BioDiesel Sites In The USA
Wed, 02/27/2008 - 4:54pm
![]() 16 years
Hey all, I just posted some new POI files with all the public BioDiesel sights in the USA. I posted a full USA list and regional lists. Hopefully these are helpful. I am still looking to create a list of regular diesel stations as well. Thanks, kdehaan...
POI Packages
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel (ULSD) Filling Stations
Hey all, two quick notes... All the duplicate BioDiesel sites from my original post have been corrected. I hope these POIs are helpful…
Also, I just posted a list of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel (ULSD) Filling Stations in the US. This list was created by Mercedez Benz for their customers; I simply modified the files and located the Lat/Longs for our purposes. Thanks, kdehaan
BioDiesel Data Source
What are you using for your data source?
RE: BioDiesel Sites In The USA
Thanks for the update.
nuvi 285WT
Hey all, two quick notes... All the duplicate BioDiesel sites from my original post have been corrected. I hope these POIs are helpful…
Also, I just posted a list of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel (ULSD) Filling Stations in the US. This list was created by Mercedez Benz for their customers; I simply modified the files and located the Lat/Longs for our purposes. Thanks, kdehaan
Isn't all the diesel sold in North America now ULSD?
Isn't all the diesel sold in North America now ULSD?
Alas, no.
- Not even all stations along highways are, as of today.
> Diesel fuel classified as Low Sulfur Diesel fuel may still be sold at retail locations outside of California until December 1, 2010.
> The State of Alaska received an extension of the highway fuel 15 ppm requirement until 2010.
Diesel for off road, locomotive and marine uses' deadlines go even further, to 2009, 20012 and 2014, depending on the size of the refiner.
That's too bad...
Isn't all the diesel sold in North America now ULSD?
Alas, no.
- Not even all stations along highways are, as of today.
> Diesel fuel classified as Low Sulfur Diesel fuel may still be sold at retail locations outside of California until December 1, 2010.
> The State of Alaska received an extension of the highway fuel 15 ppm requirement until 2010.
Diesel for off road, locomotive and marine uses' deadlines go even further, to 2009, 20012 and 2014, depending on the size of the refiner.
That's too bad. I think it's taken long enough already to get the ULSD out. Shell has introduced it here as V-POWER Diesel! I don't really notice any extra power however their is definitely less black smoke ( not that there was much before unless I floored it ), less smell and less clanking on cold starts. I think it's been long enough and by now it should've been introduced everywhere, no exceptions. Damn lobbyists!
Biodiesel data source
What are you using for your data source?
I did something very similar back in May of 2006 and posted the .kmz file on Google Earth. If you enable the Google Earth Community layer, you'll see them. He may have used my file and then ran with it, adding many, many more places and correcting location errors. Or we both had a good idea at different times. Either way, it's a great help to those who like to use biodiesel.
Biodiesel POI USA
I saw that you posted a POI for biodiesel fuel stations in the USA. When was the last update. Is there a way I can provide a station in MN that I use. They often have 90+ percent bio!
Thanks for the Biodiesel Info
good looking out thanks