hello.. new user with some ques.
Sun, 09/09/2007 - 4:46am
17 years
hi there .. im new user from dubai - UAE in middle east..
i just got the garmin S.P. 7500 for my trip to europe .. it was great help to have sgps.
my ques. is .. is there a chance to go for more than 16 category in customPOI ... or is there a chance to add sub-category ...just like the origenal POI..??
i have many ques. but let it go one by one ..
You can create whatever categories you want by creating subfolders under your main POI folder on your computer and placing the Custom POIs files in the subfolders.
Do I understand you correctly that if I have a POI folder styled, say, "Canada", I can have provincial sub-folders styled each province? Then when I go to "Custom POI" I see Canada and then after "opening" Canada I see teh provinces separately?
Yes, sort of. You can't have more than one level of subfolder. The files themselves will create the subcategory.
So basically, for example, it will look like this.
>Main POI folder
>>IHOP (subfolder)
... IHOP.csv
... IHOP.bmp
>>National Parks (subfolder)
... National Parks.gpx
... National Monuments.gpx
... National Recreation areas.gpx
... National Parks.bmp
... National Monuments.bmp
In this example, IHOP and National Parks show up as categories and under National Parks, National Parks, National Monuments, and National Recreation Area show up as subcatories.
Here are some screenshots of what mine look like.
These are the folder and files on my computer.
Folder Pic
This is how the first level shows up on my Zumo.
First Level
When I select the National Parks category, this is what I get.
Then if I select National Monuments, I get this.
Thank you VERY much. I do a lot of travelling throughout Canada and teh US and having all these CSV or GPX files together is a real pain.. Now I can personally organize them better.
thanx alot .. it work
thanx alot .. it work perfectly ...
just woundring if there is any cracks to garmin prog. to change the menu .. for example .. to change " extra " to " My POI "... ???
The hard way
You can't have more than one level of subfolder.
I just found out this the hard way. Should have just searched for MM!
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
We all have a variation of the same.
I break mine down as follows:
My Pois
.. >Redlight cameras.bmp
.. >Redlight cameras.csv
.. >Redlight cameras.wav
>Boy Scout Camps
.. >Boy Scout Camps.csv
.. >Abbott's Frozen Custard Redlight.bmp
.. >Abbott's Frozen Custard Redlight.csv
.. >Abbott's Frozen Custard Redlight.wav
.. >Dunkin Donuts US TourGuide.bmp
.. >Dunkin Donuts US TourGuide.csv
.. >Dunkin Donuts US TourGuide.wav
>Rest Areas
.. >Rest Areas Combined(ver.AU).bmp
.. >Rest Areas Combined(ver.AU).csv
.. >Rest Areas Combined(ver.AU).wav
>Urgent Care
.. >Urgent Care.bmp
.. >Urgent Care.csv
EDIT: it seems to lose the formatting when I post. Got it now
Nuvi 2460LMT.
How would you create this subfolder
You can create whatever categories you want by creating subfolders under your main POI folder on your computer and placing the Custom POIs files in the subfolders.
I have 39 poi files for restaurants. How do I put them all in one sub-folder?
1490LMT 1450LMT 295w
You can create whatever categories you want by creating subfolders under your main POI folder on your computer and placing the Custom POIs files in the subfolders.
I have 39 poi files for restaurants. How do I put them all in one sub-folder?
I have 27 food in mine. But isn't there something where you can only have 32 files? or sub categories? I remember a 32 limit on something.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
32 limit
I have a "DiningA" and a "DiningP" which is a workaround of the 32 limit. I'm always looking for a better way.
1490LMT 1450LMT 295w
I have a "DiningA" and a "DiningP" which is a workaround of the 32 limit. I'm always looking for a better way.
What does the 'P' stand for in 'DiningP'? Bathroom attached?
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
Should have
Dining>A and Dining>P
1490LMT 1450LMT 295w
The 32 limit is a limit of the Windows/DOS operating system.
As noted, you have to break them down into multiple folders.
Just create a system that works for you.
The old ones
The 32 limit is a limit of the Windows/DOS operating system.
As noted, you have to break them down into multiple folders.
Just create a system that works for you.
The older (much older) operating systems had a 32 file limit (8-bit I think). I doubt very much if those OS's are still being used. So, the 32 limit (if it still exists), must be a function of POI-Loader compatability.
I see that filenames in EPE have an 8-character per folder limit. That may be for the same reason.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
Garmin limit
How many custom POI files can there be in a sub folder?
Each sub folder can have any combination of CSV and GPX files but there is a 32 file limit.
Last modified on: 03/05/2009
Do not think they have changed this.
32 file limit
I just tested loading 34 POI files from the same directory.
No POI error. All 34 files appear, but they are not in alphabetical order. They appear in the order in which I copied them to the test folder.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
Don't bring up file order
I just tested loading 34 POI files from the same directory.
No POI error. All 34 files appear, but they are not in alphabetical order. They appear in the order in which I copied them to the test folder.
There was discussion on this in another post on this forum. I was lost in that one. There does not seem to be an order.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
On second look at the normal directory structure I use, the folders do not appear in alphabetical order, but the POI files under them do.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
Please check this
I just tested loading 34 POI files from the same directory.
No POI error. All 34 files appear, but they are not in alphabetical order. They appear in the order in which I copied them to the test folder.
