08 Map Updates... My Opionion, Not for the short attn. spanned!


Alright guys.. don't read this if you don't want to. It's just an opionion . ... and feel free to fire back at me.

What's the best way to get rid of a mass produced, discontinued, un-updated information having electronics device? Why...Ship it out to a huge nation wide retail store and let them have a big after Thanksgiving Day "Christmas sale,"... of course!
Then you can move allot of them... don't have to update them... and surely don't make any effort to tell anyone the info. inside is outdated or that it will cost another $70 to update their BRAND NEW unit. (oddly enuff about the same $70 dropped on the sale price)
And we sure don't want to tell them that after they buy the unit..and get it up to date... they could have bought a better unit. BECAUSE we're still trying to unload are outdated information having NEW units.
Now here's where someone says.."Do your research." and "The update doesn't fit the c330." Well I did research; consumer reports, tiger gps, buy dig, buyer opioinion pages, etc. I didn't find out tell after buying. Matter of fact I waited 2 months to buy-couldn't say "No" to the c330 price and picked the c530 for lack of x-tras but still having what I wanted. Tada both outdated...THEY AREN'T EVEN 1 MONTH OLD!!! As for the updates don't fit..well supposedly the lower 48 do and the info. is exchangeable? Do you think Garmin or Walmart were gonna let anyone know that while trying to move outdated ino. on a NEW item. No way!!
Then after this is done, they don't have to worry about getting the update to those who can prove a recent purchase to:
-people who don't register it (the ignorance is bliss theory)
-people who didn't research it (this great web site for ex.)
-people who didn't even think to say to themselves: "I just bought this NEW for the info. inside it and good name of the company, and now I gotta drop another $70?!!!
-and of course those of you who called in and got a "NO UPDATE FOR YOU" respose.
That's allot of people!
And for those who buy the update...Great, we just got our $ back...from whatever we gave them to Walmart for. (which is still pushing the last out the door at a higher sale price...total to get it to a true NEW unit with current info.= $250, befor tax. This doesn't include other units (c530)).
Then damage control: Give some of the people who manage to figure out that they got DUPED on the information they just bought (again this is a great web site) a free copy...if they call in and wait around to talk to someone...hoping to get the info. they should have got with their purchase in the first place.

Now don't get me wrong.. . I'm new to this.. but the point of buying a GPS is for the INFORMATION contained inside. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT...IT'S NOT A CAR OR SOME OTHER SILLY COMPARABLE ITEM. IT IS FOR THE INFORMATION. If I wanted outdated info. on my new purchase I'd buy a used gps. I don't know they may still give me 2 updates for each unit I just bought...that's not the point...AND I'M REALLY NOT THAT MAD AT GARMIN...THIS WAS GOOD BUSINESS SENSE ON THEIR PART...BUT ARE THESE NOT THE FACTS? I still love the units and was very polite in both my requests for updates...and never event asked for the updates free as I realize info. is money...just a discount on the $140 it will take to get my NEW units up to date... again that isn't the point though, it's simply to look at the facts and all the OTHER people who got duped.
O.K. ... I'm done...fire back and I'll stop my snivelling. I love this site.. you guys are great...and so is moderator. DID YOU ALL REALIZE SHE SAID IT'S ONLY RUN BY A HUSBAND AND WIFE TEAM? AND LOOK AT ALL THE INFO. YOU FIND ON HERE.. (CAN U SAY I OUGHTA DONATE OR JOIN UP?). ... (and I think Miss Poi is a pretty redhead...lucky husband.. my wife is a pretty redhead...some of them are just so beautiful!!!)

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."

Ok, I will play devil's

Ok, I will play devil's avocate.

First of all, getting any GPSr for the prices that Walmart is giving (which covers the price of the map update), will get you where you need to go for the most part. Even the older map set is going to okay for the most part especially if you use a bit of common sense along with the GPSr

Second, ppl can return it and get something else that is better if they aren't satisfied. Walmart has a very generous return policy, at least I have found that they have.

I do agree that they are tryin to get rid of some of the old models that they have plenty of, but that is smart business sense on their part. I would do the same.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

It's just an opionion . ...

You could not have said it any better.I agree with you totally.The unit should come with the latest updates and the customer should not have to jump through hoops to get what should have been there from the start.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

I can tell you are Upset

Pam I can tell you are Upset, But this is probably why Garmin didnt give you the update...Screaming and threatening does not go very far. The version 8 maps that come on the C330 are not that much different than the 2008 maps..I have both.. You are better with the v8 maps and Custom POI;s than you would be with the 2008 maps alone.. That being said I am guessing you would have rather seen Garmin dump the left over C330 in a landfill instead of selling them for 1/3 of the regular price...( I am pretty sure the guys in customer service are wishing they did )
I would suggest you have someone else call customer for you that won't get as upset,,Maybe they will get the updates..

