Mapsource Importing?


Hi everyone,
I have a Garmin Nuvi 350, Mapsource, and an excel spreadsheet with 400 addresses that i would like to import into the Nuvi. What is the best way to go about doing this? Thank you all for your help.


You need to geocode the addresses. Here's a site that will help with that.

If you don't want to batch geocode the locations, you can look them up individually in MapSource to get the longitudes and latitudes and then input them into the file.

Then you save the file as a CSV (comma separated values) format file.

The format needs to be as follows.

longitude1,latitude1,name1,description1 [optional]
longitude2,latitude2,name2,description2 [optional]

Then you will use POI Loader to load them as Custom POIs onto your nuvi.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your help. However, I am receiving an error when trying to get the POI loader to recognize that i have saved a csv file for it.

Heres the error message that POI loader gives me:

The file C:/My Documents/Carl/Garmin Test.csv is invalid. Do you want to continue?

Also, heres the format that i have used for data entry.

-98.854875,34.589421,Nursing Home I don't see why this would be invalid? Thank you for your help!

Correct Format

-98.854875,34.589421,"Nursing Home","Any other info text"

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !


You don't need the quotes. They are optional. When you run POI Loader, you need to be sure you are pointing it to the FOLDER and not the FILE.

Also, be sure to run the file through POI Verifier. And be sure that you don't have any extra lines or extra formatting in the file.

POI loader is pointing to

POI loader is pointing to the folder and not the file.

I would like to run POI verifier but I dont know where to find that program?

Look at it in Notepad

dogface79 wrote:

The file C:/My Documents/Carl/Garmin Test.csv is invalid. Do you want to continue?

Also, heres the format that i have used for data entry.

-98.854875,34.589421,Nursing Home I don't see why this would be invalid? Thank you for your help!

That format of that line is correct (or were you wanting 4 fields? If so, put a comma after 'Home'). If you're getting that error, evidently all lines aren't this format.

Look at it in Notepad, Excel will sometimes format the file much different than you want. Look for multiple quotes; don't enter leading and ending quotes if using Excel, Excel will enter its own when needed.

I always put each field in quotes (with Notepad), saves flustration when some lines need it, like if the line includes linefeeds, commas, and others.

Like MM said, try Poi Verifier .... it may save you a lot of time.


You can find POI Verifier here

"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

I may have found the

I may have found the problem...someone plz let me know! After batch geocoding the addresses and then copying the lat and long. to excel. Does each entry need to be in its own cell?


dogface79 wrote:

I may have found the problem...someone plz let me know! After batch geocoding the addresses and then copying the lat and long. to excel. Does each entry need to be in its own cell?

Yes; look at it in Notepad.


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."


I've found the results from geocoding at give you the latitude then longitude and you need to swap those fields before you try the POIloader.


Thank you all for your help.

Thank you all for your help. I am on the right track. You have been very helpful...Great informative site!