.csv file modification


sad Since I have my new PC I cant modify anymore the csv files that I download????

I am using exel 2000.

Help crying crying

Claude using Garmin c330,Nuvi 250W and a Etrex venture Cx. Member #2602

Of course you can. What is

Of course you can. What is different now than before? How did you used to modify the CSV files? And why does it not work for you now?


Garmin nüvi 200 (my first GPS), 780, & 3700 Series. And a Mac user.

Opening CSV with Excel

Just highlight the file, right click->open with->choose program->select Excel-check 'Always use the selected program to open this kind of file

nuvi 2460LMT

csv file modification

If I use Excel and make no modification it is working ok, but if I make any modification then it is telling me that I am using a file from a nother computter something like (Exel 97/2000 & 5.0/95).
So if I save the file, it is not reusable, my GPS is not accepting it any more.

What I did is use my note bloc (text file) and it is working ok. ???????

Claude using Garmin c330,Nuvi 250W and a Etrex venture Cx. Member #2602

Excel Versions

claude wrote:

If I use Excel and make no modification it is working ok, but if I make any modification then it is telling me that I am using a file from a nother computter something like (Exel 97/2000 & 5.0/95).
So if I save the file, it is not reusable, my GPS is not accepting it any more.

What I did is use my note bloc (text file) and it is working ok. ???????

Sounds like different versions of Office which Excel is part of. Should be able to convert between versions using the pull down menu in Excel but I don't recall how its done. Maybe someone else is more savy than I.

******************Garmin Nüvi 1300T****************Member 6523*******************


claude wrote:

If I use Excel and make no modification it is working ok, but if I make any modification then it is telling me that I am using a file from a nother computter something like (Exel 97/2000 & 5.0/95).
So if I save the file, it is not reusable, my GPS is not accepting it any more.

What I did is use my note bloc (text file) and it is working ok. ???????

All Excel is telling you is that the file is not being saved in its native format (.xls) and that you will lose any formatting.
You can just disregard Excel's warning, since all you need is a .csv text file.

nuvi 2460LMT

.csv file modification

claude wrote:

So if I save the file, it is not reusable, my GPS is not accepting it any more.

.csv is not Excel's native file format SO.........
You MUST do a "save as" and tell it to save as a .csv AND ignore the warnings about losing formatting or whatever.

Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X

save as the file ..

save as the file with a .csv extension , not .xls!!

.csv file modification

Thank's for all the info.

Claude using Garmin c330,Nuvi 250W and a Etrex venture Cx. Member #2602