Dave_ Nuvi 660 , 760,1490LMT Wooster, Ohio

And what is it you are talking about?

I have to admit, I tried reading through most of your post, but besides tending to repeat itself several times over, I still don't have a clear idea of what you are going on about.

Perhaps a nice single sentence at the beginning to clearly state exactly what your issue is?


Garmin nüvi 200 (my first GPS), 780, & 3700 Series. And a Mac user.

Just an opinion?

I'm actually not even sure what your opinion is after reading the post twice. Just call a rant what it is. smile

pammckenzie wrote:

...and never event asked for the updates free as I realize info. is money...

Information isn't money, knowledge (or, if you prefer, possession of information) is money. Garmin is a perfect example. It's not their information, they just sell a unit that delivers somebody else's data.

At any rate I think it's silly not to ask them to provide the updates gratis.

I love you guys!

Zecpull wrote:

Pam I can tell you are Upset, But this is probably why Garmin didnt give you the update...Screaming and threatening does not go very far. The version 8 maps that come on the C330 are not that much different than the 2008 maps..I have both.. You are better with the v8 maps and Custom POI;s than you would be with the 2008 maps alone.. That being said I am guessing you would have rather seen Garmin dump the left over C330 in a landfill instead of selling them for 1/3 of the regular price...( I am pretty sure the guys in customer service are wishing they did )
I would suggest you have someone else call customer for you that won't get as upset,,Maybe they will get the updates..

O.K. PamMckenzie is my wife and daughter (just to specify my gender). And I'll just reiterate what I said in anothe post. I'm not that mad at them..it is good business sense.. I said that in this post (I think..at leaste meant to.. and agree) And really I'm just blowing off steam to you guys. As a matter of fact I need to give Garmin more time on my paticular "case" and in both emails was very polite... saying somehting to the effect of: "Regardless to your awnser to my request for a discount (having to buy 2) God Bless you guys, families, and work. It helps me with my job, to keep people around me safer, and to not worry as much about my wife and little girl getting lost while I'm 1,000 mile away." Something like that. And of course, meant every word of it. I just wanted to drop a post with my thoughts on the whole thing... and I understand why it is the way it is...but again it isn't if I get my update or not...its the whole thing.. and I'm only stating what I see as the facts...take it good or bad..it is good business sense. If I where to get mad enuff to talk to them like that.. I'd just return their products. I'm just letting out thoughts here. This place seems to be full of intertaining conversation. As for being 1/3 price-it isn't one you get your "NEW" unit, NEW. I don't mean to come off so excited..I mean to state what I percieve as facts. Maybe the fact that people think I'm mad because I state facts shoud concern you guys and your perception of dealing with what has gone on. If I were that mad I wouldn't bother discussing...I'd just be done with it.

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."

it really is simple in my opinion.

IMHO it is pretty simple to not get worked up on any technology purchase which will ALWAYS get out of date.

I know this sounds like a no-brainer but make a purchase based on what you get in the box at the time of purchase. If the you don't like something because a part of it doesn't fit your criteria at the agreed upon price don't buy it.

So in your case if the maps are fine for you at the time of purchase great. If not and an upgrade fee isn't agreeable then just don't buy it. Nothing in the box says free upgrade for maps so why expect it?

I look at like my PC. I purposely waited when I bought my last PC with WindowsXP within 3 months of Vista's release because out of the box it was stated that it would be a free upgrade to Vista which would save me over $100. Now if I bought the same PC a month earlier that deal didn't exist so I most certainly wouldn't have expected it.

nüvi 680, nüvi 770, Garmin Mobile XT, etc...

Yes ...

mike987 wrote:

I'm actually not even sure what your opinion is after reading the post twice. Just call a rant what it is. smile

pammckenzie wrote:

...and never event asked for the updates free as I realize info. is money...

Information isn't money, knowledge (or, if you prefer, possession of information) is money. Garmin is a perfect example. It's not their information, they just sell a unit that delivers somebody else's data.

At any rate I think it's silly not to ask them to provide the updates gratis.

It is a rant, and yes I have put in two request, an no I don't really even know where I stand, but I do find it frustrating,,not angering though. But I agree that you have a good point about just selling someone elses data...never thought of it that way...though they did do it knowing it was outdated and not telling the consumer...

