Favorites and Recent Selections
Sun, 09/02/2007 - 8:14pm
17 years
Have a nuvi 370. Are "Favorites" and "Recent Selections" accessible outside of the nuvi. That is, do I have access to those locations in some file. If I can access that data, is it in a usable format.
Yes and No.
A copy of your current Favourites is to be found in \gpx\current.gpx
"Recent Selections" are not accessible.
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
current.gpx, Thanks. Since it is a .gpx file, then I can manipulate it with any gpx editor and then convert to any other form. Very good.
Thanks, Phil
Joe - nuvi 370
Save your "recent selections" as favorite
"Recent Selections" are not accessible.
Right, however you can save those "recent selections" as your favorite...
Garmin nüvi® 660, iPhone 8gb (Technology is not the solution. It's only a tool to help you achieve it.)