Just intalled POI Loader from Garmin Site - Freezes on Vista


I called Garmin today, and asked them if POI loader worked on Vista, and they said it did.

BS, it freeze in the first screen.

anyone know what to do.

Works fine for me on Vista.

Did you reboot your machine after the install?

If not - try that.

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

I have Windows Vista Home

I have Windows Vista Home Premium and I use Poi Loader all the time with no problems, so I have to wonder if it's specific to your pc.

Agreed, remember you are

Agreed, remember you are dealing with windows! First step is to reboot, another step is to restore windows prior to your install of POILoader (if that is the last thing that you installed) through system restore. Uninstalling doesn't really uninstall the product. Then reinstall.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

running vista here no issues

running vista here no issues with the loader, you might have gotten a bad download reboot and take it back in time, then re download and try it again smile

Everyday is a GREAT day :)

I have tried it 3

I have tried it 3 times.

what version do you have. I got 242.

I ran my system vanilla and no luck..

How do I get custom POI on my garmin without it.

thanks all

yes, it did

yes, it did


Can you give us more details of what you mean when you say it "freezes at the first screen"?

I am using POI loader Ver.

I am using POI loader Ver. on both of my Vista Ultimate machines (laptop and desktop), and no problems at all.

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT


Working ok on my Vista Ultimate Desktop and my Vista Premium Laptop. Try compatibility mode although I didn't have to.


Nüvi 3790

maybe its the version. how

maybe its the version. how to I get the older version

I tried that

I tried that already....


Poi Loader

There is a remote chance that your download is corrupted. Delete the old copy and download it again. Also, you might try disabling your firewall and virus protection during install.


On that note is it possible

On that note is it possible to install in safe mode?

I got it to work

I got it to work weeeeeeeeee

I have Vista Service Pack 1 and I used Compatibility mode Windows 98/Me and it works fine



I have SP1 on my Vista...and POI Loader works fine...glad it's working for you now.

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*


I have vista and have had no problems so far loading POI.

Rich Garmin Nuvi2555LMT

Sooo glad!

I was going to add my 2 cents when I read that you got POI Loader to work. I saw that you are new, and I know how frustrated you were to have problems right from the start. I use POI Loader alot. Works great on my XP machine. I have lots of POI alerts set up. You must set up alerts. Tis fun, just do it in manual mode on POI Loader. I set rest stop POIs at something like 21000 feet. You will know there is a interstate rest stop even before the sign. I set up to laerts when a covered bridge is within 3 miles, etc. Just have fun with it!!

Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.


Update Vista SP1

Time is never wasted...It is improperly used .


Worked fine for me on my home computer with the basic version of Vista. I usually use my laptop with XP Media Center, but have had no problem with the Vista machine. Vista is a little slow, so even at home I use my laptop.