hitting a new threshold for gasoline purchase


To date, I have never paid $4/gal yet. And will do so this week.

The price rapidly escalated as I filled up last Thu. when regular was $3.459. The next day it was $3.729, by yesterday $3.92.

Why much of this is artificial.

When regular was $3.729, premium was $3.829. 10 cent delta.

When regular was in the low 2's, premium was routinely 30-60 cents more per gal.

It would appear that at some threshold, premium goes back to being elastic. Less so with the advent of so many turbocharged engines today.

One thing that shows our resiliency, is that there is no price that would compel us to carpool lol

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Gasoline prices

Up here in Ontario and the rest of Canada is a joke.Ontario today is around $7.80 per 4 liters which is very close to a US gallon.Just coming out of Covid and the price of everything is out of sight so how can you help the economy if you can't afford it.I hate to think how many stores will close now due to outrageous prices.


$4 a gallon gas

I was pretty shocked the first time I encountered $4 per gallon gas while visiting a relatively remote area of California a few years ago. That was twice what it would have been at home at that time. They're probably rivaling those Canadian prices now out there.

The price is now over $4 a gallon where I live too. We're about to take our first overnight road trip since Covid started, probably putting 3000+ miles on the car. It will add expense of course, but it's not a dealbreaker in terms of the overall cost of what we're doing. I'm more worried about getting stuck away from home in some national emergency. We don't have flexibility in dates of travel.

"141 could draw faster than he, but Irving was looking for 143..."

My wife and I did a big circle out west in the fall of 2014

The gas is Washington, Oregon, and California was about a dollar more a gallon than it was in Cincinnati. I thought that was expensive, but then we went to Death Valley. Regular in Furnace Creek was $5.62 a gallon if I remember correctly. That was an eye opener. (Of course, they have a captive audience, so to speak.)
But, I have a feeling that if we don't start using our own resources, we are going to see prices north of $5.00, maybe $6.00 a gallon. Green energy is nice but we are not going to get there overnight and we may never get to the point where we are totally green. (Thinking back to Texas a couple of years ago where an ice storm shut down all of the windfarms. No windmills turning, no power.) Even Elon Musk is saying that we need to produce our own gasoline.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

And don’t

Even talk about electric cars.
Since electric cars use thousands of less parts tens of thousands people working making parts and on the assembly line will be out if work. Also an electric motor has only about 7 parts. Since there are no tune-ups, oil changes or other regular maintenance is tequired hundreds of thousands of service industry workers will be out of work.

Remember 1974 and the 55Mph speed limit?
That is when your car has the best fuel mileage.

Additionally with a combustion engine your range is probably 500-600 miles. NO way with an electric car where you have to stop and recharge at around 200-250 miles. Thats even less in winter conditions where you need to run a heater, windshield defroster etc. Each time you roll a window down and up uses about 3 miles of driving distance.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.


If you have an electric vehicle it will to be taxed like a gas car to maintain the roads. Nothing is free in life.

And don't forget,

And don't forget, electricity does not come out of thin air. It has to be produced. Green production is not enough to sustain demand, so coal, nuclear and other methods are used.

Hopeful more mindful people get elected in the next election.

Could Hit $5 /Gal Soon!

johnnatash4 wrote:

To date, I have never paid $4/gal yet. And will do so this week.

The price rapidly escalated as I filled up last Thu. when regular was $3.459. The next day it was $3.729, by yesterday $3.92.

Why much of this is artificial.

When regular was $3.729, premium was $3.829. 10 cent delta.

When regular was in the low 2's, premium was routinely 30-60 cents more per gal.

It would appear that at some threshold, premium goes back to being elastic. Less so with the advent of so many turbocharged engines today.

One thing that shows our resiliency, is that there is no price that would compel us to carpool lol

$5 per gallon is in sight after the Russian oil import ban is announced later today:


road tax

TnPapa wrote:

If you have an electric vehicle it will to be taxed like a gas car to maintain the roads. Nothing is free in life.

That is a good point - I wonder when that will come, I haven't seen any talk about road tax being added to electric vehicle charging rates (a lot of stations around me are still offering free charging).

$70 was my new highest about

$70 (15 gallon) was my new highest about 10 days ago.Nothing is under $5 now.

In about a week I'd have to spend around $80 for a full tank (about 15 gallon). If the price hits $6 or $7 per gallon, I need $100+ to refuel.

Price of food/grocery will go up as a result of this. When gas price goes back down, price of everything else remains where they are.