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."

This is also a good point.

dcoffing wrote:

IMHO it is pretty simple to not get worked up on any technology purchase which will ALWAYS get out of date.

I know this sounds like a no-brainer but make a purchase based on what you get in the box at the time of purchase. If the you don't like something because a part of it doesn't fit your criteria at the agreed upon price don't buy it.

So in your case if the maps are fine for you at the time of purchase great. If not and an upgrade fee isn't agreeable then just don't buy it. Nothing in the box says free upgrade for maps so why expect it?

I look at like my PC. I purposely waited when I bought my last PC with WindowsXP within 3 months of Vista's release because out of the box it was stated that it would be a free upgrade to Vista which would save me over $100. Now if I bought the same PC a month earlier that deal didn't exist so I most certainly wouldn't have expected it.

This is also a good point..though I still feel either acknowledging it was already outdated before even paid for or having it current would have been nice. But a good point none the less...and in this case or any case the other good point made was..THOSE POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS...I bet they want to cry every time a unit goes on discontinue near when a map goes out of date! hmmmm, still think it should be current at time of purchase or announced as "not current" though the whole electronics get whats in the box theory is waying heavily and true. I like a good intelligent conversation.

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."

Than you!

asianfire wrote:

Ok, I will play devil's avocate.

First of all, getting any GPSr for the prices that Walmart is giving (which covers the price of the map update), will get you where you need to go for the most part. Even the older map set is going to okay for the most part especially if you use a bit of common sense along with the GPSr

Second, ppl can return it and get something else that is better if they aren't satisfied. Walmart has a very generous return policy, at least I have found that they have.

I do agree that they are tryin to get rid of some of the old models that they have plenty of, but that is smart business sense on their part. I would do the same.

Thats exactly the kind of sorting thru the facts, "Devils Advocat" style responding I was looking for. Just running thru the ideas together.

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."


charlesd45 wrote:

You could not have said it any better.I agree with you totally.The unit should come with the latest updates and the customer should not have to jump through hoops to get what should have been there from the start.

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."

Streetpilot c330

I bought one too. No where did it say outdated maps when I bought it. Yes, I got a bargain price but it was an after Thanksgiving sale which does not mean that it should be out of date when I bought it. Walmart has the maps for an additional $62. I guess by the time I pay for both I will have paid for an updated model. Just wish they had said so in the add or on the box.

I agree...

oddcouple wrote:

I bought one too. No where did it say outdated maps when I bought it. Yes, I got a bargain price but it was an after Thanksgiving sale which does not mean that it should be out of date when I bought it. Walmart has the maps for an additional $62. I guess by the time I pay for both I will have paid for an updated model. Just wish they had said so in the add or on the box.

Thats exactly part of what I'm getting at. And the sale (Black Friday) was a good cover? We wouldn't want consumers thinking, "Wonder why this is suddenly so darn cheap?" Now would we?

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."


oddcouple wrote:

I bought one too. No where did it say outdated maps when I bought it. Yes, I got a bargain price but it was an after Thanksgiving sale which does not mean that it should be out of date when I bought it. Walmart has the maps for an additional $62. I guess by the time I pay for both I will have paid for an updated model. Just wish they had said so in the add or on the box.

Maybe Walmart should say, "Hey, pick this up too on your way out! Or you'll be back!" Haa.

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."

Old stock

pammckenzie wrote:
oddcouple wrote:

I bought one too. No where did it say outdated maps when I bought it. Yes, I got a bargain price but it was an after Thanksgiving sale which does not mean that it should be out of date when I bought it. Walmart has the maps for an additional $62. I guess by the time I pay for both I will have paid for an updated model. Just wish they had said so in the add or on the box.

Maybe Walmart should say, "Hey, pick this up too on your way out! Or you'll be back!" Haa.

For me I think store such as Walmart stock these before or during the map coming out. So when they unload their old stock they have the old map version. Not Garmin fault though.

I agree

I went out on black friday as you did pam and i purchased the garmin c330. I found out after registering the product that the lastest map on it dated back to 2006. in my travels the past month i have found out that in my area there are new roads that arent on it and i know for a fact that the new roads are quicker because there is less traffic on them. Im really upset that i have to spend an addictional 70 dollars to get the 2008 maps. you really arent saving any money here because after paying the discounted price you realize that in the end after you update it you end up spending the same as buying the unit for regular price. the way i look at it is i feel sorry for the people that bought the same unit before it was on sale and have to spend more than what the unit retails for regularly. all in all im just upset that i have to spend more money to update it.
ps i have found the map software cheaper than 70 dollar at gpsnow.com and it ships the next day and you can have it in less than a week. garmin on the other hand takes 2-3 weeks to ship.

