Liquor store category?


I just created my first POI file and shared it. I put it under "Canada" cause that's where it is. I was also going to add it the liquor store category, but I don't see one. Do you think there would be interest in one?

Edit to add: The one I created is for Newfoundland and Labrador. As dbw198 points out, there is already an LCBO one for Ontario. I didn't make that clear in my original post.


There is a LCBO file

but it is only good for Ontario.

Yes, that's what inspired me

Yes, that's what inspired me to create mine. LCBO is Ontario as you mention. I created one for NLC which is for Newfoundland and Labrador. I would eventually like to do Quebec too.

My question though is that while I do have the POI file filed under Canada, I would like to file it also under any Liquor store category, and was surprised not to find any.

You could also put it into

You could also put it into the store category. We have tried to make a general list of categories so that it doesn't get too long and confusing.

Miss Poi


Thanks Miss Poi. I will do that.

I already changed it :P

I already changed it razz

Miss Poi

So can it be in both? Since

So can it be in both? Since it is in Canada only, I think it needs to be there. It was my first POI contribution, so I'm just getting into this.

I also was talking to a marketing person at SAQ (Quebec) this morning, and they are going to provide me with a list of all their stores (400! Gulp... what have I gotten myself into) so I can make a POI file for there too.


yes you can select two or

yes you can select two or more categories for your file. Your file shows up in Canada and Stores.

Miss Poi

Excellent. Thanks. Jamie

Excellent. Thanks.


How about State liquor stores?

miss poi wrote:

You could also put it into the store category. We have tried to make a general list of categories so that it doesn't get too long and confusing.

Miss Poi

When traveling on long trips I sometimes want to check into a hotel and hit a liquor store for some liquid relaxation. Several times I've found myself in states that only have state run liquor stores and there is usually only one (if that) in an entire town.

I'd be very interested in a POI set that included locations of these state liquor stores. Often the hotel clerk doesn't even know where the thing is and sometimes it turns out that the nearest one is in a town I've already passed and the things usually close really early and aren't open on weekends. Knowing where they are would be really handy.

Are these included anywhere?

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

Yeah I have to agree,

Yeah I have to agree, especially in places like jersey which is all strip malls taht you can't see from the road

NH State Liquor Store

I haven't found any POI's for NH. I tried searching under shopping for Liquor with my Garmin, but it only found one liquor store in the entire state, and the states own liquor website shows that there are 50+ stores.

State Liquor Stores

stingraywu13 wrote:

I haven't found any POI's for NH. I tried searching under shopping for Liquor with my Garmin, but it only found one liquor store in the entire state, and the states own liquor website shows that there are 50+ stores.

The state liquor stores will only show up while in "pedestrian" mode!

USA Liquor Store Website

Here's a website that lists USA liquor stores by state.

A couple of weeks ago I added an Indianapolis chain of liquor stores (21st. Amendment Liquor Stores) to the POI database.