What governs login frequency?
Sat, 08/27/2022 - 8:58am
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 10 years
Does anyone know what governs the need to login? I can go for several days of repeatedly visiting the forums without.a need to login, then suddenly I notice I’m logged out. For example this happened yesterday, I was logged in when I opened the forum link in the morning, and a few hours later when I again checked the forums, I noticed I was logged out and had to go through the login process. It isn’t a big deal, I’m just trying to understand the logic behind the timing criteria.
What are you using?
What Browser are you using
What App are you using
Do you close your app / browser every time your done with it
Do you shutdown your device when your done
Do you clear your cookie cache
There are a lot of variables
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
cookies some places
More than one forum that I use sets a cookie when you login. If you come back without having logged out, it checks that cookie, and if it is recent enough deems you already to be logged in. But if too much time has passed by the rules of that particular website, then you have to login again.
Some places where I have noticed this the time limit is on the order of two weeks. Those which use this method can set any limit they like.
personal GPS user since 1992
SmartPhone No
Tablet Yes, iPad Air 2
PC Yes, Dell laptop with Win10 Pro
Mac No
What Browser are you using On the iPad Safari; on the PC Google ChromeNo
What App are you using I don't use any apps as I prefer a shortcut on the PC or do a simple search with a browser
Do you close your app / browser every time your done with it Yes
Do you shutdown your device when your done Sometimes, but that doesn't seem to correlate with the issue
Do you clear your cookie cache Not on a routine basis
There are a lot of variables
When I mentioned my experience of a few days ago, it was with the iPad. I was logged in when I opened the forum link in the morning, and a few hours later when I again checked the forums, I noticed I was logged out and had to go through the login process. I do not purposely log out, simply exit the browser. But it is just as likely to occur with the PC. Both devices are used daily and each for multiple times.
John from PA
Keeping Logged In
I can pretty much keep logged into poi-factory.com as long as I keep logged in using the same computer/phone. If I connect with the other device, I need to login. When I switch back to the original device, I need to login again. To summarize; switch devices: you always need to login, continue using the same device: you occasionally (like once every couple of weeks) need to login.
I've noticed..
when I log in on another device, it automatically logs me out on my PC which I use most of the time.
Perhaps only one device per used id is allowed to be logged on at the same time?
Multiple device
In contrast to a few of you (baumback & bdhsfz6) that reported that you get kicked off when using multiple devices, that does not happen to me. As a test, I rebooted both my Win10 PC and iPad Air and as I write this, both devices are connected to the POI site, specifically this thread and in the lower right corner of both devices, in "Online users" it has my screen name.
John from PA
I get it too. The only device that I log onto POI is my PC, and like the original poster of this thread sometimes I'm still logged in and sometimes I'm not. Not a big deal, in fact a couple of other websites that I visit do that as well, even though on some of them I click on the "Stay Logged In" feature.
True, “not a big deal…”
Not a big deal, in fact a couple of other websites that I visit do that as well, even though on some of them I click on the "Stay Logged In" feature.
…but, an annoyance, especially for a site where there isn’t any need for stringent security. For all I know maybe it isn’t this site, it may be a behavior of my Norton AV when it sees a URRL with http as opposed to https. It doesn’t do it every time nor is it unique to any given machine or OS.
John from PA
I may have found the cause...
A few weeks back I noticed that my user name "John from PA" appears as expected at the top right of my screen, but my user name may or may not appear at the bottom right in the Online users listing. If I refresh my screen, then my user name appears at both locations.
I'm suspicious that when I log on and do not see my user name in the Online users section, then I'm simply seeing a cached version of the web page content. When I click refresh, or add content to a topic, I'm reconnected to the POI Factory server as indicated by the addition of my user name in the Online users section.
I might go several days without hitting the refresh button or adding content.
John from PA
In my almost 15 years here, whenever I come into the Factory, which is at least once a day, I have never not seen my user-name listed under Online users. Wonder what the difference is between us.
"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."
caching is perplexing to me
I'm suspicious that when I log on and do not see my user name in the Online users section, then I'm simply seeing a cached version of the web page content.
My impression is that the question whether you see a fresh version or an old version combines aspects of how the webpage is coded with aspects of your particular browser. In any case I am often perplexed.
personal GPS user since 1992
Perhaps our browser
In my almost 15 years here, whenever I come into the Factory, which is at least once a day, I have never not seen my user-name listed under Online users. Wonder what the difference is between us.
I saw your response earlier this AM, and I had refreshed the page to see my user name in both locations. Now, about three hours later when I logged in, the user name was not in "Online users" until I opened this thread. Once my name appears in Online users, I can exit the site (not logging off) and go back in 10 to 15 minutes later and I'm still listed.
I suspect it may be the browser behavior. I use Chrome on Windows 10, but also go to POI Factory using a fully up to date iPad and experience the same behavior. It's a stretch, but perhaps browser behavior due to this site not connecting to an HTTPS server.
On a side note, while looking for a way to automatically refresh on log in with a browser, I find that most of the popular browsers will not accomplish an automatic refresh without some extension; for instance Easy Auto Refresh for Chrome (which I haven't tried).
John from PA
Cookies, Cookies, Cookies
Every site I login to uses a cookie(s) to to store my login status.
I can login and then leave most sites and if I Come back later, I'm still logged in.
There are exceptions though. Sirius/XM is different. If I just close the window and then just open another one, I can just click the icon in bookmarks and I'm still logged in. But, if I go to another website (in the Siruis/XM window), I have to login again when I go back.
WikiTree keeps me logged in, Ancestry keeps me logged in and FamilyTree will keep me logged in for 2 weeks - if that option is selected.
Some sites will log you out if there is no activity for a certain amount of time. Bank, Credit Card and medical sites will log you out if you leave the site.
To prove that cookies store your login status, just login to a site and then go to settings and delete all your cookies. This may also delete custom settings such as the volume setting. Go to another website and then go back to where you logged in at. 99.99999% sure that you have to log back in.
BTW, I think that POI Factory will log you out if you are inactive for a set time.
Cookies can do all kinds of things. Ever wonder why ads for a site you viewed lately seem to pop up whe you visit news sites? Yep, they read your cookies to see what you've been looking at.
Cookies can also block you from accessing certsin pages. I'll be posting about my experiences at Bank of America later on for other POI file maintainers.
I use Chrome for a browser, but I think they all work the same.
Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA
You can seek out and delete individual cookies in Chrome
Every site I login to uses a cookie(s) to to store my login status.
I can login and then leave most sites and if I Come back later, I'm still logged in.
I use Chrome for a browser, but I think they all work the same.
The following steps, if you use Chrome, will let you see the cookies stored on your PC. I find this useful in that I can sort by various methods, one of which is size. You can also use a utility, one good one (free) is from Nirsoft; see https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/chrome_cache_view.html
Google Chrome
Click the 'three dots/parallel bars' menu button and choose the 'Settings' option. Scroll down to the 'Privacy and security' section, then click on 'Cookies and other site data'.
To view the cookies on your computer, select 'See all cookies and site data'. You will be shown a list of all websites which have stored cookies on your computer. Selecting a website allows you to see the cookies, and selecting a cookie shows you the data stored in it.
John from PA
I visit fb a few times a
I visit fb a few times a month. The visits are done in an private/incognito session on a secondary browser. Only on the rare occasion will I get any targeted ads. The next best thing is to visit fb in a vm. That should really isolate things.