how to delete custom poi and also sort custom poi into categories, etc.
Sat, 01/13/2007 - 5:21pm
18 years
Is there any way to sort and file custom POI's? i put in super wal marts (1600+ poi's) and then hospitals/health care sites (10,000 +) and now cant seem to sort them and it's a pain in the a* * to scroll through thousanda of poi's.
Also, how do you delete custom poi's that you don't want or don't need? I was going to delete the two above that i saved to the nuvi drive memory but can't find a "delete and/or remove custom poi" choice anywhere.
Frequently Asked Questions
The best way to delete POIs
The best way to delete POIs is to use the uninstall option in Garmin's new POI Loader software (2.4.0 and above).
2.4.0 also adds support for subcategories of POI's (although I haven't tried it yet myself).
Here's a link to the new version of POI Loader:
tried the new poi loader update vs 2.4 - comments
thanks, JM. I updated my software to vers. 2.4 and uninstalled all the custom poi's mentioned above. I then went to re-install the wal mart custom poi's to try the new subcategory. I had put the hospitals file in it's own folder, and the poi loader asked me if i wanted to ignore that folder. that's the only two lists i have right now, so couldn't test it further, but it basically just let's you opt in or out on subfolders within a directory folder. It doesn't offer any kind of sort, so that doesn't help. but the uninstall feature was great, as I was worrying about these 12000 points i had installed with no way to sort them in the unit itself.
If anyone else reads this, what's some other tactics out there for organizing your data in a nuvi 360? Is another manufacturer better at it?
"It is well to remember that the universe, with one trifling exception, is comprised of others!"
It sounds like you have all POI's in one file. If this is the case you'll need to put all your wal-mart points in one file and hospitals in another, etc. (Keeping them in the same folder that you tell POI Loader to look in.) Loading them this way you will get a different POI category for each individual filename.csv.
This is what I do (don't have the new POILoader). On my computer I have subfolders within my main POI folder i.e.:
POI (folder)
- schools (sub folder)
- schools.csv
- schools.bmp
- geocache (sub folder)
- geocache.csv
- geocache.bmp
- redlight camera (sub folder)
- redlight.csv
- redlight.bmp
Now I Load the files in each sub folder separately. After loading one file onto my Garmin I rename the file from poi.gpi to schools.gpi, for example, when I load on the schools. Then I load a different file and rename and so on. (I do this so I don't have to load every file each time I make a change to one of them, add a new one or remove one. Especially when you have many proximity alerts it gets tedious to keep having to set them when repeatedly tweeking one file.)
my way actually does the exact same thing as far as categories under Custom POIs, just easier to organize behind the scenes.
So, I just don't really understand you sorting question, because the unit already sorts by category (the filename you loaded). Then, within the category it sorts by distance.
hope this helps and my way isn't too confusing. Good Luck.
nuvi 350
racqy nuvi 350
I use the same method
I use the same method that racqyteer uses and it works great.
I haven't loaded the new POI loader yet but plan to soon.
The old version 2.3.2 seems to do everything I need it to
do at this time.... I would try this method and see if
it works out for you.
I keep all of my POIs in a
I keep all of my POIs in a folder called "My POIs." Each file,whether it be .csv, .gpx, or other extension recognized by the POIloader creates a category in my C340 when uploaded. I use the Express option so that everything is replaced on the GPS unit when uploaded. If I want to disable a collection so that it no longer appears on my GPS I just rename the extension to something that the uploader does not recognize. For example, I might not want my Favorite_Pizza_Places.csv to be uploaded so I just rename it to Favorite_Pizza_Places.csv_disabled. Next time I want it to upload I just change it back to a .csv extension.
Garmin Emap, Garmin C340, Garmin Nuvi650
I use the new POI loader and
I use the new POI loader and the catagories work like advertised. My POI folder has subfolders which show up as menu selections and in each subfolder the filenames show up as menu sub headings like this:
Redlight cameras sub folder contains file names of Houston,Dallas,etc
SPEED Zone_20 sub folder contains files named School zones Harriscounty etc
FREE WIFI hotspots subfolder contains filenames Houston etc
You get the Idea. They all have their own menu entry or sub entry under custom pois
The following has nothing to do with POI loader just a FYI
I haven't tried to subfolder my MP3s or JPEGs yet as I don't have enough of either to make it worth it.
nuvi350 upgraded to V4.3 and small SD card for testing.
etrex Legend
nuvi350 upgraded to V4.3 and small SD card for testing. etrex Legend and gps60 csx & GPSmap60CSx
How can I check which version I have?
