load
I have done both and see no difference. However with multiple units, putting the pi file on the SD card is easier for load other units.
Also I think that if you directly load the memory, then at start up, if you are not alert, you couldoverwrite the new data with old.
Pretty much anywhere
Walmart, Best Buy, etc...
They are standard SD cards. (For the cost of their 256 card, you could get a couple of 2gig cards.)
Something Wrong
One problem with saving to the SD card is that it can pop out since there is no saftey clip to keep it in. I have found with unplugging it, putting it in my pocket may times the card comes out.
Sounds like something is wrong with your card slot -- this should never happen.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
I save to my SD card. It
I save to my SD card. It writes faster from my computer to my sd card(2MB/s) than from my computer to Garmin(250KB/s).
Nuvi 350 Nuvi 3597LMT Nuvi 1450LMT Nuvi 55LM
Card Reader?
I save to my SD card. It writes faster from my computer to my sd card(2MB/s) than from my computer to Garmin(250KB/s).
Can we assume this is because you use a card reader rather than the Nuvi to transfer to the card?
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Walmart, Best Buy, etc...
They are standard SD cards. (For the cost of their 256 card, you could get a couple of 2gig cards.)
Thanks, I'll look. I didn't know if they were standard or not.
"If there's a new way I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time!"
SD Card for Custom POI's
I use my card for all custom poi's and it only takes the time to put in the alert's manually but it is faster than changing from one thread to another here on this site.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
I save to my SD card. It writes faster from my computer to my sd card(2MB/s) than from my computer to Garmin(250KB/s).
Can we assume this is because you use a card reader rather than the Nuvi to transfer to the card?
Yes, I use the one that is built in my computer.
Nuvi 350 Nuvi 3597LMT Nuvi 1450LMT Nuvi 55LM
4 gig sd card
I recently purchased a 4 gig card made by h/p from Cosco. It works fine in either my 760 or in a camera although it seems a little slow saving a picture in the camera. When it’s in my 760 my computer recognizes it.
The problem is that my computer does not recognize it using a SanDisk reader. My laptop has a SD slot built in and it doesn't recognize it either. Has anyone else had this problem?
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ
HC Reader
Is your SanDisk reader specific for high capacity (HC) cards? What about the SD slot in your laptop - is it designed for HC cards? If not, then that is most likely the problem.
Its like the difference between USB 1.1 & 2.0 devices. Some USB 2.0 devices are backward compatible to the USB 1.1 port (just running at the slower USB 1.1 speed) and some USB 2.0 devices are not backward compatible and won't work. That's how it is with SDHC cards - not backward compatible to SD readers.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
It works on SanDisk SDHC cards
The usb ports are both 2.0. I have not had a problem with any other cards until I got this one.
I have read up to 8gig cards without problems. When I put the h/p card into either the laptop or the reader, it is almost like the explorer hangs for several minutes and then becomes normal.
It also seems strange that both computers recognize the card in either the gps or the camera.
Oh and also it was a special 2fer deal, 2 8gig cards for around $30 and both of the cards react the same way
It's probably because Mercury is in retrograde..
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ
no HC reader
I didn't bother with an HC reader when I got my 4Gb SanDisk SDHC card. I access it straight from the 660 and never had a problem. Its either a flaky h/p card or your "Mercury in retrograde" theory.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
I think I'll check with h/p
Maybe you need a special retrograde driver...
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