Windshield mounts in Georgia, N&S Carolina
Fri, 09/21/2007 - 9:54am
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![]() 17 years
Does anyone know if the vehicle codes in those states allow for attaching windshield GPS mounts such as the one Garmin supplies with the Nuvi 660.
Thanks in advance for your information.
CA and MN
Does anyone know if the vehicle codes in those states allow for attaching windshield GPS mounts such as the one Garmin supplies with the Nuvi 660.
Thanks in advance for your information.
The only two states I'm aware of it being illegal to mount GPS on the windshield are California and Minnesota.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Actually, every state has a
Actually, every state has a law about "obstructing view", however, as RT stated, CA and Minnesota are the only ones that actually enforce it to any great length.
Cops can, have, ticketed RD users for having their RD (Radar Detector)on the windsheild.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
windshield mounts
CA and MN are the only states banning suction mounts to my knowledge, but be aware that those states ban suction mounts to both the windshield and side windows
re: windshield mounts
CA and MN are the only states banning suction mounts to my knowledge, but be aware that those states ban suction mounts to both the windshield and side windows
I didn't even know that this was an issue. When I was on travel in CA, the car rental place offered GPS devices for rent. How are they able to do that if the state enforces these dumb laws.
GPS is not illegal
The GPS units are not illegal in CA or MN just mounting them on the windshield is illegal. I have a beanbag mount and am considering a AC vent mount. What is really funny about the new law is that my beanbag mount actually makes the unit sit above the hoodline on my car, where before with the suction mount I could mount it below the hoodline. So the vision argument is kind of moot.
Garmin's disclaimer
Does anyone know if the vehicle codes in those states allow for attaching windshield GPS mounts such as the one Garmin supplies with the Nuvi 660.
Thanks in advance for your information.
Here is Garmin's disclaimer for CA and MN, and the law for each state.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Leave it to the politicians
Leave it to the politicians to completely go overboard on something.
I live in Atlanta and
I live in Atlanta and everyone has windshield mounts here for GPS or Radar Detectors.
JG - Nuvi 2460
Corner mount
I mount my on the very left corner of my windshield.
Does not block any thing,plus not too noticeable at all.The left corner Jam blocks the GPS from noticeable view from on coming,depending the type of vehicle design you own,but suction cup comes off about 2 times of a 8 hr. day of work.
When the price goes down more I'll buy the dash mount type,not the sticky disc,does mot work that great either.Works okay in cup holder,but not eye level to keep your eyes on the road,once in awhile we do look at the screen,or make some kind of mode change.
What comments do you guys have on vent mounts? They seem a bit flimsy to me but wanted to know before I actually spent any money.
Officer I'm sorry I was going the wrong way on that one-way street but my GPS told me to turn left ... Oh, I'm still getting a ticket, okay then the GPS will see ya in court!
He,s right
Actually, every state has a law about "obstructing view", however, as RT stated, CA and Minnesota are the only ones that actually enforce it to any great length.
Cops can, have, ticketed RD users for having their RD (Radar Detector)on the windshield.
I know for sure that you can get a Summons for anything on the windshield or the dashboard in the tri state area.Anything that can obstruct your view.I know in new york that most police officers don,t enforce it.I was only in uniform the first year of twenty two years and the only time a summons was given for it was if the motorist was a wise guy and was mouthing off!
There is a Thread
There is a thread dedicated to the vent mount with lots of info, I am thinking of buying one also
Actually, every state has a law about "obstructing view", however, as RT stated, CA and Minnesota are the only ones that actually enforce it to any great length.
Cops can, have, ticketed RD users for having their RD (Radar Detector)on the windshield.
I know for sure that you can get a Summons for anything on the windshield or the dashboard in the tri state area.Anything that can obstruct your view.I know in new york that most police officers don,t enforce it.I was only in uniform the first year of twenty two years and the only time a summons was given for it was if the motorist was a wise guy and was mouthing off!
Oh so you are an ex-cop huh? Cool. I would give so many tickets to ppl for smart mouths, be nice and I wouldn't write a ticket
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
you got the right asian fire
If people would only keep there smart mouths shut in all walks of life there would be fewer tickets and a lot LESS PROBLEMS!
Agreed, I can't ever get
Agreed, I can't ever get that through my wife's head. She'll go into customer service (such as target) with an attitude and start screaming. I tell that she will get a lot further if she goes in with a great attitude, it works for me.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
it is legal in georgia to
it is legal in georgia to use the windshield mount
Agreed, I can't ever get that through my wife's head. She'll go into customer service (such as target) with an attitude and start screaming. I tell that she will get a lot further if she goes in with a great attitude, it works for me.
Hey Asian Fire I think I must have married your wifes sister.My wife,s the same way. Lately when she has a problem with one of the stores the latest one was Haynes department store, I told her I,ll wait out in the parking lot,because one of these days your goner get yourself locked-up an me along with you!
Yeah, I go to the
Yeah, I go to the electronics section until she calls me and says that she is at the
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
No Sense Of Humour
Once was on a roadtrip with a cousin that was alsoa Lt. in the local Sherrifs Dept., in NV we were pulled over by a local cop, my cuz showed hin his badge and the officer procceded to write the ticket and lecture my cuz about "You should know better."............etc. My cuz told him "You can write the ticket of give me a lecture but not both" needless to say he got the ticket, but if I had talked to him like that I am sure I would have been in jail!!!!
I am not sure if you would
I am not sure if you would have been jailed, you have the right to say that if you want, but won't help you.
I got a ticket once and he told me, "Oh I guess that your radar detector didn't help you" I replied, "Nope, not when you get sneaky and hit me with instant on radar"
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
yes sir officer
If people would only keep there smart mouths shut in all walks of life there would be fewer tickets and a lot LESS PROBLEMS!
Just don't use the Taser on me
Depends on the police officer
Once was on a roadtrip with a cousin that was alsoa Lt. in the local Sherrifs Dept., in NV we were pulled over by a local cop, my cuz showed hin his badge and the officer procceded to write the ticket and lecture my cuz about "You should know better."............etc. My cuz told him "You can write the ticket of give me a lecture but not both" needless to say he got the ticket, but if I had talked to him like that I am sure I would have been in jail!!!!
It all depends on who stops you. I worked with some cops who would give their own mother a summons. I was only in uniform the first year and I really hated to give someone a summons. I would remember when I would get a summons and how that would really hurt the family budget. When your in uniform you have to justify your existence and thats really by giving out summons. So I would try to give out a summons to some one who would yell and scream really carry on and make it easier. Believe it or not it was mostly women who made it easy. I was really happy to get out of uniform and into plain clothes.
When I bought my C550 in CA,
When I bought my C550 in CA, I bought a beanbag mount, and I love it. It has not moved an inch the whole time I have had it, and it is easy to stow and go to aviod break ins.
They seem a bit flimsy to me...
...and that they are! I will be more than happy to send you the one I purchased...absolutely free, for the mere price of $7.50 P&H!!!
Don't do it!!! I drive a Volvo, and the price to have a broken vent mended...could buy a Nuvi 660!!
Just a thought!
"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."
I meant...
...the vent mount...the beanbag is great!
"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."
It is the suction mount only
It is the suction mount only that is illegal. Garmin offers a bean bag dash mount that is legal.