Funny how gas stations raise gas two or three time in a week but only get one delivery of gas. Government should put a freeze on gas prices and let the refineries absorb some of the higher cost and cut back on their profits.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Artificial supply and

Artificial supply and demand. Every year the USA produces enough oil for ourselves and even more to sell for a profit to other countries. The government should of just finished the pipeline from Alaska and used our own oil. The USA should not be dependent on foreign oil.

totally agree

john9871 wrote:

Artificial supply and demand. Every year the USA produces enough oil for ourselves and even more to sell for a profit to other countries. The government should of just finished the pipeline from Alaska and used our own oil. The USA should not be dependent on foreign oil.

I remember years ago there was a gas tax hike. I was a business student and remember observing that regular unleaded went up by about the amount of the tax. Premium went up much less. I had concluded that the retailer was able to pass on the full amount of the tax to the consumer, with regular. But not with premium. Because of the elasticity of demand with premium, a fancy way to explain the artificial nature of the pricing.

This has changed over the years due to more and more cars being designed around higher octane especially those tiny 4 cyl that put out 280+ HP.

Tanked up on the way home

Tanked up on the way home from a meeting and the next morning drove by the station and the new price was 30 cents higher.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Fuel Tax for Electric Vehicles

zoommypoi wrote:
TnPapa wrote:

If you have an electric vehicle it will to be taxed like a gas car to maintain the roads. Nothing is free in life.

That is a good point - I wonder when that will come, I haven't seen any talk about road tax being added to electric vehicle charging rates (a lot of stations around me are still offering free charging).

After a quick search I can't find it, and my memory is a bit fuzzy on it, but I remember seeing some legislation in PA regarding exactly that. Recouping lost fuel taxes from electric vehicles.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .


johnm405 wrote:

Funny how gas stations raise gas two or three time in a week but only get one delivery of gas. Government should put a freeze on gas prices and let the refineries absorb some of the higher cost and cut back on their profits.

I say this all the time. When the price of oil goes up, gas prices go up within minutes on gasoline they already paid for in the ground, yet when the price of a barrel goes down the price at the pump takes weeks to drop as well.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .

Price hikes

A lot of gas stations MUST pay for the gasoline and diesel when it's delivered - not later.

If they don't have a lot of cash on hand and the price is shooting up quickly, then how do you think they will get the cash?

Sure, they can keep the price lower, but when they run out they won't be able to to pay for it.

Local gas stations can't buy gas on the "Spot Market" like Sams Club, Costco and other larger chains. Sams Club and others can afford to buy the fuel now, in large quantities (getting a discount), and have it delivered when needed. This is how they can afford to sell it at a lower price.

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

IIRC Oregon is working on it

soberbyker wrote:
zoommypoi wrote:
TnPapa wrote:

If you have an electric vehicle it will to be taxed like a gas car to maintain the roads. Nothing is free in life.

That is a good point - I wonder when that will come, I haven't seen any talk about road tax being added to electric vehicle charging rates (a lot of stations around me are still offering free charging).

After a quick search I can't find it, and my memory is a bit fuzzy on it, but I remember seeing some legislation in PA regarding exactly that. Recouping lost fuel taxes from electric vehicles.

IIRC Oregon is working on it and it is discussed here in the Colorado legislature.

19 states charge a Fee

TnPapa wrote:

If you have an electric vehicle it will to be taxed like a gas car to maintain the roads. Nothing is free in life.

19 states currently charge a "Fee" (read tax) for electric vehicles. I'm assuming that you pay the fee when you renew your license plates.

I'm sure that other states will jump onboard as well. They have to make up for the lost Road Tax on gasoline and diesel.

See: https://www.myev.com/research/interesting-finds/states-that-...

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

Gas Prices

I agree with Soberbiker. We won't see gas go down as fast as it went up.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T


Filled up at local Costco 3.96

Two Vehicles

Topped of both vehicles yesterday
One was $13.00 for 3 gals
Other was $20.00 for 4.5 gals

johnm405 660 & MSS&T


Diesel is up a dollar a gallon since Thursday.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Funny weekend

As it happens, I plan to drive a Prius from Albuquerque to Colorado Springs this weekend and trade it for a Tesla Y. I had hoped to take delivery in the center Tesla opened just north of Santa Fe last September, where we took our test drive, but apparently the Tesla lawyers have not yet figured out how to use their Indian reservation loophole to get past the delivery aspect of the New Mexico dealer monopoly protection law.

So the Prius will get a drink of really expensive gasoline at the very end of my ownership.

In what fantasy world did someone claim that a Tesla loses three miles of range when you open and close the window? To get a taste of what long-distance travel in mine would really be like, I submitted a few really long trips both to Tesla online trip planner and to abetterrouteplanner.com. While the details vary, a good general picture is a stop at a Supercharger about once every 125 miles, typically for 15 minutes. People who like to drive through an entire tank on a long-range gasoline car may find that hopeless. People who think they should stop every hour or two to change drivers and stretch their legs may not find it too terrible. In real life, I don't expect to take so long a trip as my return from Colorado Springs any month soon, so I'll just hook it up in my garage.

personal GPS user since 1992

Chevy's Electric Pickup

Chevrolet couldn't have picked a better time to announce their new all electric Silverado.


