Cool way to compare POI files!
Wed, 10/31/2007 - 4:56pm
18 years
I found a cool program to compare 2 POI files, handy if you want to compare the old red light camera file to the new updated one (or whatever two files you want) to see what new cameras have been added. This program is used to compare text files but it works with the POI files...... its called "AptDiff" and you can get it from here:
Windows 'comp'
I found a cool program to compare POI files, ....
Comparing files can also be done using Windows comp command. This can be accessed either by the Run window or by the Command Prompt under Accessories. Typing in comp/? in the Command Prompt window will display instructions on its use.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
You've used it...
I found a cool program...
Yes, but is it smart? You know - smart in that special ability to find added/deleted/changed POI and not just changes in file organization?
- Keith
i believe it finds anything
i believe it finds anything added/deleted/changed... as long as you have the old file to compare the new file to it will find anything that has changed on it