North Maine Woods Authorized Campsites
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Raw file: North Maine Woods Authorized Campsites.gpx (141.68 KB)
Contains the latest North Maine Woods Authorized Campsites. North Maine Woods Authorized Campsites are rustic and contain steel fire rings, cedar picnic tables and toilets. Many of the campsites have picnic table shelters. Fires may be carefully built in the steel fire rings. A Maine Forest Service fire permit is not required.
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Baker Lake Campsite
Maine USA
Maine USA
− (1) Picnic Table Shelter
− (1) Privy
− (4) Campsites
− (4) Fireplaces
− (4) Picnic Tables
− Access to Water: Yes (Baker Lake)
− Camper trailer access: Yes
− Vehicle Access: Yes
Comments: This is a popular destination for Muskie fisherman with beautiful waterfront sites. One of the sites has a picnic table shelter, and there is an unimproved boat launch. This is also the primary starting point for St. John River canoe trips with a designated parking area at the outlet of Baker Lake.