Reservations are being taken now for delivery by Summer 2024. MSRP starts at $40K with an advertised range of 400 miles. I'll bet they sell out fast!

Bad idea

You know these electric cars won't fly yet. I know all governments want you to use clean energy and all that. But these clowns don't think this stuff through. Remember when paper bags were bad for the environment, we went to plastic. Now some years later they tell us that paper is better and now we in Canada are back to paper bags. Bran Muffins were a craze and it was so so healthy and then they said nope too much fat. So back to electric cars. You might not know but if everyone would buy electric cars which btw up here they want to get rid of natural gas heating also and do electric the government would have to build another 23 hydro electric dams to give us enough juice for all of that in British Columbia alone. Where would that money come from? Lets not even start to talk about those big trucks, although they might be able to charge their batteries while driving at 60mph. Any of those driving down the road yet? I'm not buying into it. Besides i like the rumble under my butt.

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

What ??

LMChu wrote:

Filled up at local Costco 3.96

A lawnmower???

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

It will probably cost $6 to

It will probably cost $6 to fill up my lawn mower by spring at currently rate of rising fuel prices. Gah... I remember when filling up 5 gals of premium was under $10 for the bike!@#

1965 Miami FL

zx1100e1 wrote:

It will probably cost $6 to fill up my lawn mower by spring at currently rate of rising fuel prices. Gah... I remember when filling up 5 gals of premium was under $10 for the bike!@#

I remember a "Gas War" in Miami, FL when Premium was 25¢ a gallon at the Kayo gas station on the corner of 7th Ave. & 119th St. That was 1965.

I could cruise around all night on $1.00!

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

Age Telling

Back in the 50's it was .15 cents a gallon. Had a 48 Cad I could fill up on $3.00 and got S&H Green stamps also or a drinking glass

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Now Taco Bell is the only

Now Taco Bell is the only place where you can get gas for $1.50


metricman wrote:

A lot of gas stations MUST pay for the gasoline and diesel when it's delivered - not later.

If they don't have a lot of cash on hand and the price is shooting up quickly, then how do you think they will get the cash?

Sure, they can keep the price lower, but when they run out they won't be able to to pay for it.

Local gas stations can't buy gas on the "Spot Market" like Sams Club, Costco and other larger chains. Sams Club and others can afford to buy the fuel now, in large quantities (getting a discount), and have it delivered when needed. This is how they can afford to sell it at a lower price.

I could buy that argument IF (yup, BIG IF) it worked on the way down too. More correctly, if you sell stuff (not services) you make money from your inventory. If you can't afford an inventory (money or leverage) you aren't in business.

The State of Ohio

Does not offer tax incentives for EV vehicles and they charge an extra $200.00 on license plate fees for total EV’s and plug-in hybrid vehicles. They charge an extra $100.00 plate fees on gasoline only hybrid vehicles. So, they are recouping some of the money that they are losing in gas tax revenue.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

there have been

There have been plans and/or discussions in several states of discarding the fuel tax entirely and going to a plan that taxes based on the number of miles a vehicle travels. This would be based on the odometer difference at the time of registration. That means a state would collect revenue for the total milage whether or not all travel was within the state. If each state does this, the effect is evened out as a vehicle from one state traveling in other states would pay fees to its licensed state. If the feds kicked in a percentage they could also eliminate the federal tax as well.

Illiterate? Write for free help.


Box Car wrote:

There have been plans and/or discussions in several states of discarding the fuel tax entirely and going to a plan that taxes based on the number of miles a vehicle travels. This would be based on the odometer difference at the time of registration. That means a state would collect revenue for the total milage whether or not all travel was within the state. If each state does this, the effect is evened out as a vehicle from one state traveling in other states would pay fees to its licensed state. If the feds kicked in a percentage they could also eliminate the federal tax as well.

This has been discussed in the legislature several times in my home state over the years. The main objection seems to be the resulting unfair tax distribution as well as the state to state issue you mention. Many will save at the expense of a few, similar to property taxes supporting schools. Wording legislation that is fair to all is the sticking point.

For example, I'm retired and drive far less than say delivery service workers, those who commute, taxi drivers, etc. I still get the benefit of the services they provide but don't contribute to their tax burden. This of course will lead to price increases for goods & services which may cause more inequities as well as gouging.

The "pay as you go" concept is a sound one but as usual, the devil is in the details.

