New to the POI world


I am new to the POI world and have a few questions.

1. How do I know how much room I have on my c330 for custom POIs
2. Will downloading POIs from here erase the ones that were preloaded?
3. How do I create POI files?



check out our FAQ area and you will find some of your answers there. You can plug your model number into our search engine and find all kinds of neat tricks that you never thought your gps could do.

Welcome to the site.

Miss Poi

A few answers

aoh1811 wrote:

I am new to the POI world and have a few questions.

1. How do I know how much room I have on my c330 for custom POIs
2. Will downloading POIs from here erase the ones that were preloaded?
3. How do I create POI files?


As Miss Poi states do a search and learn lots.
1. I have loaded 20,000+ Poi's on my c330, depends on how much detail is in each. The more data, the less you can have. I just put NT2008 on my unit, so haven't gotten the message, yet, that says I'm trying to load to many. When this happens I either edit them down, or separate into half the country that I'll be in. Once I head another direction I switch to the other half. So far this works for me. All you need is a text editor to change the .csv files, or Excel, do the search, you'll find lots of information.
2. Yes, each time you load Poi's the old ones will be erased, so keep a copy on your computer. THIS IS NOT the built it ones, you cannot change them or delete them...They're untouchable and sometimes wrong, that's why this site exists. The ones you load will be under the heading "Custom POI's.
3. As I said in 1 above, a text editor will work. Do the search and you'll find more than you wanted to know on how this all works. Happy reading and welcome to the site. Lots of good, knowledgeable people here to help...

To create POI files I would

To create POI files I would use POIedit 2007. It is free and works great.

So I can't erase the factory

So I can't erase the factory POIs (gas, food rest stops) by accident?


No, you can't. They are part of the map file. You can't delete them unless you delete your map.

Custom POIs are a completely different thing. A completely separate file and file type are involved.

It's completely safe, albeit, possibly addicting.

Possibly addicting???

I can't stop. Help me! :+)

I have more fun with my nuvi 650 than I have with my iPOD. I do wish I could learn to create more POI files for posting here. I can make any kind of icon but I can't seem to find the ( accurate, reliable, complete ) data sources for the POIs so that I can compile a .csv or .gpx file. :+(


Thanks MM, I am already

Thanks MM, I am already chomping at the bit to start!