Look Ahead.....Can you?
17 years
I have a Magellan Maestro 4000. It has a few quirks that I just need to get used to but there is one BIG problem I haven't been able to work around yet.
Looking for suggestions and indications whether or not other Mfg's units have a similar problem.
If you zoom out too far, the POI icons disappear.
If you zoom back enough to see the POIs, then they don't appear on the screen, at Interstate speeds, soon enough to DO anything with them.....without stopping to examine the list.
When they appear at the top of the screen, you are only about 1/2 mile away. If the exit ramp is 1/4 mile long, that gives you about 15 seconds to respond. For me, this usually results in "Oops, just passed the exit". (Different words, actually!)
I can scroll the map ahead but haven't tried that enough to know if it will STAY ahead or not (I assume not).
Do other units have this problem?
Has anybody found a good solution?
P.S. My unit is not capable of an alert for built-in POIs.
Upcoming Turns
If you hit the lower left turn indcator, don't you get a list of all upcoming turns and their distance?
Look Ahead
If you hit the lower left turn indcator, don't you get a list of all upcoming turns and their distance?
Yes....which doesn't show POIs....so that would help how ??
I want to SEE the exits that have POIs, with enough lead time to inspect them to see what they are.....before I PASS the exit.
I guess that knowing an exit is coming up in 5 miles would give me a chance to scroll the display there to see what shows.......but that is WAY too much distraction from the road. Maybe if I have a passenger to help with navigation, but if I am alone, it seems to be WAY too cumbersome.
Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X
POI's on the fly
I obviously don't know your unit, but on my unit I can bring up the list of POI's near my current location and it updates as I drive. I still get voice prompts even when the list is displayed. Depending on the distance to the POI you're still going to have to guess if you're at the correct exit. Or, if you have enough time, then you can route to the POI.
POI's on the fly
I obviously don't know your unit, but on my unit I can bring up the list of POI's near my current location and it updates as I drive.
Yes, no, that's not the way the Maestro line works.
I can select nearby POIs but I must do it by category.....and I doubt it will update.
Even if it would, I think that would be more confusing than what I have now.
But thanks for trying!
Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X
Too bad you dont have poi
Too bad you dont have poi alert capability, that is the way to go.
Nuvi 1450LMT Nuvi 260 Nuvi 350 "There are no stupid questions, just a lot of inquisitive idiots." "Am I one?"