Magellan POI File Editor help
Thu, 12/27/2007 - 3:00pm
16 years
Can someone either give me a quick walkthrough or point me to a forum link on how to add multiple categories with the Magellan POI editor. My problem is that every time I try to open a .csv file with the editor it clears the previous list. I can add new categories, but i would have to enter it in manually for each point. Any help would be useful. Thanks.
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well the short version is
well the short version is just right click on the categorie you want to add and copy it them load up the other file already saved and paste it to categorie collume. hope this makes sence, if not i well find the link that I used but it is pretty simple.
works fine
The way I got it to work was to open a .csv file, then right click on the category on the left (default name is 'Default Category'), click copy, open a new .csv file, right click in the left box, then click paste. Thanks again.
i got the same issue,
I have the same problem. The magellan pc file editor says it should automatically convert over to the magellan format. But it does nothing. All i can do is open it in ms excel. I dont understand how to get this to convert so i can upload to my 4250. If anyone can help me with more detailed step by step instructions it would be greatly appreciated. I have had my 1st GPS
Magellan 4250 for 2 days.
This should help.
******************Garmin Nüvi 1300T****************Member 6523*******************
It seems as though you're
It seems as though you're stuck - the only way I could figure it out was to do a cut and paste as suggested earlier. You can have a maximum of 10 subcategories in your POIs but there doesn't seem to be a limit on the number of POIs in any subcategory.
Some Limits:1,000 entries per category in a file
It seems as though you're stuck - the only way I could figure it out was to do a cut and paste as suggested earlier. You can have a maximum of 10 subcategories in your POIs but there doesn't seem to be a limit on the number of POIs in any subcategory.
Here are some of the limits that I discovered.
1. Name must be unique
2. Name and Description retain first 35 Characters only (Not sure about Category)
3. 10 unique categories per file.
4. 1,000 entries per category in a file
5. 10,000 data entries per file
Garmin Nüvi 855 & 760, iPhone, Magellan RM860T
POI Manager does read CSV
The magellan pc file editor says it should automatically convert over to the magellan format. But it does nothing. All i can do is open it in ms excel.
You can open a .csv or .gpx file directly in the POI Manager that came with your 4250. Select File/Open, then use the drop-down box on the open file dialog to select the type of file you want to open. CSV is an option and then you can proceed as mentioned above... that is copy the category to the clipboard, then open the real POI file you want it in and paste.
Before doing all that, though, you should open those files in Excel and compare them to the limitations already mentioned here (unique names, etc.) and do any touching up there. I also get rid of the extra fields in Excel. Then when you import in into POI Manager, it'll be ready to go.
Some Limits
You can have a maximum of 10 subcategories in your POIs but there doesn't seem to be a limit on the number of POIs in any subcategory.
Here are some of the limits that I discovered.
4. 1,000 entries per category in a file
5. 10,000 data entries per file
What model(s) do those limits apply to?
Seems like a lot of caterories would exceed 1000.
I'm still playing but it appears that the 4,xxx entries in the WalMart file are not causing a problem in my Maestro 4000.
Of course, it can be EXTREMELY hard to tell since the inept software happily truncates things without telling you !!!
It also appears that anything in the Description field is worthless once it get INTO the 4000 series, since the description displayed is generated off the coordinates. The information in there might be useful when displayed in the file editor but I assume it just takes up space in the GPS.
Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X
Version 1.0 1.5 2.0 and 4.0.5
The limits certainly apply to the above versions when used with the 800 and 860T models.
The Tim Hortons had over 2000 entries if I remember correctly. I had setup "TimHortons, Tin Hortons and Tin Horton as 3 different categories in a file to get then all at once.
Garmin Nüvi 855 & 760, iPhone, Magellan RM860T
Magellan POI File Editor help
The limits certainly apply to the above versions when used with the 800 and 860T models.
Whole different ballgame then with the 3xxx, 4xxx units......I think, since I have a combined file loaded with 2 categories and about 4,500 entries each.
Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X
Excellent Tutorial
A slick presentation of how to create multi-category custom POI files for Maestro 3xxx and 4xxx series.
Definitely better than I could have presented it.
Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X