Latest Maps and 660 -- Garmin Support contacted.....


I've posted a couple times about our Nuvi 660 not working correctly with latest few maps.... Here is an update....

History... Last few updates have not installed correctly... Instead of asking for a Quadrant of NA to be selected, It loaded entire NA onto SD card, that exceeds size of what 660 can read (even with corrected names applied)... so map would not load...

Latest Map 2023.20 overcomes this issuse....

However, there is a second issue.... Once the quadrant of NA is selected and loaded.... Road Names are Truncated.... As described in other posts...

No Setting in 660 will change this....
HOWEVER..... Switching from Map on SD card (2023.20) to last map left internal to 660 (2013.30) and street names are then not truncated!! and display properly!! So it is following the MAP Files!

So this morning, Armed with this info, I approached Garmin Chat....

After the Comments about "too old" No repair, etc.... I finally got fellow to understand I don't want repair, I'm reporting a BUG!

I took screen shots of 660 with both versions, one showing proper street names (2013.30) and one showing Truncated street names (2023.20)....
After he could not find the pictures in secure upload area of their site, that reported as successful on my end.... He created an email with Support ID an emaild that to me, which I replied with the two pictures, showing Truncated street names on 2023.20 and correctly supplied street names on 2013.30.....

After seeing them, and after realizing I'm reporting something out of the ordinary (BUG), He has created a trouble ticket on this issue....

PSC-307521 << Ref: 22509150K0 >>

Ive been told they will reply to me on this directly....
I'd post the two pictures here if I could....

PS... 2023.20 on our 2x 2689LMT's works corectly

PPS: I believe that latest couple Maps do not display properly on small screens of 660, but it's a WAG (Wild Ass Guess)!!!!

Time will tell!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Nuvi 660 issues.

JanJ, I applaud and admire you for your tenacity and taking the time and effort to contact Garmin support to try to resolve this problem with your nuvi 660. I hope you will be successful.

That said, IMO there is no denying that a nuvi 660 is well beyond its expected useful life. I have the same situation with my two oldest Garmins ... a nuvi 755T and a nuvi 855, both with lifetime map subscriptions. I enjoy trying to keep them updated with each map update, more for the challenge rather than an actual need to use these units. And thanks to member Baumback I was successful on this last map update. But it is inevitable that sooner or later the map updates will no longer be viable for them. I am actually amazed that these old Garmins still work and are updatable at all! I wish my computers and other electronics were that long lived!

Anyway, I will be interested to hear how your case with Garmin support turns out. Please keep us posted.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

I agree totally Alan.... Our

I agree totally Alan.... Our 2 2689LMT's are the go-to GPS's...

I keep the 660 Updated with Maps and POI's for it's the one we take on vacation for car rentals...

If it gets swiped or luggage lost, they won't get anything... as it has the password that if entered incorrectly, GPS becomes a potted plant... That's the one feature of the 660 that isn't in the 2689LMT!

As you say, it is a challenge. I'd be happy to send anyone pics of the truncated Road Names looks like...

It took 15 min to explain during the chat that I'm not trying to get them to accept it for Repairing, I was just alerting them to the fact that the issue is following a map update... (I didn't try and explain how last couple map updates didn't give option for partial Maps.... as they must have known that, as they fixed that part in 2023.20! Occurred on same version GE ( that this map: does give the option for partial maps...).

I agree totally.... 660 is beyond it's useful life, but as long as it still works, I'm gonna keep updating it with Maps and POI's... With latest maps it would be a nice gift for the UN-initiated!

I'll post whatever they reply with.... They confirmed my email address, so I wait.....


A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Update on this

Update on this issue:

They never contacted me, so I Contacted Garmin... via Chat this morning...

They Admit the problem exists, but say:

"The issue will not be resolved, but we can offer the customer the customer loyalty program for USA and Canada customers."

(There is more of the post, regarding how I could buy another through them, but I did not post that part)... Seeing I have 2x 2689LMT's, I'm not taking them up on it...


PS: Because they did fix the Map quadrant part of the problem with a subsequent map update....... I'm not throwing in the towel yet....
They may inadvertently fix this issue in the next map update.... without knowing it! smile!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


JanJ wrote:

Update on this issue:

....... I'm not throwing in the towel yet....
They may inadvertently fix this issue in the next map update.... without knowing it! smile!

I like your positive thinking JanJ! Good for you, and who knows, maybe it will happen!

But just in case it doesn't ... if it is time to say "good bye" to your old reliable friend, it has served you very well.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


I called Garmin about updating my old 660, they told me to forget it.


"PPS: I believe that latest couple Maps do not display properly on small screens of 660, but it's a WAG (Wild Ass Guess)!!!!"
Never heard of WAG before, but I love it! razz


mr55 wrote:

"PPS: I believe that latest couple Maps do not display properly on small screens of 660, but it's a WAG (Wild Ass Guess)!!!!"
Never heard of WAG before, but I love it! razz

There are also SWAGs, scientific WAGs.


I first heard about WAG at a Baseball TV Remote in the late 1960’s. The microwave link had died, and I accompanied the Network Troubleshooter to the roof of stadium to examine it.
It stopped oscillating. He hit a specific area of transmitter and it came to life! We stayed on roof for the whole game…..
On way down, I asked him how he knew to do that?
“It was a WAG!” Huh?
“Wild Ass Guess”

Fast forward to 2015… My last day of employment before retirement from a different TV Network.
Camera died. I, and Chief Engineer arrive at studio at same time….He knows I know this camera so he lets me go into studio first. Everyone is standing around, staring daggers at us!
I see problem, and at camera head and throw the switch that forces a reboot of camera head. Works!
As we both leave studio, and taping resumes he asks me how I knew what to do?

“WAG” was my answer.
Now You know: ‘the rest of the story’!
PS: yes! I did that show too! (among hundreds of others, and commercials, TV Pilots, couple Olympics, etc)!!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Nice to see your

Nice to see your effort.

Garmin has been great to customers in general. No joke a few years back my Garmin GPS III (from 1997!) popped up a message my backup battery has lost charge.

I called up Garmin as my Garmin GPS III was still registered on my on-line account over 2 decades after my warranty expired. I wanted to check pricing for part though I was likely to buy a cheap replace online anyway. In my complete shock the Garmin Support guy actually offered to replace it no charge / no shipping costs ? He said I was a very good Garmin customer having bought over half a dozen GPSs over the decades.

So I sent it in and a few weeks later I got back a working just as brand new. I even remember it came back all shined up nice and glossy looking brand new. Just Amazing!!!

I used that GPS just last week on a quick weekend getaway. That old Garmin GPS III is still my favorite despite only having a 1996 1.03 Americas Land Data Basemap.

eTrex Touch 35, Nuvi 1350LMT, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 260, Garmin GPS III, Basecamp