How do I know which verison of POI Loader I have?
When I open it, there doesn't appear to be a heading I can check under for this information.
Also, is there a way to check how much storage is still available on my C340?
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.
POI Loader version checking
Left-click the Up-arrow icon in the upper left corner of the program window, and there are choices there including 'check for software update', and 'about'- which will tell you the version number.
Does your c340 show up as a drive-letter under 'my computer'? You can do with that the same you do for other drives on your computer in regard to looking at space available, etc.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Click the arrow icon to the
EDITED: I posted the same time.
Click the arrow icon to the left of the POI Loader name in the title bar of the screen when you are running the program.
Then click "About POI Loader ..." and it will show you the version.
Not sure about the storage on your C340.
Also, is there a way to check how much storage is still available on my C340?
If you've got an SD card, CF card or memory stick, you can have POI Loader write its file there. (It should show up as a choice in the device dialogue)
The size of the resulting \Garmin\Poi\POI.GPI on the removeable drive will you give you an idea as to how much space your POI's occupy.
As for how you much space the C340 has in the first place.. you'll have to ask a C340 owner
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Right Click on Header
Right Click on Header Bar(Blue and Red Bar which says POI Loader on it) and you are then given the options of version and upgrade
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Delete POI
Now, are you able to delete the POI's that came with the Garmin factory installed? I found some POI's that have been closed down or moved
Now, are you able to delete the POI's that came with the Garmin factory installed? I found some POI's that have been closed down or moved
But you can report them and any changes in the roads.
At the Navteq mapreporter site.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
I did the the same too
I think it's a good way. I use the same method like you.
Got it!
Thanks, I have version POI loader.
Yes, my C340 shows up under "My Computer". I know how to find what version I have, I have 3.75. Each month I use the WebUpdater to check for newer versions.
I bought two C340's from two online stores. They each had different versions of the software. One was set with all Baltimore locations. The store insisted it was not a used item. Seems to be working okay.
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.
Good Idea, but don't you duplicate data by doing this and therefore may run out of memory?
Custom POI's
I have a folder with a variety of poi's, each in a separate file. I prefix the file names and use other techniques so the poi categories appear in a manner convenient for selection.
Example, I have separate speed/red light files for each municipality so they can be easily maintained. These filenames are prefixed with '~' so they sort to the end of the installed poi list (you'll see why later). The filenames end with '_rl_35.csv' and '_speed_65.csv' etc so the poi loader recognizes they are proximity alarms. Interest poi's are in files by category, and I prefix the file names by state eg. 'CA_Napa_Wineries.csv', etc)
The new poi loader 2.4.1:
DO NOT CHECK THE "ingore" option! Leave the option unchecked (default). This is how poi's without proximity alarms are loaded. Then I use the manual options for determining how I want red light alerts (300 ft), speed alerts (800 ft) and freeway speed alerts (1800 ft or 70 mph) loaded.
Nuvi 350:
Select: Where to? - My Locations - Custom Poi's to see the categories of poi's just loaded. Select a poi category and the contents are revealed.
Nuvi 660:
Select: Where to? - Extras - Custom POIs to see the categories of poi's just loaded. Select a poi category and the contents are revealed.
Above all - have FUN! Compiling these is addictive!
Now I won't loose all the Poi every time I load something new POI's.
Loading POI's
Everytime you load POI's do you need to re-enter the proximity alert for each individual POI (if using manual)?
Garmin 660; Nintendo DS soft carry case, YM, rd1chaos, Blackberry PIN 30154995, way too many gadgets to list here.
If using .CSV files...
Everytime you load POI's do you need to re-enter the proximity alert for each individual POI (if using manual)?
...then yes.
If you convert your files to gpx format, then the proximity value is stored within the file itself, so you no longer need to use manual-mode everytime.
This software ( is really good for this job. There is a table of speeds and distances which you can adjust before performing the conversion.
Other than that, you can get some automatic control by altering the file names to include some of Garmin's "magic" words, like "Redlight", "Safety" etc - but then you get the default distances chosen by Garmin.
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
So once I convert them to GPX everything stays the same except each time a load a new POI my proximity alerts are saved. I guess I am asking nothing changes from the standpoint of how the gpx files interact with the Garmin?
Garmin 660; Nintendo DS soft carry case, YM, rd1chaos, Blackberry PIN 30154995, way too many gadgets to list here.
In a nutshell
Correct - they interact the same way. GPX files inherently allow more control of the unit than csv files - but the only additional feature that the software listed above adds, is the 'Proximity' field.