@david, I wonder if you had 34 POI files or 34 files that might have been a combination of .csv/.gpx with .bmp or .wav.
I have some saved test files that I ran through POI Loader just now to double check what I had tested some time back.
I have a master folder called "FolderThirtyNine" that contains 39 subfolders. The first sub folder, "Folder 01" contained 32 .csv files when I first looked at it. I added several 6 more .csv to the folder - giving me 38 POI files.
When I ran POI Loader pointing at "FolderThirtyNine" I got the message
Only 32 custom POI files are allowed in a subfolder.
The folder "..." exceeds that limit.
Please reorganize your custom POI files and run POI Loader again
When I removed the extra 6 POI files from "Folder 01" and then did another run of POI Loader, the run was successful.
When I safely disconnected my nuvi, booted it and went to Where To? > [down arrow] > Extras, there were my folders "Folder 01" through "Folder 39" with their internal POI files. Both folder names and internal file names were in alphabetical order.
I find it hard to believe that POI Loader works differently for different nuvis, so please verify. Thanks
Only gpx & csv
@david, I wonder if you had 34 POI files or 34 files that might have been a combination of .csv/.gpx with .bmp or .wav.
The files were a combination of gpx & csv. No wav or bmp's.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
In one folder
I have a master folder called "FolderThirtyNine" that contains 39 subfolders. The first sub folder, "Folder 01" contained 32 .csv files when I first looked at it. I added several 6 more .csv to the folder - giving me 38 POI files.
All of mine were in the same top folder. I did not use any subfolders in my test.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
Custom POI files not in alphabetical order
I had the same problem of my custom poi files not appearing in alphabetical order in the GPS. It seemed to be more of a file structure problem with the PC than a POI problem or poi loader problem. It also seemed as if the associtated .bmp files were part of the culprit.
I did find a work around to get them in alphabetical order. What I would have to do was to copy the poi files 1 at at time but with their corresponding .bmp file in alpabetical order to a new folder on the pc... refreashing after copying each file with it's .bmp file. Then when I would transfer the custom poi folder to the GPS, now all categories, sub-categories and individual poi files would appear in alphabetical order.
Only 32 allowed in a subfolder
I got it.
Only 32 POI files are allowed in each subfolder.
I created a subfolder named 'Test' under a folder called "LoadTest'. I loaded them pointing to LoadTest
When I had 34 POI files in Loadtest, they loaded fine. When I had 34 POI files in Test, I got the same error.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
Folder Order
I did find a work around to get them in alphabetical order. What I would have to do was to copy the poi files 1 at at time but with their corresponding .bmp file in alpabetical order to a new folder on the pc... refreashing after copying each file with it's .bmp file. Then when I would transfer the custom poi folder to the GPS, now all categories, sub-categories and individual poi files would appear in alphabetical order.
Makes sense. They probably default to creation order.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
Alphabetical Order
I had the same problem of my custom poi files not appearing in alphabetical order in the GPS. It seemed to be more of a file structure problem with the PC than a POI problem or poi loader problem. It also seemed as if the associated .bmp files were part of the culprit.
Files will be in alpha order when and only when you use subfolders. If all the files and their associated icons and sounds are in the top level folder, they will be stored on the unit in the order they are read.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
Creation Order??
Files will be in alpha order when and only when you use subfolders. If all the files and their associated icons and sounds are in the top level folder, they will be stored on the unit in the order they are read.
Being an IT person, I ought to know the answer (but I was mostly mainframe). Is the order going to be Creation date?
Most Likely
Is the order going to be Creation date?
From the results of @eaparks, it appears so.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
Yes, creation date
I just redid @eaparks 's experiment and got the same results.
The folders are read in in creation date order.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
I just redid @eaparks 's experiment and got the same results.
The folders are read in in creation date order.
I went back to my subfolder and deleted the Folder 01 folder. I then created a new Folder 01 ,so it had today's creation date, where the other creation dates were "2/25/11".
When I did a run of POI Loader, it asked if I wanted to replace my "FolderThirtyNine" file on my nuvi. I said that I did and it replaced the POIs.
When I safely disconnected my nuvi, booted it and went to Where To? > [down arrow] > Extras, there were my folders "Folder 01" through "Folder 39" with their internal POI files. Both folder names and internal file names were still in alphabetical order.
This leads me to believe that the names of sub folders and the files within subfolders are arranged in alphabetical order.
Delete your .gpi on your Garmin. Then try your experiment again. I wonder what will happen?
1490LMT 1450LMT 295w
Delete your .gpi on your Garmin. Then try your experiment again. I wonder what will happen?
That's what I do. I always delete the custom POI gpi before I run 'Loader.
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
same thing
Delete your .gpi on your Garmin. Then try your experiment again. I wonder what will happen?
I used Explorer to delete the file. Then POI Loader reloaded the file with the same results. Worth doing just to check, by the way.
Well I never
I always delete the custom POI gpi before I run 'Loader.
A long time ago I deleted the gpi, then ran the loader. I had problems with the display order on the Garmin. Once I had everything like I wanted, I rerun the loader and let it over ride the existing file. When I add files to my CustomPOI on the pc, the refresh command puts them in the desired alpabetical order.
1490LMT 1450LMT 295w