Garmin Nuvi 360, Etrex Legend, Oregon 200; Lowrance 520c. "We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." -General George S. Patton

old maps on c330

I have a 330 with the "old" maps. The cost to upgrade is not worth the expense wh enyou consider the small difference between the old and new maps. also, I often travel to canada. The new map does not fit the memory on the 330 and you have to upload and down load between the U.S and canada when traveling back and forth... not worth the trouble. If you bought the 330 on sale, its a great unit and well worth the sale price without the map upgrade.

augie billitier I2,c330,660

You don't get what you don't ask for.

ochsfisher wrote:

i have found the map software cheaper than 70 dollar at gpsnow.com and it ships the next day and you can have it in less than a week. garmin on the other hand takes 2-3 weeks to ship.

52 out of 56 in an earlier POI-factory survey got the 2008 update for free from Garmin.


Ironically, it's this thread that's growing instead of that one.

This is why stores have return policies

Good grief. There is no way from reading the box to ascertain every fact about a technical product. This is exactly why stores have return policies. Garmin doesn't owe anything here. If you find out after the sale that this unit has software that is less current than you desire, return it and buy something newer.

Going on and on and on about your family's safety is rather, well, hysterical. If it does not suit your needs or preferences, return it, get something newer and get over it.


Looks like many got the upgrade... Sorry the model that you have can not... To be honest do you think that it will be around next year that this time... Return the damn thing and get one that is current and can get the upgrade!


since mine was an early

since mine was an early christmas present im going to return the thing and get a better unit.

any suggestions as to what i should get?

Garmin Nuvi 360, Etrex Legend, Oregon 200; Lowrance 520c. "We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." -General George S. Patton

nuvi 200 great replacement

Also cheap right now on Amazon..and has the 2008 maps right out of the box..if you watch they are under 200

Dave_ Nuvi 660 , 760,1490LMT Wooster, Ohio

i found the nuvi 200w for

i found the nuvi 200w for 200 dollars at amazon and that is what i was thinking but i have to get the money for the c330 first. thanks for the info i was looking at amazon right before u posted. thanks

Garmin Nuvi 360, Etrex Legend, Oregon 200; Lowrance 520c. "We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." -General George S. Patton

Try to focus.....

johnc wrote:

Going on and on and on about your family's safety is rather, well, hysterical. If it does not suit your needs or preferences, return it, get something newer and get over it.

If your gonna call my thoughts histerical..take the time to read them. It's a simple discussion. AND THE ONLY MENTION TO MY FAMILIES SAFETY was when I said that I had politely emailed Garmin my request and in a different statement said (ok read this part)...."God Bless you, your families, and the work you do. It helps me keep people around me safer, and helps me feel better knowing my family has one while I'm away." I did notate not for the short attention span...you should have skimmed past this thread my friend. IT WAS OBVIOUSLY A COMPLIMENT AND BLESSING TO THE WORK GARMIN DOES AND HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE IT'S EFFECT ON HELPING TO CREATE A SAFER ENVIRONMENT FOR THOSE AROUND ME WHILE IM WORKING AND FOR MY FAMILY WHILE IM AWAY.

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."


ochsfisher wrote:

i have found the map software cheaper than 70 dollar at gpsnow.com and it ships the next day and you can have it in less than a week. garmin on the other hand takes 2-3 weeks to ship.

I'll check that out. You guy may want to check out www.tigergps.com and also for the guy looking to swap to another model try a search for it on www.mysimon.com But look at all the prices it pulls up-I believe they have a back scratch policy with the first couple sites- but u sure can find some cheaper prices there. Oh yeah, and click on tigergps's weekly specials... they look pretty decent.

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."

I apoligize....

It seems that I've start a kind of bad conotation having thread. I had meant to just open a a forum for debate, stories, opionions, advice, and ect. for the subject matter. Kind of like Asia and some of the other guys came at it. But I do wanna thank you guys because it did what I thought it might and made me think of some of the point in a different lite. I appreciate that and sharing your stories and opionions. Hope fully this will just go away like bad leg cramps. Ha! Guess the kiss theory is in. (keep it simple stupid) Anyway, my bad. Sorry. Oh, to whomever did the statistical annalysis on requests to Garmin; nice job!

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."