Nuvi 660 lost at Pentagon


I have had my Nuvi 660 for about two weeks now and it has performed flawlessly. I have no idea why I waited so long to own a gps unit, but now that I have one I can't see myself without one. I look forward to our up and coming vacation to Disneyworld this December. That being said, I have encountered a repeated problem with my Nuvi when on route to work in Arlington Virginia. During my route I must past the Pentagon to get to work. It seems that when I near the Pentagon the map on my Nuvi locks-up but the written text continues to update my location. The vehicle on my display continues to show directional updates as well but my map does not show my current location until I am a few miles from the Pentagon. I can only assume that since this only takes place near the Pentagon it has something to do with National Security. Anyone have any ideas on this?

Garmin Nuvi 660....Don't leave home without it

National Security could be

National Security could be the answer. The government probably jams the signal around a certain parameter of critical locations. Perhaps to circumvent a possible attack by a GPS guided missile.
I don't know, just a theory.

Garmin Zumo550

An Interesting Article...

For what it's worth. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but, I wouldn't put it past them...



I'm sure it's not just GPS signals ... it's probably part of a complete communications jamming program. I would guess that they have some pretty high-end things in place to stop people from using various means of eavesdropping and such!

Can you imagine some guy with a big microphone sitting in his car listening to Pentagon conversations??

Since 9/11 the gvt. uses

Since 9/11 the gvt. uses scrambling signals around certain high security areas.



It is blocked. They can do this at will, and do. You will also find parts of the Interstate system in New Jersey that do this. It is a feature of security.

The GPS has to have some fail safes for National Security, and this is just one of many. They also self destruct when traveling at ballistic speeds so they do not end up being used as misle guidence systems.

Rest easy little ones...


Ironmic wrote:

It seems that when I near the Pentagon the map on my Nuvi locks-up but the written text continues to update my location.

How close to the Pentagon were you? We took a trip to DC last month and stayed in Arlington and drove past the Pentagon on several occasions (surface streets and
I-395) and don't recall ever seeing any problems with my Nuvi 200.

I was actually on Washington

I was actually on Washington Blvd headed towards the GW Pkwy. It happens briefly when the Nuvi is not mapping a defined route but in map mode.

Garmin Nuvi 660....Don't leave home without it

RE: Nuvi lost at the Pentagon

I drive over that way a lot myself, and also own a 660. I'll see if I notice anything weird.

Just as an aside, they can shut off the GPS signals at will as the GPS satellites are all controlled by the military. I wouldn't have been suprised to see the GPS birds turned off after 9/11. Was anyone GPS'ing back then that noticed a loss of signal?? Just curious.



Ironmic wrote:

I was actually on Washington Blvd headed towards the GW Pkwy. It happens briefly when the Nuvi is not mapping a defined route but in map mode.

This is a very interesting thread. I was driving a friend home to Sterling VA yesterday. On the way there I had to cross the exit to the GW parkway where my NUVI 370 locked up. This was the very first time that this has happened to me. I just got back from a trip to France and Switzerland and my Garmin worked without a hitch.


Driving around the Pentagon

I drive I-66 to VA-110 by the Pentagon over to US-1 and don't have an issue of my GPS locking up or having the maps not display correctly.

Next time when I'm over that way, I'll take a closer look - but I haven't seen it act that way on mine.

I have a Nuvi 680.

It's not the Pentagon..

It's gotta be a problem with you Nuvi. The reason I say this is because if the signal was being blocked, the NUVI wouldn't know when/how to update the text on when/where to turn.

I'm wondering if the map itself might be corrupted. You might also try rebooting your Nuvi to see what it does.

Nuvi lost at Pentagon

Anything is possible, but as I said it only happens sometimes. This does not take place everyday and it only happens when my Nuvi is not actively plotting a route for me. I will try the reboot and see wha happens.

Garmin Nuvi 660....Don't leave home without it

I've never had that problem around the Pentagon.

I've been on 110, I 395, Washington Blvd, Joyce St, South Parking, Quarters K, Columbia Pike, Pentagon Memorial area, Route 1, etc. Suspect the nuvi.