Cheapest place near me right now

...is $5.25 for the low grade and paying with cash. Highest near me is $6.39 for premium paying with credit card. Needless to say I haven't been doing a lot of driving lately unless I need to.

Make energy great again!

Make energy great again!


Yes! Both kinds

an94 wrote:

Make energy great again!

Yes! Both kinds, kinetic and potential!

Governor, top lawmakers agree to pause Maryland gas tax 30 days

Governor, top lawmakers agree to pause Maryland gas tax 30 days amid surging fuel prices (https://www.baltimoresun.com/politics/bs-md-pol-gas-tax-2022...). We'll see if it actually happens.

Washington Quote

Hi there,

Your sig line says "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible. ----George Washington"

Washington never said that. The web site for his estate specifically says this is a mis-attribution.

Incorrect information detracts from your credibility.

And yes, Mario Andretti really did say "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough - Mario Andretti

Statistically Insignificant

baumback wrote:

Governor, top lawmakers agree to pause Maryland gas tax 30 days amid surging fuel prices (https://www.baltimoresun.com/politics/bs-md-pol-gas-tax-2022...). We'll see if it actually happens.

The governor of PA. is proposing the same thing. The sad thing is, the few cents per gal. tax reduction will disappear in a single day at the rate gas prices are increasing.

It's a step in the right direction though, even if the benefit is relatively insignificant.

another one

mrbiker wrote:

Hi there,

Your sig line says "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible. ----George Washington"

Washington never said that. The web site for his estate specifically says this is a mis-attribution.

Incorrect information detracts from your credibility.

And yes, Mario Andretti really did say "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

"I am not here to solve the world's problems, and make everyone happy. I am not coffee." -unknown

I found that quote when I first signed on to the Factory

mrbiker wrote:

Hi there,

Your sig line says "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible. ----George Washington"

Washington never said that. The web site for his estate specifically says this is a mis-attribution.

Incorrect information detracts from your credibility.

And yes, Mario Andretti really did say "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

That was over 12 years ago and you are the first person who caught that it was false. Good job! I don’t want to ever quote something that is untrue, so it has been removed. Thanks for catching that.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

gas prices

Gas is over $4 in my neighborhood. I know the government is pushing towards eclectic cars but unless the prices come down, may will not be able to afford them. Also, electric prices have been going up and if more electricity is being used that will be a problem.

how about

maddog67 wrote:
mrbiker wrote:

Hi there,

Your sig line says "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible. ----George Washington"

Washington never said that. The web site for his estate specifically says this is a mis-attribution.

Incorrect information detracts from your credibility.

And yes, Mario Andretti really did say "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

That was over 12 years ago and you are the first person who caught that it was false. Good job! I don’t want to ever quote something that is untrue, so it has been removed. Thanks for catching that.

"Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

That is not, and has not, ever been, the motto of the US Postal Service. They don't even have a motto.

It was made up by an architect at McKim, Mead, & White, figuring it would look good on the buildings in NYC and DC.

At least where I live, snow means mail delivery is canceled. Oddly as well, sometimes our mail comes at 19:00 EST or later. I would hope that's not overtime.


these people cutting back on oil production because of the environment and climate change now possibly realize were using the same amount of oil but now others are selling it to us ! what were they thinking we were going to get rid of our cars and trucks that used this fuel ! we wouldn't be in this spot if they thought this out first , electric cars need electricity how are we going to produce this extra electricity we dont have enough water now for our dams, coal nuclear oil solar power all of these produce pollution of some sort ! our choices bit us in the ass again yes we have to get away from fossil fuel but slowly not crash bang !! remember we still have gas ovens gas water heaters, gas dryers gas stoves lawn mowers chain saws bar bq's and all kinds of things that run off of fossil fuel of some sort !!!


johnnatash4 wrote:
maddog67 wrote:
mrbiker wrote:

"Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

That is not, and has not, ever been, the motto of the US Postal Service. They don't even have a motto.

It was made up by an architect at McKim, Mead, & White, figuring it would look good on the buildings in NYC and DC.

This is true about the Post Office motto but the phrase was actually created by the Greek historian Herodotus 2500 years ago:


It's messed up when I think

It's messed up when I think I scored a great deal today, gas at $4.359, the average around here is $4.459 to $4.559 now and still climbing each day or two.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .

Gas theft

With the rising price of gas, the theft of gas from cars parked outside is rising.

If you're thinking of buying a locking gas cap, then you best buy it now before there is a shortage of those items.

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

They just had a segment

They just had a segment about this on the news. Siphoning fuel is old school they said. Newer cars have a mechanism in place to prevent fuel flow should the car end up flipped over.

Anyways, they said thieves are stealing fuel by puncturing the fuel tank. Locking gas cap won't do much good in this case.


Locking gas caps only slows down your more honest crooks.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T
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