Possibly, there is also another way of solving this particular issue. You could load your Speed/Proximity alerts manually and then rename POI.GPI to something else (Like PROXIMITY.GPI); that way it won't be overwritten next time you run POI Loader. It depends how often the content needs to be updated.
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Last question and thanks for all your help. do you lose the icon's. The GPX program asks for .csv file to be converted in the .csv format. So if you have folders with .csv files and .bmp do you loose the .bmp?
Garmin 660; Nintendo DS soft carry case, YM, rd1chaos, Blackberry PIN 30154995, way too many gadgets to list here.
POI Loader will use the same logic for associating .bmp's with .gpx's as it does for associating .bmp's with .csv's (i.e. if it finds a .bmp in the same directory as a .gpx (with the same name), it will 'compile' it into the poi.gpi).
With gpx files, there is also a field which would let you have a different .bmp for every entry in the file, if you so desired - in this case, you probably don't
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
This software ( is really good for this job. There is a table of speeds and distances which you can adjust before performing the conversion.
How in the world do you use that grid? Gatso? Mobile?
Let's say I want my redlights.cvs file to warn me at 1,320 feet. I'm assuming that I just need to click/type 1320 in one of the distance columns before loading the CVS file, but what's the difference between all the types on the far left? Specs, Temp, etc..??
And what does the time column do? Sorry to ask all of these questions here but the website hosting the program doesn't really have any documentation.
Just thank your lucky stars ...
...That you don't recognise all the different types of Speed Camera that we have inflicted on us in the UK :-)
This forum is where the software was originally announced. It's worth reading through, since most queries have probably already been raised there and answered.
How in the world do you use that grid? Gatso? Mobile?
You're probably only concerned with "Redlight" and "Unknown".
In the UK, Redlight cameras can & do double up as Speed cameras - I don't know if US ones do...but that is why there is Speed associated with them.
Left to its own devices, POI Loader will implement a 400metre alert when it sees "Redlight" in the filename and a 36 second alert when it spots Speed related alerts (obviously the distance req'd varies with the speed).
When that program does its csv to gpx conversion, it adds a <proximity> statement that lets you override those defaults. It takes the 'magic' word in the filename/POI name, looks in its grid and substitutes the value you specified. You could always amend the gpx file manually afterwards, if you wanted to...
Let's say I want my redlights.cvs file to warn me at 1,320 feet. I'm assuming that I just need to click/type 1320 in one of the distance columns before loading the CVS file, but what's the difference between all the types on the far left? Specs, Temp, etc..??
Yes that's right. It will depend on exactly what your input is, but probably the "Redlight" / "0" is the one to go for. "Redlight" / "unknown" and even "Unknown" / "Unknown" might be appropriate - a little experimentation is in order. You'll certainly see the parameters on the Garmin when you've loaded the file - you can check them before hand, with your favourite gpx editor...
Note: if you locate the file "mph.csv", you'll find the source data for the grid. You can then add your own types and speeds if you want.
And what does the time column do?
That's just a convenience, instead of you having to work out the distance. Obviously, it only works for alerts that have a Speed as well.
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Jeez... you're telling me
Jeez... you're telling me those are all different type of cameras?
Good lord, I hope that we don't follow suit on this side of the pond!
Thanks for all of that info - I'll check out the thread that you posted.
I can't seem to find the "uninstall" option
The best way to delete POIs is to use the uninstall option in Garmin's new POI Loader software (2.4.0 and above).
2.4.0 also adds support for subcategories of POI's (although I haven't tried it yet myself).
Here's a link to the new version of POI Loader:
When I open POI Loader, none of the windows or drop down boxes leading up to the install give me the option of uninstalling software. I have version 2.4.0.
What am I doing wrong?
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.
Cheryl, there is a newer version of POI Loader available. version 2.4.2 as of August 6, 2007
However, the screen where the uninstall option appears is the screen after you select the destination device.
The screen options are "Install new Custom POIs" or "Remove all previously installed Custom POIs".
When I opened my POI Loader tonight and clicked on "check for updates" it said none available. Then I went to the Garmin website and for some reason, I only got the page that stated that my version was the latest.
Thanks! I'll use your link, it took me right to it.
I'll install it now and see if I can uninstall the beaches of RI and the East Coast Lighthouses POI's. I'd like to reinstall them in their own categories instead of how I have them now: in a long list mixed together.
Update: I installed new version. It gave me two options: "install new POIs" or "delete all POIs".
I selected delete all.
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.