How about separate forums for the other brands?


How about separate forums for the other brands?
I currently have Magellan (2200T) and am wanting a Garmin.

There is a Garmin forum, and a NOT Garmin forum. And that's it.

I realize Poi-factory is a Garmin-Centric forum, but surely there is enough growth in the other brands to justify some segmentation of the forums by brand. After Christmas there surely will be *lots* of new GPS owners seeking information and help.

We need some more granularity here!


Also, how about a section for us PDA/Laptop-based GPS users? After all, not only do we have choices for hardware but software as well! smile


Magellan is in.........

the Other GPS Brands. You have TomTom, Magellan, etc. Since the inception of this web site, it appears there has only been 107 Topics, and 668 post in the "Other Brands" which includes Magellan with all the others, which isn't a lot vs. 1442 Topics, and 13,497 Post for Garmin. This is a decision for the Webmaster(s).

Garmin 660

Yeah, I find it interesting

Yeah, I find it interesting that most here are Garmin users. Not saying that Garmin is the best, but it is very nice for me since I have one and there is sooooooooooo much info on garmins here. That is one of the reasons I love this site.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Other brands

Robert660 wrote:

Since the inception of this web site, it appears there has only been 107 Topics, and 668 post in the "Other Brands" which includes Magellan with all the others, which isn't a lot

Perhaps it is because the other brands don't have a place to call home?

I will also admit that doesn't get a lot of messages.

We are all Garmin zombies!

We are all Garmin zombies!

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

reflecting the market share

I've heard somewhere that about half of the portable GPSrs in U.S. are Garmin, so any U.S.-based forum would be Garmin-dominant just by reflecting the market share. Likewise, I imagine any E.U.-based forum would be TomTom-dominant.

So please share stories, ideas and experiences regardless of the brand. Maybe those of us who use Garmin can learn something from other brands, too. And who knows? Some of us may switch brands in the future.

nüvi 750 & 760

garmin zombie forever

spider_elliott wrote:

I've heard somewhere that about half of the portable GPSrs in U.S. are Garmin, so any U.S.-based forum would be Garmin-dominant just by reflecting the market share. Likewise, I imagine any E.U.-based forum would be TomTom-dominant.

So please share stories, ideas and experiences regardless of the brand. Maybe those of us who use Garmin can learn something from other brands, too. And who knows? Some of us may switch brands in the future.

Ok, as I am a Garmin Zombie, I doubt that I will switch brands. I got my first Garmin and was able to use it right out of the box. Of course, I have learned so much more (through experience and here) since, but still, I was able to use it easily straight out of the box.

My father has a T2, and although I have spent only about 1 or 2 hrs playing with it, it isn't nearly as user friendly as my garmins have been. But of course, that could be because I am so use to Garmins that I think that all should work the same.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Forums for other brands

sfgps wrote:
Robert660 wrote:

Since the inception of this web site, it appears there has only been 107 Topics, and 668 post in the "Other Brands" which includes Magellan with all the others, which isn't a lot

Perhaps it is because the other brands don't have a place to call home?

Not like I am suggesting special forums for the Delphi GPS units that Sears had advertised last week, or the SANYO GPS units that FRYS and other had advertised last week. Though if they sell enough that day may come. We might all find out in 6 months that Delphi or Sanyo are the bomb, much better than any others. I doubt it, but it could happen. It all depends on the support they provide.

That's where Garmin has an advantage, they have provided map and POI updates so you don't have restaurants in your gps that have been out of business four years. Decent of them. An example of good business practices.

But heck, Magellan has been in the business a long time, and they have sold a lot of units. They may just clean up their act, they have announced map updates for their units, this is the first time they have even considered that. Prolly because of Garmin, and me complaining to them.

MIO, Magellan, Lowrance, what other units are popular, and are likely to sell a lot this christmas? I am seeing ads daily. We should get forums for those popular units that are specific, so users can help users.

Make Poi-factory a real destination for everyone.

wish granted

We are going to be adding a Magellan forum and a Tom Tom forum to the list. I will be working on transferring the threads to their proper forums this afternoon;)

Thanks for the suggestion.

Miss Poi

Wow, that will be a job,

Wow, that will be a job, transferring all the post there. How are you going to determine where one belongs if the subject is like "What is better a nuvi350 or tom tom one"

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -